Alliance Tournament XVII - An Update!

Out with the old, in with the new.

So anybody up for a demonstration in JITA about this…

Can we get the whole of the user base too warp to JITA at a certain time and date…

No Ganking lol

Keep in mind the alliance tournament was done on their own time and money by volunteers.

Organize it. Without doubt the best way to find out how much people really care.

wait. what? wtf are the cancelling it for? thats like my version of the superbowl



Ominous announcement is…ominous?

(Be warned, this will be poorly written due to emotional involvement)

Kind of fitting that what super-excited me about EVE (A/T) and made me spend thousands of dollars per year is gone. I now have nothing to look forward to in EVE 2019.

Keep your world tour, I never cared for the player meet-ups. Too much talk, not enough playing. When I was there, the atmosphere felt scripted and tense. The good little CCP pets (see Twitch videos for the long list) bobbed their heads while being careful of every word. In my opinion, not really fun. Local Meet-ups were a little better but rarely talked about anything other than how to grief other pilots more effectively. That was never my EVE, nor will it ever be.

Many have meant well over the years (CCP Devs and players) but they seemed to get buried in corporate politics but an unseen force, so I don’t blame them individually. Whoever thought Free-to-Play was a great idea was a business moron. Sacrificing the quality of the game for quantity of ALTs is not a sound strategy. It felt more like desperation and a middle finger to the long time subscribers. In 2017, the forecast model slipped and showed EVE would be insolvent sometime in 2022 based on current and projected numbers. That was followed in 2018 with some large investors bailing out and Pearl Abyss coming in. I’m not going to piss on Pearl Abyss, I don’t know them well enough to opine.

I remember fondly getting dragged into this game by 2 friends and taught how to mine in a Venture, run from red in system and just blab on TS3 with our small 8 pilot group (6 of us had never played before). We were warned never to talk in local, it would just make you a target. So true, even years later! I remember the thrill of figuring out how to make things in Industry. I was so excited when I flew my 1st ship built from nothing but ORE. I don’t care what you think about it, THIS WAS MY EVE and I was happy to login every single day. I spent enough real money on CCP Plex to buy a car. I didn’t care about earning it in game. I was supporting my game with my wallet, and proud of it!

I paid a custom print clothing company to make hoodies (CCP logo on the front, huge EVE Online on the back) and I hunted for new pilots in real life. In retrospect, I wish I would have pushed them to use my referral when signing up, lol. At the time, I didn’t care. I just wanted new pilots to feel the excitement that I did.

EVE may never return to what it was, but flying with so many friends and family over years felt good. I remember staying up all night using my TS3 and sometimes even a private streaming channel just to teach new pilots how to fly, fit, mine, build, sell and buy. Good times!

Alliance Tournament - We never played together but I so enjoyed watching you. I rescheduled my entire personal and business life around you. You will be missed.


It’s dead. The second sentence there? Yeah, it’s hardly a stretch to take CCP’s actions here and extrapolate it given how CCP has acted for years now. Especially when Falcon’s two posts are full of absolute and complete horseshite that reeks of desperate excuses that don’t hold water at all.


LMAO! What a load of ■■■■■■■■.

I’m over it.

Ah, CCP, ever so eager to disappoint…

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Great plans and shitty realisation :rofl:

Shame to see AT slip. Definately my highlight of the year. For me AT >>> F2F Events > CSM

One nail in the coffin; ah ha ha ha ha
Two nails in the coffin; ah ha ha ha ha
THREE nails in the coffin; ah ha ha ha ha
■■■■ it, just bury the ■■■■■■■ thing and hope people stop playing it.

GGWP; It’s been a great decade.

I have been a diehard fan and player of EVE Online since March of 2011. Over the course of the past two years, the actions taken by CCP and the direction they have taken the game has only served to not only alienate but also drive me away. I have not and will not resubscribe until the community team is reassembled or recreated and CCP puts in more effort to balance & improve gameplay & game mechanics. Learning about the cancellation of the AT tonight has only served to drive me away even more because I VERY MUCH enjoyed the Alliance Tournament, so much so that I shifted my entire personal life around it and have watched every single match that has been uploaded to YouTube. That’s all I’ve got.


So you change war mechanics because it “effects the player retention & player count” but then cancel Fanfest and AT which you know will have seriously repercussions on your retention and player count.



One response from a Dev on the biggest announcement of 2019? You really dont care about this game anymore do you guys? why are you even trying to cloak your bullsht? anyone who has any experience with a corporation can understand the double speak that you just laid on us. You cancel one of the biggest events of the year and you don’t say a damn thing about what you are working on? do you guys not understand how delivering bad news goes? I mean you have to have someone there. Your salesmen sold Eve to PA so that means you have someone there that knows how to bullsht or how to deliver bad news so it aint so bad. Does the fact that we the players actually pay for this mean anything to you? Or are you just intrested in getting paid and bouncing? CCP Falcon i realize it may not be fun to be ■■■■ on like everyone is doing to you right now but you are the face of the company and you gotta deal with it. Your complete lack of anything tangible tell us that CCP just doesnt give a ■■■■ anymore. So why should we? Why shouldnt we all just buy isk from isk sellers and bot to our hearts content? becuase its against your rules? rules that you dont even care about anymore? GIVE US SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!! tell us the damn game is gonna go away at the end of the year, tell us that we are all stupid and this has been one big scam since 2003. Just make a convincing attempt to show that you actually ■■■■■■■ care about anything other then a paycheck.

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The game is not dying. No it isn’t.
You know, we warned about this fish rotting from the head… and the tail. We were called “carebears”. Oh we cared alright. We cared about the game. We made suggestions that took time to think and write about, knowing what kind of, and from whom, criticism it would draw. The kind of people whose game was destroying the game.
Oh well.
Great “Browser Game” though. Looks nice. Those skins and all.