It is indeed a bleak prospect. Us humans, well, applying the Sturgeon’s Law here? We don’t want whats good for our people, we want to be RIGHT. We want to WIN. We aren’t rational beings, we are rationalising beings. We will sooner scratch at our scabs over and over again to remind ourselves of the daggers which had inflicted them than to let the wounds heal and move on.
So, the status quo will stand, and will likely stand until for several more generations. Especially so for both the Empire and the Republic, whose people tend to have long memories about these sort of things. For the Republic, we pass them on. For the Empire, well, your people can be ridiculously long-lived. Especially your Holders.
Instead of burying the hatchet, compromise and get rid of the things that had been the root of both our problems and then focus on cleaning up our own messes such as improving standard of living for all citizens, focus on all that is beautiful about our cultures and excise all that festering rot clogging up the gears of our societies, much of us will rather be brandishing that hatchet and ignore everything that we actually do have, things that we should cherish. We may even trample on all that is beautiful about our society and use them as more fuel for the flames that we fan. And when the flames leap about and consume everything else, we will keep on fanning them. The heat and the light of that flame mesmerise us so.
Every time I wake up and look at the state of our societies, and I am including the State, the Federation and every pirate organisation, even just glimpsing my own home planet, I recognise that no matter what lofty ideals we promote, what good ideas we have, our species will eventually betray these ideals and ideas and drag ourselves down. All because we just can’t ever let go of the things that hurt us whenever we clutch at them. Because we consider these things to be the most important things in our transient existence when, ultimately, they all do not actually matter in the end. After all, does causality even give a damn about the faeces we are throwing around? Do the stars care about our wars, our quarrels, all of it? No matter our quarrels, our hates, we are all the same as far as the supernovas that devour our worlds are concerned.
We will sooner be unhappy and miserable than to let go of that which is causing us unhappiness and misery, especially when those things had become the memes of our society.
We are all but marionettes twitching and retching about on the stage of an absurd cosmic tragicomedy and yet we hold onto our strings so dearly.