Indeed! Now the prototype is complete, it’s time to move to Series Production!
You have some catching up to do. I’m already on five.
Yeah, but the Caldari have historically started later than the Amarr and then ramped up to far more efficient, high-speed production. By the time you get to thirty, he’ll be around 200.
Slow and steady wins the race. Especially when genetic engineering is involved. Messing up on one genome for a large batch means thirty flesh-eating mutants. At least we’ll encounter our rare genetic rejects one at time and devote the proper inaccessible tower/cellar accommodations for them. He might get overwhelmed in the delivery room.
Eh, thirty flesh-eating mutants would be fine. He can just unleash them someplace horrible… like Jita.
If the Minmatar came to the aid of Providence that would probably be the greatest diplomatic move ever witnessed to bring both Empires to the end of their hostilities…not to mention a new found land and new born…Empire.
Why? The Empire itself makes no claim on Providence, and many of Pandemic Legion’s members hold to the Amarr faith.
Obviously the mentality of ‘purging the vile and unwanted’ still exists within the Amarr mindset…so to will the wars continue then.
I’m pretty sure the current invasion’s more about ‘hey, you guys look like someone we can push around, and everyone else is too tough for us without NCdot, Horde, GotG, and Mercenary Coalition to back us up these days’. Oh, and Hedliner having a hard-on for owning that space.
Heh, I was series six of my geneline, Aldrith. We’ve already run the numbers on Tuulinen/Kyiokkinen bloodline and we have Hayato as a proof of concept.
Also, although we batch 'em by the hundred, we decant them one at a time. For reasons. I’m only likely to get overwhelmed when they hit college age.
Have to make sure the alcohol content is right.
Caldari have strange customs.
Anyway the problem remains. There has been no further progress on resolving the issue. Other than my own suggestions of scientific solutions. Which various persons have criticised without making any suggestions of their own. I can’t solve this problem on my own and frankly it is quite tiring having to do all the thinking for New Eden myself. It’s about time someone else put in a bit of effort for a change. I’m not your mother so I’m not going to clean up after you all the time. But then some people, some of them aren’t even Minmatar, some people would rather live like animals than lift a finger to clean up after themselves. So be it. Woe unto those who knock twice. It is Written.
And I’ll keep criticising, because you’re an idiot. But if you want a suggestion for how to ‘fix’ the ‘problem’…
Adjust your perceptions and accept the eventual omnipresence of MMTYCSASA[1]. Embrace your minority status. Recognize that we will be a benevolent majority. Understand that we’ll happily let everyone continue on with their own cultures and ways of life[2], uninterrupted. Open yourself up to the future, for it is the way[3].
- More Matari Than You Can Shake A Stick At
- Well, everyone else. Not you, specifically. You, we’ll prevent from continuing on with your way of life. Probably send you back to primary school for some basic education in critical thinking, or something, to try to cure you of your relentless idiocy.
- Not to be confused with The Way™. The MMTYCSASA Foundation™ makes no claims on Caldari Wayism™ (I dunno who it’s trademarked to, but it’s the Caldari, I’m sure it’s ™ and © somewhere). Also, 5 more posts to 1000.
I don’t know about that. I can shake a stick at quite a lot.
That’s not a euphemism before the usual suspects start that talk.
Why did I feel like you were looking at me then?
And there will be more than that.
Guilty conscience maybe ?
Edit for content:
Wow this is actually still going.
Didn’t we all recognise that there would have to be fundamental shifts to the nature of both involved parties, and in fact the cluster as a whole before peace is even on the table?
Nope, I checked. Must just be one of those stirrings I get when I see your posts I suppose.