So you would be okay with giving suspect timer from undocking, everywhere, including Hisec, Null and lowsec? Cause that isnt a nerf to hisec, because it applies everywhere.
It is a nerf to highsec, because suspect timer everywhere means no concord, which is one of the defining distinctions between highsec and the other areas of the game, highsec is a limited pvp zone, the others are full pvp zones.
The question isnt whether its doable, its whether its reasonable.
It’s reasonable to expect to field a significant ganking fleet if you wish to kill a 10+ Billion isk hull, plus fit, plus CONCORD license fee, which likely will be another 10B in plex/isk. You won’t be killing that with 2 catalysts, that’s reasonable.
Ive taken a look at your entire killboard, and youve never even been in a fleet over 100 people. For the entire year that youve been playing, youve never been in a fleet over 70 people.
I’ve been playing for longer, this was the latest of many toons I had over the years, I personally flew in burn jita events too, I remember the round the clock rotations of ganks in coercers, if goons can do that to gank freighters, you can do it to gank supers. Besides, a new subcap ship designed specifically to maximize damage to capitals in suicide attacks, whether it be in nullsec or highsec, can work to help balance the new firepower introduced in highsec.
So please, tell us your logic behind your claim. Thanks.
Major mining will be and is done in moon belts. You can mine in other ways, normal belts or emerging conduit site ores, but the actual m3 is tiny, and in a rorqual, it will be a hassle to mine. If you have a problem with lots of mining, then attack the athanors that produce the belts.
But i dont think it should be buffed to be on the same level, or even remotely similar level, as nullsec. Which you have already admitted you want to see.
Highsec is civilization, you do not get rich in New York City by discovering gold, or hunting down outlaws/pirates for bounty money, but you get rich slowly, either working a job, or a mission in the capsuleers case, or quickly, on the stock market, or in the markets in the capsuleers case. Nullsec players have gotten so good at the game that they effectively created a concord system in the form of a capital umbrella.
Keep nullsec the way it is, however capsuleers that enjoy the concord umbrella also deserve to enjoy the toys that have been given to other regions. We need to put in more work and be more creative to earn our fortune, but a player should be able to spend the entirety of their gameplay from the start to the end in highsec, this concept of you leaving highsec to enjoy the endgame in null is outdated and harmful to many casual PVE players and others who enjoy the slow game.