Adding Modules to ships

Forming volta with catalysts.


No doubt. steals some popcorn

Conversation didn’t go as I thought it would though.

I figured he would die in a fireball for suggesting Pay2Win stuff.

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Right… only hear it when my kid is watching, and even then I do my best to tune it out. Mindless drivel. Back when I was his age we… no… I guess it was just as mindless those days - possibly even worse. Sword of Omens, give me sight BEYOND sight!

Sigh. What’s it say when you want to call kids these days stupid, and realize that we were just as stupid back in the day.


No, we’re not. Everything’s far too different and attention spans are much shorter now. Everyone’s being raised into getting whatever he wants in a system with so much wealth, it’s psychologically unhealthy. Or, to make it more relatable:

You likely got raised by your parents. Nowadays parents have to work so much, school/daycare (read: government) is doing the raising. You did not have a mobile phone constantly wrecking your attention span and TV shows back then had much longer cuts, meaning that focus did not switch perspective every few seconds.

Please don’t feel bad.

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Why came always the HS afk miners and want a better AFK ship ? I dont understand this … go NS and got your reward

You cannot mine in highsec anymore, whether at the keyboard or not, the NPC bots will have mined everything away and force you to join bot-online in Delve or more commonly known as lala-land.

xD sure … the npc

I think he talking like the T3 stuff where you can change the stuff for the ship to make it like that or this…

or Add ons


I still want the customizable skins that CCP shown at fanfest last year.

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