After a short talk between ISD and a few players in one of the official OOC channels for Roleplayers (as well as some communication in twitter before that, between a group of players and enthusiasts), an idea was born.
On the EVE online Community site, we can see the World News tab as well as Interstellar Correspondents tab, where we can see all kinds of In Character news, which is nice and helps with game immersion. However - these pages are not visible enough and do not introduce players into Roleplay, at least not in a sufficient way.
So the idea is simple:
Add a “Galaxy News” tab in the new Agency Window and program it to access the news shown on the Community site and display them in the Agency for players to read.
Implemented this way, there will be the standard Community page for viewing the news out-of-game, while the Agency functionality will allow for the news to be read ingame.
I am sure this will make Roleplay news more visible in the game and that will be like a invitation for more players to get into Roleplay - one really nice and engaging activity in EVE.
In addition, there would be some guidance in the Agency, that would teach the players into their first steps into Roleplay and point them to available materials and guides on the Forums. Like this one and this one.
This would require minimal effort from the developers and it would be really effective.
The new Agency Window is really nice, I like it a lot. There is some controversy about some of its functions regarding Exploration, but I guess we will have to wait and see how they affect the game. Other than that - great job done!
I hope you guys like the idea. Any support, critiques and comments are appreciated.