Alpha changes: Best (Battle)ship for LvL4 missions

Snake takes a ton more skills. Are you actually reading the title of the topic ??

Yeah, one of the ships listed was a Rattlesnake…

I’m curious how you make 45m an hour in lvl 3 missions.

Is that bounties only… or factoring in loot, salvage and LP?

It wouldn’t be through loot or salvage. Blitzing (or clearing) L3s for bounties and LP can average around 45m ISK/hour with the right ship setup, skills and faction - but it does require a high degree of attention.

How many missions an hour for that? I haven’t run a lvl 3 in a while… but I think I remember lvl 3’s being around 1-3m in bounties. Am I way off?

Bounties, rewards, and LP. Looking at my notes I was doing roughly 20mil in bounties, and then 20k LP per hour. I believe that was in a warp speed proteus, although with alpha skills I think the mach would be the goto ship. Warp speed fit BCs would probably be pretty good for newer players, but I haven’t done any testing. Ferox gets a great mix of damage and range for a BC

I also never did a mission break down, there are a few that suck to run and could be declined to increase isk/hr. I think angels extra was the main one I figured out to turn down as the spawns are pretty annoying. Also probably turned down most faction missions.

I don’t think so, It mainly relies on killing everything super fast and chaining as many missions as possible. I’m pretty sure most of the missions took around 5 mins from accept to turn in.

nice been meaning to go check sisi. I think DD should still work for a few, but losing the 90% web hurts.

Ignore all the hype (bullshit) around doing these big numbers per hour for missions. I have yet to see anyone prove it. If you disagree, please record 1 hour of play time and show me where you wallet went up by said vast amounts.
Making assumptions on isk to LP conversions does not make it real as you still need to get the LP item, haul it and sit in a trade hub to try and sell it.


Please, do you really think that someone will show you their way to make money the most efficiently possible ? As someone said on another topic, even PVE is PVP in Eve as you must beat the other people to sell your stuff.

also some good deals need too many LP, even after 2 hours you don’t have enough LP to buy one. And of course the longer you wait for your orders to pass, the better your profit.

I however agree with you that he should find what is good for him by himself and not be obsessed by what the other people do.

Any of you consider WH as profit?

The best way to make consistently good isk I have found for newer players is to run sites in null sec. Lots of corp’s out there that will take alfa’s and set them in the right direction. Feel free to contact me in game if you need advice on where to go :wink:

I mean yea of course they would, heck hateless was streaming it for a while: Blitz and Burner Guide v1.2.3

as far as the trading part goes, LP values have been reasonably stable for well, nearly as long as the lp store was introduced in 2007. 1-2k isk/lp has been more or less the standard rate although of course there were some 3-5k trades if not higher for various periods of time. If you need isk now selling to buy orders is easy, and typically a more accurate price. if you can wait a little bit of time using sell orders is pretty easy, typically you can just leave them and they will sell within a week.

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Did you see in the stream his wallet go up by 200mil every hour ? I know I didn’t. And until someone can actually prove it, aliens always seem to capture me and probe me when I fly around like superman at night.


I don’t think you’d see that because a major part of that “isk/hr” is LP… which doesn’t cause the wallet to tick until you cash it in.

For example… I can with a single character run 2 anoms an hour and loot and salvage them. For that hour of work, my wallet would only total about 40m isk. But I would also take home about 20m in loot and salvage. So I’m making 60m isk per hour for my work even if the wallet only ticks for 40.

But I don’t get the other 20m until I make a corp buyback contract to my corp and a director accepts it. It still got earned from the the hour spent ratting and salvaging… but I don’t collect until later. Same goes for LP.

you are absolutely right, mission running is worthless and no one should do it. FW and WH space also don’t pay in direct isk should probably avoid those too. if anyone offers you $50 or a gold brick, always take the cash, gold is clearly worthless! Instead come out to null where you can orbit a rock in a vni while your drones do all the work, just watch local and warp out whenever anything spooky shows up. And watch as the isk goes right into your wallet, no thinking about anything like silly sell orders, or what the market price should be. Act now and we’ll throw in a free lobotomy! Get rid of thinking forever! /s if you couldn’t tell

Sure there can be issues with valuing LP, things like like 1% implants or random faction mods with low use will often show up as something like 10k isk/lp when looking at sell orders, but those are low volume markets that don’t fairly represent the market. For those reasons I suggested it was worthwhile to also look at the buy order value.

