Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! We believe in making New Eden a better place, by building a corp where every member counts, every pilot contributes, where we all help one another. If you want to be part of that, and also like dog/cat pictures, this is the place for you!

Recruitment is open! Join our great team! We’re very enthusiastic about flying together and alarmingly enthusiastic about breakfast pastries! We’re also just the right amount of enthusiastic about dog/cat pictures.

Recruitment is open! Provi pilots take on half of New Eden, getting fights you don’t see anywhere else in the game! Want to get in on that action, while also working with a great team of people and learning the game? This is the place for you!

Recruitment is open! Public NRDS pvp fleets every Saturday at 13:00! Hop on our server and sign up, and you, too, can come along for some HOTT fleet sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! We’re looking for pilots who are eager to learn, eager to teach, ambitious of the wealth and skills that you gain out in nullsec, and positive, great people to fly with!
Also, cupcakes.

Recruitment is open! Want to learn what do do during big fights, with hundreds of ships running around? Or what to do in small-gang fights where every pilot has a role? We can help! We’re here to show you how to EVE, because we love you.

Recruitment is open! Come enjoy the finest and most daring experimental breakfast pastries, while learning all about spaceships, with us!

Recruitment is open! Let’s make biscuits! That’s not even a weird metaphor! I just really like baked goods!

Recruitment is open! Come learn all the space things, flying with some great people and learning important lessons about friendship! We’re here to help, because we love you.

Recruitment is open! Come hang out on our Discord, and learn how you can git, as the kids say, “gud”!

Recruitment is open! Start your weekend right! We have public NRDS pvp fleets for HOTT nullsec sexytimes every Saturday at 13:00! Everybody’s invited! Just hop on our Discord and come along for some good fights!

Recruitment is open! Learn pvp in one of the most dynamic and active pvp regions in the game! We have fights of every size, all the time, and you can learn how! We also have weekly classes on really exciting things like celebrity diet fads, and dog/cat pictures! Learn all the essentials for a better life!

Recruitment is open! Life can be stressful sometimes, but a great way to manage stress is with some aggression therapy, by punching reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! Try it, you’ll feel much better! We’ll show you how!

Recruitment is open! If you’re feeling lost in EVE, don’t worry! There’s a lot to learn! We’ll help you!

If you’re feeling lost in life, because you just read about a celebrity divorce, don’t worry about that, either! We help you persevere in all manner to trying times!

Recruitment is open! When you fly with us, you’ll learn more than just using your drones for things like mining or combat! You’ll learn how to love and care for them, forming that special bond! The sunlight glints off of its optical cluster, giving the impression of sentience and genuine affection! It communicates to you that it wants to know about this thing organics call “love”! Watch out for the tentacles!

Recruitment is open! Wash your hands! Brush your teeth! Eat healthy!

Recruitment is open! We have the personal touch to help you learn the ropes in EVE, and we don’t even mean that in a weird way like those other guys do!

Recruitment is open! Public pvp training fleets every Saturday at 13:00! Ask us how you can learn to have pvp sexytimes, with us!

Recruitment is open! Try the muffins! Home-made with love, because we only want the best for you.

Recruitment is open! We are here to help you learn all about EVE, especially the part with the missiles, but also the part where we talk about our emotions and have therapeutic crying sessions, while also shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! It’s very cleansing! You’ll feel better afterward, promise!