Active Weapon Timer - can't refit while active?

I was running a mission, in a Passive tank fit Drake, and brought with me a
Mobile Depot to refit for DPS while doing the Pve site…

I was unable to refit because of the Active Weapon Timer…
So I stopped firing… recalled my drones… and the timer did not stop…

How do you stop it from running???
How are we supposed to use the mobile depot if we can’t use it???

I use it for refitting Drones, and that I know it works, in Gila - Ashimmu mission…
But if it would prevent me from refitting my modules also, I would be dead!!

I also had an acrtive Command module on my Drake…
other than that, I really don’t understand what has upset the weapon timer…

Why are you not fitting for active tank and dps? If you have a weapons timer, you Are activating the burst.

Non capsuleer log off timer is not same as weapons timer

Nowadays you’ll have to wait for your weapons timer to disappear and then you can refit. As long as you don’t use any offensive modules, it’ll keep ticking down.

Imo there should be no reason to use a burst in pve.

It’s just simple that the active command burst modules cause weapon timers regardless if it buffed other than you or not.
Turn your command bursts off and wait for 60 seconds after the cycle ends.

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