Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! We run HOTT pvp sexytime fleets every Saturday at 12:00 for new players to join! You are invited! Don’t worry, we explain all the weird stuff so you don’t have to feel confused by all those new feelings you’re having! It’s a magical adventure of new and exciting emotions!

Recruitment is open! Join our team and meet new and exciting people who also share a love of dog and cat pictures!

Recruitment is open! If you want to make some ISK while also getting some pvp and develop your literary side, join our mining op slash book club! It’s where intellectuals meet with other intellectuals and discover the world of poetry!

Recruitment is open! If you want to get involved in some of our many enrichment activities, just ask! We’ll take you on a magical adventure of self-discovery, with missiles!

Recruitment is open! Did you know? We also have a poetry club!

Recruitment is open! We run public NRDS sexytime fleets every Saturday, and you are invited! Join our Discord and ask us how you can work out your emotions and practice self-care by shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! Discover a whole new you!

Recruitment is open! If you feel like the universe is chaotic and frightening and you’re losing ground to “haters” on your social-media feed, don’t fret! We can help you through this difficult time! We don’t even bother with “dragging” our enemies, or “reading” them for “filth.” We just shoot them, right in their stupid face, with missiles!

Recruitment is open! If you like experimenting with the latest in breakfast-pastry trends, come drop by our Discord and ask about our weekly “cupcake slam.” You’ll be shocked and amazed by how we destroy baked-goods fashion!

Recruitment is open! You might think that all this talk about breakfast pastries is just a joke, but our members got into it this morning talking about the difference between filled doughnuts and doughnuts with a hole in the middle. The fandom got very heated with all the Discourse™!

Recruitment is open! Join us this afternoon at the club for our monthly Poetry Slam! Our rhymes will (as the kids say) “slay” you!

Recruitment is open! We run public NRDS pvp sexytime fleets every Saturday at 12:00! If you want to discover new and confusing sensations, or experiment with those things you always wanted to try like ewar or logi or BIG DEEPS ENERGY but were afraid, don’t be shy! Join us on our fleet and go on a magical journey of self-discovery!

Recruitment is open! If you’re the kind of pilot who also enjoys spending time with friends while mining rocks and also sharing beautiful poetry, we have weekly operations to do this very thing! Drop in and be shocked by our latest experiments with the spoken word! It’s very avant-garde!

Recruitment is open! If you would like to be your best self, the path begins with self-acceptance and loving yourself! And also shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! Join us to find out how, you had the power within you all along!

Recruitment is open! If you are celebrating a birthday, what better way to be festive than by shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! Bask in the cheery warmth of the glow from all the explosions!

Recruitment is open! If you have always wanted to know the answers to EVE’s important questions like, “shoot which guy?” and “reps plz?”, or even, “wat do?” but were afraid to ask, don’t fret! We will help you sort things out in this difficult time!

Recruitment is open! If you’re looking for a corp that does HOTT WAR SEXYTIMES, but can also be a recipe hub slash mommyblog, this is the place for you!

Recruitment is open! Don’t forget to brush your teeth!

Recruitment is open! We have all sorts of enrichment activities for fun and stimulation while learning!

Recruitment is open! if you’re feeling uncertain about your future, look no further! We have just the right fashion concepts and enrichment items to help you live your very best life in EVE!

Recruitment is open! If you’d like to learn valuable skills in EVE, like “what is ammo?” and “shoot this guy” and “where did my drones go?”, this is the corp for you! We’ll help you sort out all of EVE’s difficult questions!