(Actually) Interesting Ideas for Ending the Amarr-Minmatar Conflict

How sad is it, that only my hurt and hate seem honest and real and True to you?

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Oh, your joys do, too. Your devotion to the Daphitis, your commitment to your continued growth, even your commitment to furthering your understanding of the Totalityā€¦ those are all very real, very honest.

Your investment is real, even if the philosophy you invest in is, ultimately, an exercise in putting out your own eyes so the sun canā€™t blind you. And those things have their own beauty to them, too.

But the intensity of itā€¦ to cut through all of that philosophy, all of your ever-present rhetorical equivocation and obfuscation, and do so so well that instead of clouding the matter in excessive complexity, you achieve clarity and eloquenceā€¦ thatā€™s a different scale entirely.

I wish it werenā€™t. I wish you could find that intensity and that clarity in all your pursuits.


Coming from somebody from the otherside of this who does respect the Daphitis, Arrendis isnā€™t particularly wrong in this. While yes those you have become a retainer to are not necessarially evil or what have you, there are plenty who donā€™t share their sentiment on both sides. Simply scroll up for examples of what I mean. Maybe it should be pointed out that both sides have their own that should bask in the spotlight more so for what this thread is proposing. I dont see Arrendis as being particularrly hostile in this. Simply put you might be ignoring prime examples of where her beliefs are coming from.

Its hard to see the blade that strikes you down, even when you make eye contact with the opponent.


No, sheā€™s right: I was cruel, and pretty relentless, in some of our earlier, private conversations. For a while there, I was gettingā€¦ Aria called it ā€˜darkā€™, but it wasnā€™tā€¦ it was moreā€¦ cold. Miz called me out on it, rubbed my face in it some, after I hit a particularly callous and uncaring low, and thatā€¦

Iā€™ve had to put a lot of effort and focus into pulling back from that. I spend a couple of months behind a desk, and even when I went back out, it was a few more before I was willing to fly anythingā€¦ aggressive. Iā€™m still not sure I should undock in anything but a logistics platform, butā€¦ sometimes, you do whatā€™s required of you, even if itā€™s not whatā€™s best for you.

So if her viewpoint is a littleā€¦ taintedā€¦ by the blood in her eyeā€¦ itā€™s ok. Sheā€™s not wrong. Iā€™m the one who made the cut itā€™s dripping from.


Just to pick up on one of your statements here. You say they ā€œtaught us how to hate. And that gave us the tenacity and the strength to fight back.ā€

True enough. However, in my view, as a people we need to move beyond hate. This is not to say we stop fighting but fighting when enraged causes one to loose focus and miss details that are important. Also it means you have trouble realising when you have won and itā€™s time to stop.

So donā€™t fight with hate. Fight with love for all that you are seeking to protect. Capture rather than kill when you can because you donā€™t want the enemy to become too desperate and conclude that dying to the last is the only way possible.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re doing better, Arrendis.

About this, though:

No. Iā€™m not going to take spoon-fed revenge, or even a duel. I have more pride than that. And while I understand that the gesture might be sincere, I donā€™t want your serially-mortal life if you offer it to me.

If I choose such a path, I will want that trophy to be a thing I earn.

My path is my own, and I donā€™t remember asking your advice for how to live. What I do with this feeling, is for me to decide. That will be true if I decide to avenge it, or to forgive.

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I know it will sound tautological, but she feels hate while hate is felt. Once hate is gone, itā€™s not felt anymore until there is more hate.

Itā€™s like the steering wheel of a car, ff the car is in movement it will move on itā€™s own reflecting the terrain it passes trough and the peculiarities of the car, and if you want to point the car in a certain direction, you take the wheel and direct it.

At that moment, she was on a road of hate. Right now, who knows? She understands enough to know that this too, shall pass and she doesnā€™t appear to be willing to steer the wheel to stay in the hate road (unlike some people in this very topic that carry their past to this day, the suffering of the past is gone unless carried over, thereā€™s plenty of todays suffering to be experienced).

When you are taught hate and you pass on the lesson, it is of your own will based on the perspective of a future based on a past that is gone.

When she expects to be tricked by a trickster, she is operating from future perspective based from a gone past.

In both cases the missing thing is the present.

She knows her hate will pass because for some things she is not willing to lock her wheel on that specific road. (And our interactions are mostly about the free flow of the wheel x driving the car towards certain roads)

But of course, all this is today. Who knows about the future. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ


That was well said.

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It almost seems as if youā€™re telling us to forget our hatred, which is something that we should never do. Hatred fuels our fight against the amarr, and keeps us wary of placating words and sly politics. But fighting blinded by hatred is a fools errand.


About thatā€¦ that was actually more gallows humor than a real offer, Aria. Iā€™m not insane, you know. I donā€™t want to die.

