The station scope exports are “Work in Progress” as they are very resource intensive, since the database table is huge. Thus as of now I don’t offer any “Service Level” on station scope exports.
Plan is to export the data to and not keep a full history on station level in the database. A4E rarely uses the station level data.
Hi there, often when I use your site, mainly around the options under market the pages are so slow to update it is pretty much unusable, ive tried deleting cookies but same issue, is there an issue database end or anything I can do my end in order to get faster results? thanks
I am still unable to use this site, i select my options under market hub and nothig ever happens, has this site been abandoned? anyone else having issues?
Hi there, sorry for the late reply. This forum not having email notification is somewhat unnerving…
Do you still have that issue? Haven’t had any other reports of the same.
If so, could you please post the exact URL you are using and what behaviour you are experiencing?
I have a similar experience: Some pages take a very long time to load, often over a minute.
For example, I’ve just attempted to curl
It immediately outputted the HTML until about <div id="body">, and then hung for an awfully long time (around 140 seconds) before outputting the data.
Well, for that page this is no wonder. It loads a lot of history for different metrics from the archive. And since that part of A4E is super-rarely accessed, I didn’t invest effort to reduce the 60-120s load time (depending on overall database load).
I assume it will get faster once this is available in the new distrubuted architecture, where the archive DB is a separate instance independent from the load on the live data DB.
Nevertheless the page loads albeit slow whereas @Giddy_McFee wrote that for him pages don’t load at all.
HI @Ethan02 the pages now load (sometimes) but they are still incredibly slow to do so. Today i tried Market Hubs, choose a region and the only other thing I changed was average of 7 days, it took 1 minute 40 seconds to load.
@Ethan02 site is still incredibly slow, trying to open the market hubs sections, ive been waiting about 5 minutes so far and nothing has appeared. This site is unusable for me for the most part.
Is anyone else experiencing extreme performance issues when trying to use this site?
Sorry, was on summer vacation. If “only” the market hubs page is your concern, than I can confirm that. That page is very resource intensive, since it calculates effectively the whole universe upon request in order to provide the data displayed there. That page is slow and highly dependent on the overall server load.
When I port it to the DEV platform it will be pre-calculated. Thus not realtime but a lot faster. Up until then not a lot I can do about it.
its normal that there is now Drop Down to select the Categorie`?
some weeks ago at least it works for me at the DEV. But never ad the prodution
Some ideas or works like designed?
Just tested and it works in PRD.
However it doesn’t work in DEV. Reason being that in DEV it uses the public API at and the endpoint there are returning “HTTP 500 Internal Server Error”. Presumable because I improved the database function and didn’t adapt the endpoint functions.
Up until your post I wasn’t aware that the API was affected. Thanks for pointing this out. Will fix soon.
There is still a bug in the calculation of inventions (bug reported on 01/05/2020 id 0000887)
The bug is reported “minor”, but it completely distorts Tech2’s profitability calculations.
The details : The Datacore quantities used in the Manufacturing calculator seem to be significantly less than the correct quantities.
Perhaps the system is trying to factor in the probability of invention success but is multiplying rather than dividing the success probability.
Example case: Adam4EVE Stated quantities: 1.7 of each Datacore Actual quantities required (base): 8 of each Datacore
Can you allow filtering by market categories and types, like ship ammo and equipment and rigs. Items that would trade in low sec, like no one is checking plex stock and prices there.
The build calculator is really old in terms of 10 years or more. I had started to create a completely new one graphically similar to the PI chain calculator but haven’t finished it.
And since the last two years I’m stuck moving A4E to a new architecture… with far to little coding time available since RL is totally different than 10 years ago.
So yes, eventually I’ll get around to it, but most likely not within the immediate next years. The re-platforming takes precedence since effectivly I have double infrastructure costs at the moment.
Which page are you refering to exactly?
Best would be to create a Feature Request at Work Packages | Adam4EVE | UtopiaProjects and provide as much information/screenshots as possible.
Thank you.
Amarr’s prices seems to update only once every ~2h, while Jita’s update much more frequently. Is that a bug, some problem with my browser, or is it working as intended? The tool is awesome nonetheless, great work!