LP values are overall fairly stable, and I think it is completely fair to count it as income. sure you can lose value to a gank, or mistype your market order but those risks are applicable to pretty much any other isk making activity.

if I play for an hour and make 90mil in bounties, and then put 120mil worth of LP on the market, log out, and log back in the next day and it’s sold I’m up 210mil and only played for an hour.


It’s not that difficult to earn upwards of 60m ISK/hour with any Marauder with standard L4 missions (no Burners) with occasional looting and salvaging from standard Empire (non-SoE) agents. Earning in excess of 120m ISK/hour (again, no Burners) is also achievable depending on agents, chaining and mission draws.

I think he really makes a point, in that people usually don’t account the small additional costs.
What’s the point of taking a golden brick if none can change it ?

  • you have to move your goods. It takes time. If it requires no time for you, that means someone else is doing it ; and you should pay him it for his time - or this is another activites where you gain money by making other people work for you.
  • if you sell and buy on long-term, then you have to wait for your money to cash in. The time during which you don’t get your money has a cost, as you will agree that it is better to have your money now than have it in 1000 years
  • you don’t sell at SO. actually you can sell at a given price, but then you will be limited in the number of sales per day/month that are actually sold.
  • when you place long term orders, making them more visible (the stupid .01 isk game) is often required to sell items in correct time. This trader game has a price too.
  • What if there is a market crash ?
  • you lose a burner ship here and there. Well, I did. not that often. forgot to OL the hardener. get disconnected. Get a spawn where the rats are too strong and you can’t break them (happened twice to me). CCP decides to ■■■■ you for whichever reason they have. Orbit the RR instead of the burner. forget to activate the MWD. forget to OL the gun and the guristas burner outtank you (happened to me once) or even just don’t arctivate hardener.(happened too). Forgot to refill your cap boosters. Your hardeners OL too fast(bad luck). OL too early vs serp/blood agent and guns burnt(didnt die as I had an alt to jam the burner). serp thaloses or team jaguar makes double wrecking hit, effectively wrecking your ship.

Sorry, but the claim to make 200M/h min consistently in burners missions seem to be exagerated to me.

The only people that I can think are doing 200M/h/account are those multiboxing in NS. Those people have distribution rates in the constellation(it seems), like lann, but they have more agents so they only keep the very best mission, run several missions in the same system at once, use less expensive ships with more DPS so break the rats tank more easily, are in NS so so +30% rewards(not bounties), basically I can agree than those make the 200M/h/account CASH, even considering they lose a ship to gank here and there (which is not necessarily more often than doing burners in HS)

Eve is a competitive game, and if everybody does the same thing, this thing’s price decreases.

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It is definitely possible to consistently make in excess of 200m ISK/hour. If I had a nickel every time these “numbers” were challenged, well… I’d have a big bag of nickels.

You do need to primarily use a blitzing ship along with numerous Burner fits, and select SoE agents are crucial. This has already been discussed ad infinitum and there is a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this. Keep in-mind that this is with an Omega character, so YMMV with the new Alpha skillset changes (some Burners will just not be completable).

Is this for everyone? Nope - but it’s definitely achievable.

What makes you think I don’t know this already ?

Maybe this comment?

“Sorry, but the claim to make 200M/h min consistently in burners missions seem to be exagerated to me.”

I guess if you “know” this, you’d “know” the claim isn’t exaggerated. I’ve actually exceeded 200m ISK/hour with standard Empire agents - but take this with a grain of salt (YMMV depending on motivation).

So you just read this and did not read what I wrote after ?
And thus assumed I had no reason to affirm this ?

I did not claim “it is exagerated”. I claim “those are the reasons it is exagerated”.