Why would they? You’re curled at their feet, tying your own leash and collar and not even noticing.
But I can convince other Amarr that this would work, and you can as well. Many are heeding the signs given. It is only a matter of time.
Of course there is. The Reclaiming is not just about spreading the faith, but also uniting humanity in peace, love, enlightenment. It is meant to create a living heaven from which God’s creation can be unified with God Himself, with all physical, intellectual and emotional needs met for as many people as possible.
Obviously we’re not there yet, but in the better parts of the Empire I’ve seen glimpses of this future. It can, and will be, reality.
Yes and no. The first passages referring to the Reclaiming does explicitly state conquest to be a valid method of conducting it. This is indeed what happened during the initial unification wars on Amarr Island, even between the faithful. Eventually Torsad won, and the Empire began. But:
There is truth to this, but it is not part of the problem; it is part of the solution. God has bestowed upon us many avenues to Reclaim humanity, and while each has their place, some are more or less appropriate for certain epochs and eras, or individual situations. The time of conquest and slavery has ended, but not everyone in the Empire has realized this yet. War is still upon us, but we now must fight to defeat the greatest evils found in the cluster, not to carry on the Reclaiming.
Heh. You can really be funny when you want to be.
Chains are no longer an option at all. As I said, some here have yet to realize it, but the voices calling for a resurrection of the Reclaiming from the Unchallenged Era of the Empire have been fading ever since Vak’Atioth and the Rebellion. We physically cannot carry it on any longer; we have too many other enemies and too old of a fleet to fight on for that purpose.
Look to House Kor-Azor for proof there are far more voices for peace than you seem to think there are. House Kador would also honor Heideran VII’s legacy, so there is another. House Tash-Murkon favors trade and peaceful foreign involvement, so there is a third. House Ardishapur have never been warriors, and would wish to honor our faith in whatever manner available to them, that being through speech and education, so there is a fourth that can be added. Only House Sarum staunchly advocates for what you describe, and they are wise enough to know when and how to fight so we may actually win. Which we won’t, if we do try.
Your fear and loathing of us is understandable, but ultimately unfounded and unwise. You have fought for what you have and won. We have already admitted that. Now we can find better ways to go forward, if only we are both willing to hear one another out.
Aria is not a dog.
But, if she were, she’d be one of those fluffy shepherd hounds with a calm demeanor and devoted loyalty to her flock.
You, on the other hand, are one of those pissed-off yappy things who seems to hate the world because it was made tiny and makes up for it by mauling ankles and being generally annoying.
So, basically, your “interesting” solution is that you believe there will never again be another military Reclaiming, and we should just believe the same too, because hey, why not?
Is “lol no” considered an acceptable response on the IGS these days?
That is not part of my ideas for solutions, but it is the basis that you cannot get past disputing. You keep arguing against the foundation for peace, and I am forced to counter your words without ever getting to present how I’d build upon that foundation.
I have offered much evidence to counter your argument. You have offered none to support yours.
I have lead this dune skink to water, but I cannot make her drink.
I have no trouble believing there are many Amarrians that believe like you do. That is what you have offered evidence of, and I do not contest that in the least bit. I do believe that at least the public face of the major Houses currently favors peace.
I just don’t think it is enough. You have said “it is just a question of time” until everyone thinks like this and a military Reclaiming becomes impossible, but I think you are overly optimistic about how likely peaceful voices are to win in the long term.
And you are completely skipping the part where you also have to convince the Republic about this. On our side, in the recent years, the war-favoring side has gained more momentum. Even if Shakor has proven a disappointment to all on that front, he is in power pretty much only because those voices won.
And even the voices here who favor peace often do so because peace now buys us an advantage in the war later.
Not to further stir this up, but isn’t that the exact reason why your people should be looking to us for inspiration rather than to destroy us? We had achieved arguably the longest period of peace prior to encountering your kin. Does it not serve your own scritpures goals to strive for enlightenment on achieving its stated goals by any means?
My complaint against your intention of annihilating my peoples’ culture and way of life is not your methods, no.
Well, then in that case, you can go to hell. But I won’t force you to go there unless you make me.
And I respect that. But for all the metaphors Aria likes to employ, that one truth keeps getting in the way: You do intend to annihilate my peoples’ culture and way of life however you can manage it.
Which means any offers of ‘peace’ is a lie, because you intend to continue your cultural warfare. Worse, your own preconditions for this discussion include ‘we don’t have to give up the Reclaiming’, meaning the second of six conditions you set for ‘discussing peace’ rejects peace.
Neither side has to give up anything unwillingly. It’s up to us to convince you our faith is the truth through word and deed now. It is also up to you to help convince us to give up slavery, also through word and deed.
I fail to see how this rejects peace.
So how many times have we revolved around this thread now, arriving back at the exact same place? I lost count somewhere around the second time Aldieboo’s wig got complimented. Either way, we’re right back at the start, where pretty much everyone but Aldieboo and Aria agrees that as things stand, peace is not an option and no, we’re not going to concede fuckall when the Empire is still racking up a staggering debt of blood and terror, holding our people in bondage.
The Empire can’t be trusted, we sure as hell shouldn’t be trusted, and there’s nothing to build trust upon. Just accept this and start moving towards the inevitable conclusion already. Warm up the autocannons.
Only if you make me, Mizzy. I’m still waiting.
Convincing us that the faith is the truth has the end result of cultural annihilation, while convincing you to end slavery simply does not. Cultural annihilation is not an acceptable condition for most people.
What ever makes you think I was talking to you?
Oh, sorry. Go right back to trying to rouse the rabble in my thread meant to encourage dialogue. I forgot this was actually your platform to advocate your own ideas.
Which are stupid, by the way.
No rabble to rouse I’m afraid. You’re pretty outnumbered here in your thread, partly by your own ball and chain. Funny how public discourse works, when you can’t echo chamber the crap out of it, isn’t it?
Oh, but it is an echo chamber, just one created by you and your foolish hate.
You want peace? Give up the Reclaiming. Not just by slavery, mind. Give up the notion of obliterating every other culture in the cluster and bringing everyone to worship your imaginary friend.
Except, you know, that’s a core cultural principle, isn’t it? And when words don’t convince people, bloodshed and slavery will always remain options for you. That’s not ‘peace’, Aldrith, that’s ‘a feint’. It’s strategic misdirection while prosecuting war.
That’s how it rejects peace. If you want peace, your core cultural principles need to change. Because until they do, you are committed to waging war on everyone who is not you.
Peace as in an end to armed conflict.
Not necessarily.
You’re being melodramatic.
I really don’t see it that way, but alright, your pot to stew in.
I find it funny that despite having opposing allegiances, we almost completely agree on this issue.