Add RIG slots to Freighters and Jump Freighters, CCP time to add?

They are using extremes about new players to try and prove a point about established players and freighters.

Basically just a dodge for having no real reasons.

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Hers a question for you… why shouldn’t the gankers get some buff and force the Freighter pilots to come up with better methods of avoiding ganks???
same old tactics and play style gets boring after a while. a change makes things interesting, get the grey matter working.

All I see in this idea is ‘Waaa buff my playstyle and make me safer from loosing my ships’


Freighters are fine. They have one role and they have already enough ability to tweak the load out around it. If you add more, you’ll just end up with one or two variants that people settle on, like what happened for the Bowhead, which despite having more fitting options, everyone flies the same way.

The rebalancing work that would be necessary to end back at the same place would likely be a waste of dev time. You probably have a better chance to just whine for straight out buffs to freighters, or nerfs, depending on your self-interest, like most people do here.


Nonsense. Stupid people flying excessively valuable ships are underpowered, but they don’t need a buff. Just don’t be bad at EVE.

if you know about RIG’s or read the topic without blinkers you’d have your answer.

but as some people need to be treated special these days here you go;

All RIG’s with the exception of Engineering RIGs have a Drawback effect, which applies a -5% with max skills and at worse -10%.

These are all listed in the OP.

But because people are special, heres a cutdown version just for you;

Armor RIGs Drawback is reduced velocity
Astronautical RIG’s Drawback is reduced armor HP
Shield RIG’s Drawback is increase ship signature

remember these are per RIG installed so someone trying to tank a freighter in shields for example will have at best x3 %5 increase to signature. same example with armor would be x3 -5% to velocity, and astronautical RIGs (faster warp speeds or increased cargo capacity) would have x3 -5% to armor HP, basically a EHP reduction.

and these can’t be removed or effectively countered by other RIG without other drawback effects kicking in, and any lowslot module installed to count would have other effects to the ship.

this whole idea is to bring more customization to freighter and jump freighter, and as you can see some major balancing in fitting, which I look forward to trying to build that ideal fit.

They’re also irrelevant to the question you were asked. Nobody wants you to explain your bad idea again or give a listing of what rigs do, the question you were asked is why freighters shouldn’t be nerfed to force freighter pilots to come up with new strategies for avoiding ganks. After all, if gankers should have to come up with new strategies then why shouldn’t the other side have to do the same?

Of course you won’t answer this question because, as was accurately pointed out, this is nothing more than another whine thread demanding changes to make the game easier for your personal favorite activities.

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From what I’m reading, everyone here (you included) understand how rigs work just fine.

The only lack of understanding that I’m seeing is on your part, and that’s understanding that freighters and jump freighters are not meant to be customizable.

They are giant shuttles, full stop. You should consider yourself fortunate that they have low slots at all because they didn’t used to.

Also, keep in mind that capital-sized rigs are crazy expensive compared to low slot modules, so for all of your talk about customization, you’re sure willing to live with lots of added expense and a marked decrease in flexibility once you decide on a fit.

I understand that you want to buff freighters because of hisec ganking. Sorry about your luck. It’s not hard to avoid ganks if you fly them properly. (i.e. use a scout, use a webber, fit for alignment, don’t make yourself an overly valuable target, etc.)

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Worth repeating…


Since 3 tranverse bulkhead 2’s will give a 75% buff to EHP, all freighters would first need to lose 57.5% of their current hull EHP. That way, they can be fit for faster align times or whatever, but will lose a significant of their EHP as a result. Or they can be fit to be like current freighters, and no changes to current EHP. This should satisfy everybody, since OP wants modularity but it seems a lot of people are against buffing freighters.

Also, even with engineering rigs a freighter would not be able to fit a DCU. That would be a significant buff, and require freighters to have 0 base resists and even more reduced hull EHP to keep freighters consistent with current freighters


You do know all hulls get base hull resistance right… Not 0.
Also you don’t have to balance for a perfect max tank in the event of a change. You aim to keep average cases in a fairly neutral way, Since it’s a nerf to everyone else but max tank if you balance it like you say.

An off topic side discussion that started. Read a bit more and you’d know that.


Since 3 tranverse bulkhead 2’s will give a 75% buff to EHP, all freighters would first need to lose 57.5% of their current hull EHP.

So an Providence gains an extra 75,000HP to Structure, with a default 33% resistance! Nice but nothing to write home about, when you have reduced your cargo capacity!

So I love how one thing is was completely missed and I’m guessing for a reason, is the drawback effects;

And Cargo Capacity effect modules have no stacking penalties;

So the Transverse Bulkhead II’s would affect the cargo capacity of the freighters like so:

With Required lvl1 skill in Armor Rigging; (16,000 SP for RIGGING LVL3, 750 SP to learn)

  • One module: -9% Providence drops from 435,000 m^3 to 395,850 m^3 (before freighter skill bonuses)
  • Two modules: -18% Providence drops from 435,000 m^3 to 356,700 m^3
  • Three modules: -27% Providence drops from 435,000 m^3 to 317,550 m^3

With Max skill in Armor Rigging; (16,000 SP for RIGGING LVL3, 768,000 SP to LVL5)

  • One module: -5% Providence drops from 435,000 m^3 to 413,250 m^3 (before freighter skill bonuses)
  • Two modules: -10% Providence drops from 435,000 m^3 to 391,500 m^3 (about the same as a single RIG with low skill)
  • Three modules: -15% Providence drops from 435,000 m^3 to 367,750 m^3 (better than a double RIG with low skill)

And as noted by someone else is the ISK cost, this is one of the cheaper Capital RIGs at an average medium price of 145.22mil, but limited items. Once freighters have the option to install the Transverse Bulkheads you know these prices will increase massively. As soon as there’s a hint of this, all current items will sell within the week and all new items will explode, we’ve seen it before. I expect Transverse Bulkhead prices to surpast Trimark Armor Pump II’s that are currently listed at a medium price of 636mil.

