(Actually) Interesting Ideas for Ending the Amarr-Minmatar Conflict

With all due respect, the war itself is a violent occurence and looking to solve it with non-violent incentive is… not the wisest course of action. The best way to solve the war - is to win it. If you can’t win, then lose with honor. But surrendering or coming to compromise with the enemy is not the course of action I’d pick for myself, I’d better die fighting with my weapons in hands and my honor intact.

And while you can fight - just do it. Burn them down, until they agree to Unconditional Surrender or will be rendered physically unable to keep the fight - then just enforce your rule over them.

For the faster you win - the faster the war will end.

They tried this before. It didn’t work well.


Which is why you keep fighting a war you’re not allowed to either win or lose?

With all due respect, Diana, maybe you’re not the best expert here on how to end hostilities?


Who said that?
Have you heard what I was telling about ending the war multiple times before? Nope, you haven’t.
Have you at least tried to search GalNet for what I was saying about it? No, you haven’t either.
Maybe you could come up with your own solutions how to win the war in current situation? At least one? Nope. You just say “it isn’t allowed”.

Well, thanks for your… akhem… estimation, but I’ll rely on the judgment of those, who actually have at least some MERIT to estimate my level of expertise. Not you. But just for you to know, I’ve graduated SWA and they did issue me a diploma with honours. Which, I guess, you didn’t know about either.

See you next time, when you decide to humiliate yourself even more.

Who said what? That you’re not allowed to win or lose the war between the State and the Federation?

And the Federation.
And the State.

Neither side is allowed to win. Neither side is allowed to lose.

And yet, you keep fighting it and keep acting like it can be won. Don’t get me wrong, Diana, you’re extremely proficient at individual ship piloting, and competent enough when it comes to unit combat, but… you’re fighting a war you can’t win or lose, and giving advice on how to win a war.

How would you know? When’s the last time you won a war? Not a battle, mind you. A war. When’s the last time you forced the Gallente Federation to cede their claims on the contested space you fight over?


The State didn’t say that.
And I don’t care what Federation or CONCORD says, and yet:

You said that. Not them.

Well, thank you, but I am fighting a war, that we can and that we WILL win. You still can’t see how?

10 June YC110 the State under glorious leadership of Tibus Heth forced Foiritan’s Federation to cede control over Caldari Prime, ending 200 years of tyranny and occupation of the Homeworld. I can bet that our descendants will name it the most excellent and successful military operation in the whole history of New Eden, an example of “Lightning War”.

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The State is one of the parties to the CEWPA declaration by CONCORD. That means they agreed to it, too. And that establishes that the warzones cannot be won or lost, because none of the empires will ever be required to reliquish their claims to them.

Except they haven’t ceded their claims to part of Caldari Prime, have they? They’ve recognized Caldari claims, but the planet’s Gallente population are still Federal citizens, with a claim on their homes.

EDIT: By the way, if you’re going to claim the State didn’t agree, and weren’t party to the CEWPA directive, then you’re saying that CONCORD and the Gallente Federation authorized Gallente military action in sovereign State territory without the State’s consent—that the State can’t stop CONCORD from authorizing invasions of the State. And, in fact, that the Amarr Empire also authorized (through their position on CONCORD’s ruling body) an invasion of the State without the State’s consent.

I don’t think you want to say that, do you?


with respect Strike Commander, with the TLF I have taken the Amarr/Matari warzone twice, the lack of willing Amarr combatants is what led me to Black Rise and subsequently the State Protectorate. Why, in the months of unopposed operations did I not spend any time drinking Amarrian ales on Amarr Prime if we had total control of the warzone and more than capable fleets sitting on the high sec borders of Amarr territory for months?


Well, Ms. Vess, I am not blaming you. It is a common idea among capsuleers, that they need “content” and ships to explode. But for me, primarily a soldier, of course, blowing ships is a requirement, but it is not a necessity to do my duty. When there are ships and you ‘explodify’ them, coming home with victory - this is good. But when there are no ships and you just hold the ground without the need to fight - this is also good.

