All I want for Christmas

I would call it trolling, but same thing really. :slight_smile:

Forums are the part of game. It was even more visible in past, when we still had EVE Gate.


He could even possibly mimic wardec and ganking corps in game by rassembling few likeminded people, form a “forum alliance” and systematically troll threads with bs arguments. The inverse of dreddit. Carpet wardec of threads to force ISD to close them.

I don’t think he is that dedicated… or even quarter as much as needed for such a thing.

Dont underestimate craziness of EVE forum inhabitants!

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and here ya go trying to derail another thread. will you please shut up and learn to join in the convo and not try to lead it with you nonsense.

We know. You’re too simple-minded to be offended.

You mean you have to be smart to be easily offended?

WOW…my common sense and my personal experience in real life shows me that only the dumbest people are those that explode quite easy because their lack of intelligence gives them no other exit than getting physical…

SOOOOOO…maybe you’re wrong…? :slight_smile:

But i can explain you that if you do not understand…:slight_smile:



Thx for proving it to the world by yourself…:slight_smile:

That’s the only truthful thing that you’ve ever posted, dumb people are the ones that explode.

Don’t want to explode, don’t be dumb; it’s not rocket science FFS.

Well that’s wrong and just your imagination because you don’t like what i say and fear that i’m maybe right with it…

You can dislike my opinion but do not doubt my sincerity, I mean what I say…

All i want for EVE-mas is for battleships to not be nearly worthless in the current meta. Excluding a couple BS doctrines like machs, mjd ravens and nightmares.

They are severely disadvantaged to smaller ships and most are free kills for capitals.

BS were in danger to be destroyed by groups of smaller ships in this game since 2003 if the smaller ship pilots know what they do…

There is no real change here…since 2003…

And what do you want?

An i-win button on BS?

I will confess that i don’t understand why ships beginning with bs size have no automatic short range defense against missiles,frigates and drones but since this is the case BS are naturally vulnerable…

Battleships are hard countered on both ends, something no other ship line has to deal with. Capitals hard counter battleships and Frigates (especially assault frigates) can also hard counter battleships with a small group. Cruisers can also pose a significant threat depending on the person/fitting/ship. This is all due to battleships inherent application weakness to smaller ships. The only ship line that a battleships is good against are battlecruisers, that is their sole niche. But not a niche that really exists well in the meta due to capitals. If you bring a battleship fleet against a BC fleet, someone is going to bring capitals, or bombers, both of which will hard counter most battleships.

No, I-win buttons already exist, its called capital ships and they’re broken on a balancing level. Simple tweaks to battleships would go a long way, like scan res buffs, mild HP buffs (10-15%), rebalancing the navy line to be better and more affordable, nerfing pirate BS BPC drop rates (Remove BPC drops from DED’s and put them into belts like Mordus) as well as rebalancing Marauders.

home… I need real home to rest… too much time in darkness

This is from 2015, but it shows that EVE player population only spends around 20% of its time in low, null or WH space. Which leaves 80% spent in hisec.

but… what about Afros?

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