Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!


Blip blop bump

Recruitment is open! The other night I had a dream where I was a famous performance artist, and I was going to do a whole show, but it was going to involve a bunch of ridiculous nudity that I somehow wasn’t worried about! If you are also interested in weird art, join this corp and learn all about how you can express yourself!


Bump bump

Bumping blog blip

Bump bump bump

Bumping !!!

Recruitment is open! Are you feeling lost and confused? Like, not just about EVE, but your life in general? Don’t despair! We have a whole department of qualified fashion consultants who can help you really turn things around! You won’t believe what “serving looks” will do for your sense of self-worth!

Bumping !!!

Recruitment is open! Open-to-the-public NRDS pvp sexytime fleets every Saturday at 12:00! If you ever have some “emotions” that you need to work out, there’s no better way than shooting some reds right in their stupid face, with missiles! It’s very therapeutic!

Bump !!!

Bumping !!!

Recruitment is open! Don’t miss our weekly poetry readings! You’ll be amazed at how we unlock your inner emotions about missiles, with words!

Bumping !!!

Recruitment is open! If you are looking to live in space that’s very, uh … lively, with lots of people showing up who want you to shoot them right in their stupid face, with missiles, this is the place for you!

Bumping !!!

Bump !!!

Bumping !!!

Bump !!!