And no, you havenā€™t asked for my advice. Consider it a gift. Itā€™s like a Youil Festival fruitcake! You didnā€™t ask for it. You donā€™t particularly want it. But there it is! Goddammit!

And I donā€™t know that Iā€™m ā€˜betterā€™. Iā€™m justā€¦ not that. Iā€™m not where I was then. Iā€™m not where I was before, either, and I never will be again. ā€˜Betterā€™ and ā€˜worseā€™ā€¦ theyā€™re not really relevant terms, are they?

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It depends. To me, the core question is suffering. Even as a figment, I can suffer. I can cause suffering to others. But I donā€™t want to suffer. I donā€™t want to cause others to suffer.

Are you suffering less than you were? Are you spreading it to others less?

Then that is better. Or, maybe, worse.

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Iā€™m suffering more than I was. By design. Apathyā€™ll do that, after allā€¦ ease your suffering. If you donā€™t care what happens to people, then you wonā€™t hurt when lives get thrown away, or when you canā€™t save them.

As for spreading it to othersā€¦ thatā€™s sort of impossible to say, now isnā€™t it? I mean, in my line of work, my job is to keep people alive. Living people suffer. Worse, living people kill other people. But if they didnā€™t, then those people would kill other people.

So, on balance? Iā€™m suffering more, and the human race is the human race. Is that ā€˜goodā€™? Is that ā€˜badā€™? Itā€™sā€¦ painful? butā€¦ closer to who I want to be than who I was. ā€˜Betterā€™ still feels a bit hollow, though. Arrogant, too, since it puts my desires ahead of trillions of other folksā€™.

And goodness knows Iā€™d never be arrogant!

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Well ā€¦ with respect, Arrendis, the apathy youā€™re describing might be whatā€™s commonly known as depression. And, it can be described as a really pretty exquisite form of suffering, because itā€™s not merely not being forced to feel, itā€™s not being able to feel even if you want to.

My predecessor described the ā€œend stateā€ of her journey into the ā€œBlackā€ as ā€œdrifting away on a sea of abstraction.ā€ I gather thatā€™s kind of the feeling, though maybe ā€œsinkingā€ would be a better verb.

ā€¦ and I sometimes wrestle with feelings (unfeelings?) like that, myself.

Anyway, the ā€œhow much sufferingā€ conversation actually gets pretty complicated, and I can see us spending all day on it, so Iā€™ll save it for another time and setting.

Either way, Iā€™m glad youā€™re feeling ā€¦ if not exactly better, then Iā€™ll say, ā€œat all.ā€

Welcome back to this world of illusions, I guess, and mind the caltrops?

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Pain is real, Aria. The caltrops are your friends.

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Haha, sure.

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The thing is. To hate a foe is to place obstacles in the way of understanding a foe, which is the key to overcoming the foe. Or at least that is the way I see it. Forgetting wrongs done is not what I am suggesting here, merely not allowing the memory of them to lead us into further suffering & defeat.


Had a few minutes to think about this part beyond pithy quips, which it really didnā€™t deserve (so it didnā€™t get any!)ā€¦

Yeah, on reflection, I can see how what I described could be taken as depression, butā€¦ it wasnā€™t. It wasnā€™t that I couldnā€™t feel, that I couldnā€™t careā€¦ I just didnā€™t want to. It was maybe a bit of numbness and maybe a bit of ā€˜why bother?ā€™ A kind of not-quite-conscious choice to say ā€˜You know what? People die. No matter what, people will die. The universe doesnā€™t give a crap, why should I? Why should the end of their pain add to mine?ā€™

Thatā€™s all it was, Aria, was callousness. It wasnā€™t that I couldnā€™t bring myself to care, even about the pain I was inflicting myself sometimesā€¦ itā€™s that I couldnā€™t be bothered to care. And that sense of ā€˜why is your suffering my problem?ā€™ is still in there. Itā€™s just not who I want to be, so itā€™s not something I try to let out.

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Hm. Well ā€¦ youā€™re right; thatā€™s not depression.

It still seems a little familiar, though, even from my own experience. Something something arrogance of power/despair over oneā€™s own culpability/exhaustion (by which I mean, itā€™s worn out) of capacity to care? Iā€™d need to think a lot to anatomize it and get its taxonomy down. Itā€™s probably how even people who clearly arenā€™t psychopaths can end up being tyrants without really trying.

Itā€™s also kind of the syndrome that makes me say stuff like, ā€œWeā€™re not fit to rule.ā€ We kind of have the major qualities Iā€™d associate with a military aristocracy without having been groomed for the role. Basically, natural tyrants.

Maybe Iā€™m misdiagnosing, so, please donā€™t take this seriously if it doesnā€™t seem like it fits. It just ā€¦ feels familiar, I guess.

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A personal tour of the Newelle gardens for post 1500 - provided both parties can come to terms.


Do you have a hedge maze ?

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