Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! Opportunities abound for you to cultivate that weird poetry hobby you’ve always wanted to get more into but couldn’t, because of “the haters” holding you back! Here with us, you’ll always have the love and support you need!

Recruitment is open! We have a wide range of enrichment activities to help you have fun while learning important skills!

Recruitment is open! We have public NRDS sexytime pvp fleets every Saturday, and lots of ISK-making activities throughout the week! Join our corp and you can also get hands-on help learning how to “get”, as the kids say, “gud”! Join us today and start a magical adventure of self-discovery!

Recruitment is open! Don’t waste your time with those other corps, who don’t even know things like, “why is my ‘fav’ problematic?”! We’ll help you sort out all of EVE’s difficult life questions!

Recruitment is open! We have more activity than we no what to do with! This even includes the stuff with the baked goods! Come join us and discover a whole universe of weird pastry concepts!

Recruitment is open! Don’t forget about the dog memes!

Recruitment is open! If you are confused by things in New Eden, like what drones to use for whether that “statement” accessory you want to wear is outre enough, come to us! We’re here to set you on the right path!

Recruitment is open! Remember: even if you think your “BBD” pictures are great for social media, those cupcakes add up! Always remember to give your dog plenty of exercise and a stimulating environment with a variety of enrichment items!

Recruitment is open! We have HOTT pvp sexytime fleets every Saturday at 12:00, and you are welcome to come! Don’t be shy! We’ll ease you into the weird stuff gently, because we love you.

Recruitment is open! If you are looking for a great place to learn important life/EVE skills, you’ve come to the right place! All your important questions about dog fashion, or mining ores, or HOTT pvp sexytimes, will be answered!

Recruitment is open! If you are looking for opportunities to work out those negative feelings by shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles, this is the place for you! Try it today! It’s very therapeutic!

Recruitment is open! Lots of ISK-making opportunities every day with us, so you can go get, as the kids say, “some bread”!

Recruitment is open! If you’ve ever wanted to travel through New Eden, while spending time with a supportive group that will help you work through your emotions about that celebrity breakup by shooting reds right in their stupid face, with missiles, this is the place! You don’t need to feel ashamed, we love you and want you to be your best self!

Recruitment is open! Remember: if you’ve always wanted to teach your pet dog or cat to “serve looks,” there’s no better place than with us! Our fashion and social-media consultants are standing by to help you make your dreams a reality!

Recruitment is open! If you are looking to have a good time, and not even in a weird way,¹ drop by and ask us how!

¹ unless you want to! #nokinkshaming

Recruitment is open! Don’t forget to try the breakfast bar! You’ll be shocked!

Recruitment is open! Always remember: we’ll support you on your EVE journey, even when you want to experiment with “logi” or “ewar” or “ship-swapping,” because we love you and want you to discover your “authentic self,” whatever that might be! No kinkshaming!

Recruitment is open! Open-to-all public HOTT pvp sexytime fleets every Saturday at 12:00! Grab a Caracal and come fly with us and learn how to shoot reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! You’ll be amazed when you let go of those self-doubts and open up to discovering your true self!

Recruitment is open! If you’re not certain about your fashion choices, don’t fret! We’ll help you with your customized “look” that you can “serve” to live your best life!

Recruitment is open! We run public NRDS pvp sexytime fleets every Saturday at 12:00! You just mist today’s, but don’t worry! We run them every Saturday for your enjoyment, because we love you. Free Biosecurity skins for new members, because good hygiene is the foundation of today’s modern, healthy lifestyle!