(Actually) Interesting Ideas for Ending the Amarr-Minmatar Conflict

Yes I forgot to add that part but I would hope they would be included.


With regards to the state, given it being much more likely the crew would be in the dark, I can see where your coming from. The Amarr I can not understand how they wouldnt see a bunch of slavers and hounds brought aboard and not know whats going on. They would be much more likely to know exactly what they were doing.


Have they been drawing pay while executing illegal orders?


Well, now, the concept of whether an order is legal or not is not couched in whether the order is pursuant to the shipā€™s captain directing the ship upon an unlawful act AND in the crewmemberā€™s understanding of the legality of that order.

If the crewmember can introduce reasonable doubt as to that knowledge it is very hard to prosecute them under State law, unless the act takes place outside of a plausible legal framework. Following the orders of your officers and NCOs is a VERY plausible legal framework. One would have to prove that the crewmember knew and understood the action to be illegal.

Those proofs would have to be accomplished by testimony from within the crew, evidence garnered from the shipā€™s information network and the position of said crewmember. A member of the bridge crew, for example, would find it much harder to assert they didnā€™t know the position of the ship or itā€™s actions. Someone who performs mess duties would be much harder to indict. Officers are required to understand the bigger picture of the shipā€™s activities.

Simply drawing Navy pay for performing Navy duties on a Navy ship wouldnā€™t be strong proof of profiting materially by an illegal act. Receiving regular bonuses tied to slave raids, directly tied to discussions of said raids on the shipā€™s information network would be ample proof.

If I were an Admiral and you brought that to me, Iā€™d be happy to start them off on the long drop.


Do Caldari ships have windows that the most junior crew can look out of ?

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In a Caldari Megacorp you probably have to earn rights to a windowā€¦


Again? Why the hell are we discussing demands towards Amarr when it were Minmatars who were the aggressors?

I am pretty sure Amarr Empire can deal with their criminals according to their laws and I wouldnā€™t be Caldari if I started to tell them how to arrange their affairs!

Also what I am sure itā€™s the Minmatar who shall bear consequence for the current conflict, it is Minmatar who must pay war reparation and change their way (or shall be rendered physically incapable of further aggression). Only this way and not another.

After the war will be finished and the Republic will be punished it will have meaning to discuss further problems.

That was an addition to my proposal which was based on a notion first brought up by Aldrith with regards to dealing with criminals recognized by both the Empire and the Republic. Nothing war mongering about itā€¦



I guess I just expect something bad from someone bad :woman_shrugging:
I am sorry, I should have fetched more information for the conclusion.

What is worse, I planned to make quite a nice long speech (and new topic), and nowā€¦ sort of, I donā€™t feel it will be the right time for this.

As for dealing with criminals (since I still should stay on topic), I despise anything criminal and support any initiative to weed out their numbers. Though my support will be quite minimal, because for me the priority is dealing with war targets, rather than playing cop. Different department, you knowā€¦

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Not a problem at all, weā€™ve all done it before.

When it comes to for lack of better words ā€œnonentitiesā€ to direct Amarr/Republic relations, namely Gallante and Caldari I donā€™t feel its right to hold them to the same standards/regulations as the two named parties. The others donā€™t have as much of the spotlight on them and less to prove to the main parties in this. For this particular idea the named parties should be the only ones to face stringant inspection, Empire AND the Republic equally.

I will say while I agree with the notion of different departments for different jobs, Atleast to me any threat is a warriors job to eliminate, they have the added duty of defense in war as well as maintaining homeā€™s defense from all threats.


One interesting point.

I undertook an anti slaving job for a Brutor Tribe agent fairly recently. Whilst doing so I had to engage & destroy both Caldari and Amarrian ships. Now what seems to have changed is I incurred no standings penalty from the State, but did get one from the Empire. Both sets of ships dropped Navy tags. Previously destroying Caldari ships under such circumstances resulted in a hit to my State standings. Possibly a mere oversight on some officialā€™s part but odd, nevertheless.

As a consequence of doing this sort of work I am currently KOS in the Empire and frowned at, but not shot at, in the State. This was the case long before any of the militias existed.


I wonder if the Imperial Navy is renting ships from the Stateā€¦


I wonder if I should bring up all the terrorism and raiding the Republic Fleet commits in the Empire. I donā€™t like stooping to the same level but someone keeps drawing the same circles over and overā€¦


Since weā€™ve discussed what we would like to see from the Empire with regards to illegal slavers, what would be your thoughts with how we should deal with such things to keep it equal?

While i would be more inclined to believe the empire should uphold Amarrian law on them and Republic law on slavers, I also would think that would be a source of issues as it is now.

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Bring up whatever you like. I donā€™t recall us ever saying ā€˜yes, weā€™re totally fine with you continuing to hold our kin in immoral slavery to push your cultural extermination agendaā€™ though. Kind of a marked contrast to the claims of ā€˜the time of the Reclaiming is overā€™, no?


Please do. Itā€™s kind of what itā€™s there for. Make as many people as possible aware of the price there is to be paid for your crimes and vile practices. No oneā€™s tried to hide it, or pretend itā€™s happening without at the very least ā€˜under the tableā€™ consent of the Republic.

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Iā€™d rather keep the discussion on ways to stop such occurences for both sides rather than simply moaning over the fact they occur. Incentives, non-violent repercussions, plans for a more stable future.

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Weā€™ve already covered that quite extensively. Since you and yours are unwilling to make any real efforts in that regard, itā€™s rather a moot point. Until you guys unfuck your ways, thereā€™s no progress to be made.

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That is what I have always supposed. Iā€™m assuming they are there on a purely mercenary basis. As I say the craft that actually conduct the raids usually seem to be Caldari. I think the idea is both groups get to obey the letter of their respective laws. The Caldari take PoWā€™s in a raid, who they turn over to their Imperial paymasters. That way the Caldari arenā€™t technically taking or keeping slaves & the Imperials arenā€™t technically actively raiding for them. They are just looking after the people the Caldari tun over. For a given value of looking after.


Your baseliner navy raids us and kidnaps our people. Our baseliners raid you. Do you intercept Fleet viral attacks as well? We certainly get to fend off Imperial forays along those lines.

And both sides get their baseliner raiding groups massacred by capsuleers. I would imagine any that manage to get through are hushed up as neither polity is eager for all out war. And successful raids on the empire by ā€œsub-humansā€ would be a tad embarrassing, yes?