(Actually) Interesting Ideas for Ending the Amarr-Minmatar Conflict

Except you’ll notice I didn’t say there were current survivors, only that there were slaves of fewer than 9 elapsed generations. But you go ahead and keep grasping at straws. It’s ok.


I am surprised by an outsiders defense of the Faith. I thank you for your support in taking up the shield with which to hold off the oncoming storm. Perhaps you may too board the arc that will be our salvation in the days to come.

In any case, madam Arrendis’s position has some merit. If CONCORD were to choose entirely neutral judges to oversee the proceedings of returning many enslaved who have not embraced the faith, I would personally be in complete support, as would many of the Flock.

However, the freedom raids need to stop. While the Amarr government has disavowed those found to be enslaving outside the Reclaiming, the Tribes have done no such thing, and repeatedly encouraged not only the killing of entire colony populations for the crime of being Amarr, but even recommended the defamation of our temples and destruction of our pilgrims as they pass through contested systems.
If your views are how you have portrayed them, madam Arrendis, then you should prepare yourself to stand trial in that court you seem so eager to make.


What’s average minmatar procreation age? 30 years?
Fine, go look for 600 year old slaves. Go ahead, Im not holding you, really.

No, it doesn’t.
CONCORD needed only because it is crimes against citizens of Republic by citizens of Empire and crimes against citizens (and slaves) of Empire by citizens of Republic. Nationality has no meaning whatsoever, and I consider your position in regard of the nationality abhorrent.

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Ok, you’ve devolved into complete nonsense now, saying that CONCORD’s needed because it is crimes against citizens of one nation by citizens of another, and yet nationality has no meaning whatsoever.

Take your meds, Diana, and have a good day.

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Sure. I’d love to see what charges against the Amarr Empire you think you can bring against me.

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Don’t you see? This is the Problem
When we try to find a solution to our mutual problems all it ends in is name calling and childish logic.
I say this to you with none of my sigils in hand, not as a Preacher, or a capsuleer, or an Amarrian, I say this to you as a human being;
How are we meant to solve our differences when we refuse to agree to solve them?
How can we be equal in the universe if we do not treat each others as equals?
If all we do is say “The did it first” to justify our crimes, then how do we ever stop the bloodshed?

What does have meaning is different areas of different laws applicability and subordination of the citizens to corresponding codes depending on citizenship and place of the act. Nationality has nothing to do with that, you nationalistic freak!

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Her attempt of defining neutrality is flawed from the start. Take for example a gallentean judge: they are neither Amarr, nor Minmatar. But court with that judge will be a circus. Just imagine it.
Prosecutor: “Here we have an Amarr citizen, who supposedly tried to enslave…”
Gallentean: “GUILTY!”
Prosecutor: “But I haven’t even finished!”
Gallentean: “GUILTY!”
Prosecutor: “Okay, next we have a Minmatar freedom fighter, who invaded Amarr Empire in order to, according to his words, liberate sla~”
Gallentean: “INNOCENT!”
Prosecutor: “I didn’t even bring evidences of his crime!”
Gallentean: “INNOCENT!”


Then you need to a)convince the Amarr faith to abandon the idea that all those who reject your insane, sadist deity are somehow criminals who need to have their behavior corrected, and b)address the fact that Amarr law enshrines the idea that children are punishable for the sins of their ancestors.


What. Are. You. Talking. About?

Yes, those who refuse to embrace the Faith are ordered, by scripture, to be “struck down by his wrath” - Book of Reclaiming, 4:45
But that is only in the context OF A RECLAIMING, which we are not currently in. They are not criminals, they can transfer freely through our space, we don’t arrest them.
And what in the Emperors Name are you talking about with

I’m sorry, you’ll have to forgive me, I’ve read the holy texts numerous times and that has never, ever been in Amarr law.

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Oh well… I am afraid here lies a huge mistake that can only make the situation only worse, diverting the solution away. Just because no people were ever born equal. Minmatar will never be equal to Amarr. When I’ve brought ‘equal treatment’ - it was more about equivalency. Logically, if you want to signify you are dealing with a faction, not nationality, you shall show it for both sides, not changing one to faction and leave other one as… nation.

Humans were forged to be unequal, and our strength lies in this. Someone is smarter, other one is stronger. You put them in corresponding position to utilize their ability to the maximum and your whole society skyrockets. We could use a principle of equivalency, for example, to say that one Mega is equivalent to another Mega, and not really equivalent to some small Corporation. Or that Mega is equivalent to Heir House in the Empire… well, to certain degree. But again, no Mega is equal to another. One Mega might have signed separate treaty with Enemy and lost reputation. Other Mega have almost gone bankrupt, funding the war of whole nation, and earned reputation. Of course, employees of these both megas will be treated differently by third mega. And this is how it should be. Foreigners will always stay foreigners. Aliens will stay aliens. And we can perfectly fine put restrictions on foreginers that we don’t put on our own citizens - just to protect our citizens from foreign influence or foreign behavior that our citizens might consider offensive.

Treating outsides equally is absolutely not necessary. But if we want to solve conflicts, we shall treat them fairly.

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True, and that was my meaning.

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This is the entire basis for hereditary slavery. Children are enslaved because their parents committed a crime and were enslaved. The Matari remain enslaved because they remain guilty of the ‘crime’ of Apostasy despite having never been believers in the first place. That’s the rationale behind the Reclaiming: All humanity except the True Amarr turned away from God, and thus, are guilty.

The Reclaiming itself is a crime against other nations. It is kidnapping and it is murder.

And for all that you may claim you’re not currently in a Reclaiming… trillions of enslaved Matari would say otherwise.


Previous war ended about 700-ish years ago (or something like that?)
All descendants of initially captured minmatars were released.
Taking into account average minmatar procreation age and generation “depth”, we can get approximate age depth of about 300 years old, which will give us timeframe when current Minmatar slaves or ancestors of current slaves were enslaved.
Then we know that Empire enslaving doctrine allows enslaving only criminals and prisoners of war.
Then we remember that the current war has started only 10 years ago.

And here comes conclusion, that all these minmatars, who left enslaved in the Empire, are just petty criminals or descendants of these criminals, who were enslaved for violating Amarr Empire law in Amarr Empire territory.

Now here comes logical question: why exactly there are so many minmatar criminals compared to other people?
(Well, considering Amarr enslaving doctrine doesn’t list enslaving preferences by nationality - only by their actions)

It must be hard work to be that willingly obtuse, racist, POS.


She’s blatantly just spouting off nonsense to try to get a reaction. Just ignore her. Let her rage as the impotent nothing she is.

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Look at them, look at them!
Now that’s proper minmatar faces in the discussion!

Countered by facts, they can’t object with anything, but just want to say something bad against those, who are better than them! They are beating like fish on a frying pan instead of admitting where they were wrong. It is even somewhat cute in some perverted sense.

And, unfortunately, a vivid example why negotiations with minmatars are destined to be fruitless… Alas, but it can’t be helped.

I try, I really do. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying harder.


Probably only in Minmatar majority polities, most other people in the Federation actually value civilization.

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Democracy is simply mob rule.

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