Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! If you are looking for top-quality EVE content, like explosions, isk-making, and dog/cat memes, this is the place for you! Drop by and find out how!

Recruitment is open! A great community of friends and comrades makes EVE better! Come join ours, and learn all the things! We have pictures of dogs and cats, which makes us the best!

Recruitment is open! You know what really helps clarify things, if you’re having doubts about life choices, or your direction in EVE? Shooting some reds, right in their stupid face, with missiles! It really brings some things into clear perspective! We’ll show you how!

Recruitment is open! If you’re looking to get deeper into the game, try new things, rediscover your inner self, etc. etc., this is the corp for you! Come join us on a magical journey of self-realization, mostly by shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles!

Recruitment is open! Public NRDS training roams every Saturday at 13:00! If you are A Noob, and would like to do that thing all the cool kids are doing where you “git gud”, we’re here to help! Ships provided, calm and clear instructions on comms! Fleet pvp sexytimes! Come fly with us a bit and discover your inner self!

Recruitment is open! Come chat with us about how we can work with you to create an exciting, vibrant New Eden! We do it with lots of baked goods and dog/cat pictures!

Recruitment is open! If you are working through some Personal Issues™ right now, come talk to us! You can make a lot of progress by shooting reds right in the face, with missiles! Ask how!

Recruitment is open! Did you know? Even if you are A Bittervet, there is a place for you here! Pass on all the stuff you’ve learned and help the next generation of players grow and thrive!

Recruitment is open! If you are looking for that emotional breakthrough that just might be what turns things around for you, in your EVE game, this might be it! It might be shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! Try it, and make decisive steps towards positive change in your life! We can help!

Recruitment is open! We have dog and cat pictures, served up on request by a Discord bot we have for this purpose alone, because we understand what’s important in life.

Recruitment is open! We’re here for you, even in these trying times. You might feel a sense of uncertainty about life after reading about some celebrity breakup, but don’t despair! Things get better, and we can help!

Recruitment is open! Public pvp training fleets every Saturday at 13:00! Come fly with us, blow some stuff up, and have chat sexytimes on comms! Come along and git, as they say, gud!

Recruitment is open! If you’re feeling a little disoriented right now, because EVE is a huge sprawling universe and you’re not sure where to go or what to do, or just because you read about the latest fashion trends and nothing makes sense anymore, we can help! Just stop by and we’ll help you find your way in these uncertain times!

Recruitment is open! Did you know? our friends in EU timezones just switched their clocks this weekend, which means all of them are super-disoriented right now! It’s very distressing; is there a word like “hangry”, but for the jet-lag you get when you switch to summer time?
The point is, we, like the EVE clock, are always constant, and always ready to support you in times such as these, because we love you.

Recruitment is open! Come visit our Discord, where we serve up only the best dog/cat memes!

Recruitment is open! Try the special sauce!

Recruitment is open! Don’t forget to ask about our custom breakfast options! I made cupcakes!

Recruitment is open! Come join us on a magical journey of self-discovery and adventure! Don’t be afraid if a significant amount of it involves therapeutic crying, because the rest of it will be therapeutic aggression by shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! You’ll feel so unburdened once you let all that out!

(and by “that” I mean "all the missiles in your cargo hold)

Recruitment is open! If you’re looking to try something new, like flying logi, or tackle, or just experiment with avant-garde makeup concepts, this is the place for you!

Recruitment is open! Fly safe, but also fly stylish, with us! We’ll help you sort out all things EVE, like how to do ewar sexytimes on reds, or how to be a logi hero and save your friends, and how to use a “statement” accessory! Everything you need, because we love you.