Bad thing is only when there is an enemy fleet and you can’t counter that.

The main idea about physical domination and winning the war by force (without signing any treaties) is ability to hold the enemy in the iron fist. The moment you let them our - you reignite the war, and all your successes were for nothing.

The most efficient way of holding control over dominated enemies is a military dictatorship. And to hold it you need to apply military forces. When you don’t it all crumbles apart. Unfortunately, the need to maintain military dictatorship before you can shift to more civil-friendly form of the hierarchy will need to be maintained for a couple of generations. You can’t just win and jump away in hope it will stay in the condition as you left it. Trust me, it won’t.


Well, maybe its not an issue of total war (hence why we abruptly stopped at the borders of highsec instead of pressing to the throne worlds and all that comes of it), can you really say what essentially is a border dispute with strictly enforced boundaries (for example Dammalin, the highsec system directly connected to my corporations original home system Bosborger, has never been threatened even when the 24th IC held Bosborger) be considered as much of a threat to the State as a full scale invasion, total war? It still may be an “unwinnable war” or however others have portrayed it, maybe its more a matter of severity thats more questioned?


For me, it’s just a question of how much resources are you going to pour into it to win it.

Don’t forget, you are talking with Caldari. There is no such thing as “impossible” for us. There is only “how much are you going to pay for that”. You want to hold highsec system in enemy territory? Well, that’s easy, but that will cost you.


Ok, go on a date with a Gallentean.


None of which, of course, addresses the inaccuracy of your claim that the State never agreed to a perpetual ‘war’ with no way to win or lose.


But wait, I thought Diana wanted to ‘screw the Gallente’.


Thanks, but maybe in the other…
… life.

It varies from organisation to organisation, in my experience.

For example, when I was working with Pyre Falcon, we had absolutely no ability or interest in incarcerating prisoners of war. During our active periods in the warzone we had agreements to turn POWs over to various agencies, depending on how positive our corporation’s relationship to the other side was.

Some of those agreements were reciprocal, whereas others were unilateral - for example, we once turned over all Matari POWs to Ava Starfire’s tribe for her to sort out - however, when that agreement broke down there were periods when we turned them over to the Imperial authorities because, in the absence of any other agreement, we were sort of forced to give them over to our paymaster.


I used to have a prisoner exchange agreement with Starfire as well.


So, Aldrith, you never did say: how do you feel about Pieter’s proposal? That the officers (I’ll grant that the enlisted personnel might not have any idea what they’re doing, but it’s the job of the officers to know WTF) of ships that take part in illegal slaving operations, as well as the military and political apparatus that knowingly supports them, be arrested, tried, and (if convicted) executed for what you’ve already said are criminal acts under Imperial law?

As an addendum, how would you feel about extradition to allow them to stand for their crimes in the Republic (as that’s where those crimes are being committed)?


Punishments only for Captains, Admirals and the originators of the orders themselves.

Dishonorable discharges for those who follow illegal orders, enslavement as punishment for the originators of the orders, with execution being reserved for particularly egregious offenders. No extraditions; the Republic cannot be trusted to conduct fair trials or render just sentences. Holy Imperial law can and should be applied.

No need to make bloodbaths of these affairs.


Yes, Miss Kim, I am aware of your beliefs. Yet I am still sure you are not godless. You see, our Lord works in many ways. Anytime someone does something, it is by the Will of the Lord that they are allowed to do so. Because the Caldari State has been marked by the Lord to assist in defending the Empress, then anyone who defends the Caldari State is performing the work of the Lord.

I am Khanid, my family has been faithful to Amarr since the days of Athra. I know what I am talking about. I think that you will agree I have more authority to speak on the Amarr faith than you do. It is only those who deliberately attempt to bring harm to the Amarr Empire in their hearts of hearts who are the Godless ones.

God expresses himself in one’s life in many ways, not just in one’s professed beliefs. Although I think it would be great if you officially converted, this is not necessary. The Khanid were once reclaimed in exactly this way. Not all of us believed, but we believed in the Amarr people, and we fought for them. Eventually we came to see the glory of the Lord and his divine Will.