Secular methods do not exist.
Other people want to eliminate it altogether. I’m trying to find a third way.
How do you know? Why can’t humanity unite under a humanitarian and secular agenda?
There is no third way. The universe is either godless, or it is not. We believe the latter.
You don’t really understand the concept of faith, do you?
I … think he means for the Amarr, Ms. Ambrye. And, it’s true, the Amarrian faith is pretty pervasive, here.
Secularism means leaving God out of it. For the Amarr, that’s really and seriously not an option-- their whole project of uniting humanity only exists because they believe God tasked them with it.
It’s sort of, “Sacred Duty #1.”
I have an understanding that may not coincide with yours. I’ve asked numerous people who claimed to have an understanding of faith, but they never provided me with a working definition that I could use or try to understand.
What is your definition of faith?
I believe I understand. It will make it more difficult, but maybe not impossible to figure something out.
Going to step in here uninvited, sorry.
“Treating God as a reality, without proof.”
Well that’s something to uphold and support, isn’t it?
I did answer you when you asked the question earlier.
If I missed it then I apologize. I don’t recall it, but I’ll search the thread and find it.
Who claimed the Lord was appealing? God commands and we obey. If we fail we are punished. If we succeed we are welcomed into His embrace.
I had someone tell me that the Amarr have evidence of God. Does evidence weaken faith or make it stronger?
Whatever the case, you can begin to see why it is so difficult to argue that the Empire should just simply drop slavery when we have millenniums-worth of Scripture commanding and justifying it. There are also plenty of Scriptures commanding mercy and justice, however, and if we recognize those passages and the current state of slavery together, we can reconcile our faith and pursue a more benevolent path.
Conquest and slavery served its purpose in the Empire’s past. It may yet again, but that time is not now. We lost our way when it came to slavery, and made enemies of peoples who should have been our wards. These are the ideas that motivate me, at least.
This poses the interesting question wether it is about the quality of work ability or the quantity of work ability.
i bet it is some self fulfilling prove faith cycle.
Many people have overly simplistic views of Amarr faith due to their unfamiliarity with it.
They assume it is as simple as the cults that they are familiar with, where someone claims to have had a revelation, sometimes while under the influence of substances, and scribbles down some writings and calls it ‘scripture’.
It is of course nothing like that at all.
The Imperial Orthodoxy is, and this is important, an institution whose core teachings have existed for more than 6000 years. And whose more recent teachings encompass two thousand years of being a multi-stellar civilisation.
Everything in the Scriptures that is written about the proper way for people to conduct themselves, is based on those thousands of years of sometimes bitter experience. Every piece of Scripture has been thoroughly tested and evaluated before becoming canon.
This is in complete contrast to what happens when a Gallente moon priest snorts some crash and declares that transparent corset-dresses that are longer than the knee are blasphemous.
In say, the Federation, every individual has next to nothing to guide them on what the correct moral course of action might be. They have to work everything out from first principles, maybe with a few thoughts of a few philosophers to provide a start. And so, the Gallente continually and perpetually reinvent the moral wheel again and again and again, with the same destructive behaviours springing up over and over, and being reacted to over and over again, in a never-ending cycle.
Whereas, in Amarr, every individual has the Scriptures to provide guidance, which allows progress to be made, as people are not forever starting over from the basics.
The Jovians rose and fell. The Takmahl rose and fell. Sansha’s Nation rose and fell. And several others.
And yet, Amarr endures, guided by the Scriptures. The Guiding Light in the Darkness.
In fairness, ma’am, the Jove seem to have risen way before the Amarr (if they ever really fell, even, since all of our pre-history) and only fell … basically yesterday.
Sadly they didn’t let us see much of who they were, other than, “really weird.”
I wouldn’t exactly consider being deadlocked to six thousand year old barbarism a benefit either. It’s what keeps this barbaric empire on the arse end of societal progress.
Taking a moment to completely and unreservedly agree with you here. The precondition for a negotiated solution is the ability to hold your side of the agreement.
The Empire really most find a way to punish those who break the existing agreements and stop the breaches, if they want to be taken seriously at the negotiating table.
Not going to happen while it’s endorsed and sponsored by their officials. Their last Empress quite literally had a transport full of children destroyed for the sin of being freed. There’s no negotiating with these barbarians.