So if we weerr to say Capital Transverse Bulkhead II were hit by an increase of equal to that of the Trimark II, with say 636mil cost, mounting three would add almost 2bil to the value of the freighter plus all the lowslot modules and cargo.

So as I see it once this happens the Zkill ISK value of freighters with RIGs mounted will increase massively too, making them even more worth ganking with or without cargo (yes with cargo would be ideal)

And those worried about Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II RIGs being mounted, you can imagine once the market sees Freighters having the ability to mount them, their price will go through the roof, and remember RIG’s are destroyed with the ship, so players have to buy new ones, even if they manage to collect their wreak.

This could revitalize the capital ship module market.

Gankers gain higher value zkills, Industry gain a new market, freighters gain more customization, and Gankers get a negative and a positive from players mounting rigs.

Gankers need to look past the “OH FREIGHTERS ARE HARDER TO KILL WITH RIGS” mentality!

Yes RIG will give some nice bonuses, but they will cost more than med or high slot modules that has been suggested, they have drawbacks unlike the suggested double freighter HP topic.

And also remember most RIGs are still penalized by the stacking penalties, so players would be able to go overboard. And there is also the option of reducing the amount of fitting points available for installing RIGs.

Ship attribute Stacking-penalized
Powergrid (including reduced-PG-need effects) no
CPU (including reduced-CPU-need effects) no
Cargo capacity no
Shield recharge rate no
Shield / armor / hull hit points no
Shield / armor / hull resistances yes
Shield boost / armor repair bonus yes
Sensor strength yes
Signature radius yes
Velocity yes
Inertia modifier (agility) yes
Mass yes

And as noted above the drawback penalties are still there, you can only half the effect at best, and trying to counter with other RIGs will just add other Drawbacks, and Lowslot modules cost you in other ways.

I hope you’ll not be so closed minded on this, as once you look at the other effects outside of the bonuses freighters might get from installing RIGs, there are lots of other negative for freighters and benefits for the gankers and also industry players.

Have a think about it, think big picture, not the small me/myself/I picture.

Who gives a **** about killboard stats? Rigs don’t drop as loot so how much they cost is irrelevant to the person killing the freighter. The only thing that matters is that you gave them a major HP buff and made the cost of a gank significantly higher.

Have a think about it, think big picture, not the small me/myself/I picture.

And yet here you are, posting a wall of text that can be accurately summarized as “buff my freighter because I want to be more powerful and don’t care about anything else”. You’ve posted countless words stating the obvious about how rigs work but not one single scrap of justification for why you should be given a significant buff.

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Dude, CCP already considered adding rigs to freighters. They chose to add low slots instead.

You can’t add something “back” to something when it never had it in the first place. The choice was made differently, sorry.

There’s an alternate reality (or two or three or…) where freighters DO have rig slots (instead of low slots)… and possibly some where they have both, but that’s gotta be a much smaller infinite number. ;D

What’s wrong with a nerf? OP never said freighters need a buff, they only requested rig slots. Nerf freighters and fulfill OP’s desire, that’s a win win


I mean, from what i’m seeing if freighters install bulkhead rigs they get a 75% bonus to EHP while losing a small amount of cargo space. However, the cargo space lost is 15% with sufficient rigging skills trained up.

If freighters install hyperspatials/low friction nozzle rigs, they lose a negligible amount of shield and warps 75% faster/aligns 32% faster

If freighters fit cargo optimizers they lose a negligible amount of armour and gain 75% more cargo space

Why do I only see buffs here? The drawbacks are negligible, so there needs to be enough of a nerf to freighters so we don’t actually see a buff to freighters. We can’t be so close minded to only give buffs, we need to consider balance and nerf freighter cargoholds by 75%, align and warp times by 75% and structure HP pools by 75%. That way, a freighter pilot can choose to use rigs to specialize into whatever they prefer.

OP’s post is not about buffing freighters. It’s about giving more options, and by nerfing freighters and giving more options we’re keeping both gankers AND freighter pilots happy :slight_smile:

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This is a spinoff from the buff HP thread. Don’t be fooled.

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Lowering the base HP and/ or resists for more fitting options does sound attractive to me😇

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Personally see nothing wrong with lowering HP a bit if rigs were to be added, but the question would be by how much, shield and armour aren’t that high already, but hull could be cut by 1/4 or at most 1/3.

@Nepsy i think you over simplified things, only HP and cargo rigs would give 75% bonus,

“If freighters install hyperspatials/low friction nozzle rigs, they lose a negligible amount of shield and warps 75% faster/aligns 32% faster”

Astronautical rigs have stacking penalties, the same as resistance rigs.

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75% bonus is still a massive buff. Maybe only nerf both hull and cargo space by 35% then. That way, new freighters would either have 13% better tank than current ones and 35% less cargo space OR 13% better cargo space, but with the 35% less tank than the current freighters. Maybe a very slight 10% nerf to align time too