You have no idea why caps are not allowed in high sec, because you cannot look past your own wallet. This has nothing to do with economys, its you and your command team wanting to in high sec in rorqs, mining afk, making billions for no effort. You sent a mail telling your corp to “support” this post regardless of its intent.
The issue is here is that you, like Hinze and Rachel, think people cannot see what your aim is and they do.
Capitals are banned from high sec for a solid reason, and if you cannot see why, then you have no business teaching new players eve online.
I do have a good idea. Back in the day concord was like the navy faction, powerful but tankable/killable. There used to be people running triage carrier setups that could not die and would camp the trade hubs and major trade routes killing everything in sight, concord, navy, capsuleer etc. Thus they were hurting the game and CCP removed them.
Now that concord can kill a titan just as fast as a frigate, depending on security status, I see no reason to have this limit any longer in highsec.
Sent: Dec 24, 2019, 4:29:00 AM
To: Incompetent and Proud
Subject: Let’s encourage CCP to buff highsec!
Not important, feel free to disregard if busy
One thing that I always disliked about EVE is the inability for us highsec pilots to be able to use capital ships, the big ships you hear about in battles which caused many of us to play the game. Those ships are restricted only to Lowsec and Nullsec. However we are the majority of the game, and we may be able to change that.
So far my post has gotten mostly negative responses, but I doubt many of them are highsec residents. If you would like to see the big capital ships in highsec, and want to try your hand at flying them someday, I recommend commenting on that post and showing your support.
Anyways thanks for reading, enjoy your Christmas o7
& Zombie corp showed why Concord should NOT be tankable, killing everyone who came into Yulai until ccp had to step in and stop it.
This is about your corps 80% mining practice, you want Roqs in high sec, its that simple and everyone on this post, can see that. Just try telling the truth for once, you might find it refreshing
You do not manipulate a corp full of newbros into support and insanely bad idea and making them think its a good idea, this is why you should not be teaching new players. This is perhaps the worst idea i have seen on this section all year.
I disagree, concord is fine as it is, going back to the Yulai days will simply hurt players. I mentioned all capitals, you are fixated on us wanting rorquals, I mentioned all capitals.
What possible reason could you want caps in high sec? What is the ACTUAL reason? They serve no practical purpose in high sec at all, other than to cause massive lag
If you cannot defend structures, you don’t put them down. You dont change the game to suit your play style
Adapt or die - simple as that, risk vs reward etc etc
Capital fights in high sec with smartbombs, u get into neutral warps into see what happens, concord turns up cause he got smart bombed, if you think this is a good idea, you an insane
I mentioned several reasons above in this thread. The main benefit is the ability for highsec only residents to enjoy the full line of ships in the game, without having to deal with nullsec drama or politics. Some players like to work to get the best ship, the stay until you get a titan is a strong motivating factor for players staying, and many players join because they see videos and reports of huge capital battles and are curious.
In addition, it will help clear the excess structures from highsec, encourage fun fights for the active ones, and allow nullsec to sell their excess super/titan fleets to highsec, helping increase demand and boosting the nullsec economy, since they retain the exclusive right to build supers and titans.
Don’t forget that highsec residents have capitals as well, and if they manage to lose their structures they can always pay the higher NPC fees and do their services in an NPC station. There is no economic collapse, the economy ran just fine when there were no citadels, and you assume those factions wouldn’t drop low tax ‘freeport citadels’ for profit in highsec.
Don’t be nieve, ud either collapse the market or ud kill off independent mining which would lead to a rise on CODE gankings which is funded by GS/Test etc, this would lead to less minerals on the market, ship prices going sky high
Think past your wallet to the actual repercusions of this
If all highsec production, refining, industry, research etc was to be moved to NPC stations, prices would only rise say 10-15% due to the NPC tax. This is assuming nullsec does not begin to ship en masse cheaply produced and priced assets to sell to the highsec markets, assuming they do not drop their own structures for tax revenue (Tranquility Trade Tower) and assuming nullsec decides to kill most major structures in highsec considering highsec has quite a lot of structures.
Mining will continue, many athanors will fall yes, but many will be placed up again as well. I don’t see an issue with that, CCP themselves wish for more ‘sandcastles to be kicked down’ and this is a great way of doing that. You assume people won’t try to defend/hire people to defend them as well.
You don’t understand cap warfare because I know you have never done it. This will never work, CCP would never allow caps in high sec, they denied it for a solid reason. To remove that ban would cause more harm to new players than you can imagine.
And you continue to assume, who says I have not done capital warfare before? CCP removed capitals primarily in the days when concord was weak, there is no reason why they cannot be reinstated. This will not harm new players, highsec mechanics remain the same, the game is not the same today as it was back then, concord is more powerful, safety settings were introduced, and people do not fit smartbombs on their ships in highsec unless they intend to gank, if they do eventually they will flag themselves.
Capital ships have never been allowed in high sec, the only capital pilot in high sec is Chribba and that was for outstanding servies to eve online.
You have not been playing long enough to understand why mechancis where changes and the abuse people pulled on them, Drop the idea Sabus, they will never allow it to happen.
You envision your corp being a massive capital force in high sec, grow some balls, move the corp into a low sec pocket and train them, ofc you need pvp fcs but you have none of those so…
They have, and Chribba is not the sole exception of people allowed to have capitals, anyone who built one in highsec before the change is allowed to keep them with some exceptions. People told me to drop the idea of somer blink ever happening again, and we got the Hyper relay, change does happen if it is good.
I only care about improving the lives of highsec citizens, naturally I and my corp will benefit since we live in highsec.