Add change gender option

I think allowing a gender change option for a character re-sculpt would be more than reasonable and make the feature more robust.

On name changes most platforms do offer this but do often charge for that. I recently spent time updating my name on PSN, Xbox, and Steam. I think offering a name change for characters that have a First name and then a surname with ability to change the first name would be more than reasonable.

It’s a bit early to talk dev cost for things like name changes without knowing what that is. As said earlier in the thread it could be trivial or a high technical cost change. No way to know until asked.

In a game where reputation MATTERS. Changing the name/gender is problematic. I hope they never implement a feature like this.


Name maybe, but gender is just the picture. Something that people may not even bother to look at, or would even recognise even if they did, and is already able to be changed.

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That’s your choice. Why make everyone responsible for your choice? And it was a bad choice, too. Picking ‘random’ at character creation means you don’t care, anything is fine… but now it is not?

There were obviously no ‘plans’. Random isn’t a plan. It’s just a crap shoot that you chose.

But you had a plan based on unknown parameters. Not a good plan.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck…

Why tell them anything? What does it matter? It’s not like they will ask you on a date or propose.

Try to make a character that you will be happy with. The first time you screwed up. Take responsibility and make another character.

Then maybe you shouldn’t have chosen ‘random’ and customized it right the first time.

But not special enough to have taken the time to do it right to begin with.

Most everybody will assume you are a male outside of game. But a lot of folks tend to use she/her or they/them based on the character. Its honestly just easier that way.

In USIA we have an actual IRL female, but i think their character is male.

We also have IRL males with female alts. It happens. Get help, or get over it

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