Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

What made you think that this isn’t the intended effect?

I agree. Let’s just make the highest high-sec income about 30% of the lowest low-sec income first real quick, and then we can start sending all of the PvP griefers there, where they belong.


You mean, when it had no consequences whatsoever? Losing your ship is not a consequence because it’s inherent and unavoidable. For ganking, that would be like saying that shooting ammo is a meaningful consequence.

For too long, gankers could just keep targets tackled indefinitely with bumping. That was fixed. For too long, gankers could just hide in NPC stations where they were unassailable, or later in Tether where no one could attack them either. That will be fixed now.

Now mass multibox gankers need to be really sure that they will get their target when they undock or else they are stuck in space. If this meaningful, tactical choice kills your “fun”, ganking was never for you. Everyone asks for more meaningful choices and more consequences for actions, yet gankers always believed they were above these claims.


If you say so, sweetie. Want to take me out on a ride on your high horse? :slight_smile:


How do regular alphas feel about the change to fixed HS safety settings ?? (I know I wouldn’t be happy, takes away choice etc.)

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What a load of crock.

If you’d read the link to the changes you would’ve known how. But it’s easier to cry and moan about it, isn’t it.


The narrative spinning in this thread is not even interesting.

Literally people claiming there is no issue, then saying they will force the issue. If there is no issue to start with, what can you even force ?

Also those are completely out of touch. CCP did not pretend there was too many alpha gankers ; they says there will be more with the incoming changes. It’s a preemptive fix. If you don’t believe them, and I can relate to that, then it’s YOUR interpretation, YOUR problem. Because since you are not here to find truth but instead, to find an interpretation that fits your taste, then your opinion is not worth taking into account.


How would there be more?

You can’t multi box alphas.

A lone cata can’t take out a passive T6 tanked abyss gila LOL.

The drones alone would ROFLcopter the lone cata.

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You can.
It’s not allowed, but you can. That’s the crux of the issue wrt alpha multiboxing.
You balance the game based on what the players CAN do, not what they are ALLOWED to do, otherwise you make illegal activities (respecting EULA) interesting.

Also, the concern is not about alpha multibox, but alpha recycling low ss toons, so your point of multiboxing is anyhow off topic.
It’s not like you can’t play with other people as an alpha gang. And each player have 20 alpha accounts, each of them training on one toon for free, so that you can have a disposable alpha toon with good ss at any time.
Just because you can’t do that, does not mean nobody can. Actually it’s pretty easy considering you are allowed to automate the process


Oh? And you have proof this is happening right?

So please drop the proof or drop the claim :smiley:

LOL wut.

This makes absolutely no sense LOL.

Please drop the proof that people are doing this or drop the claim :smiley:

Oh? So tell us how. Show us the proof :smiley:

People where crying about alphas getting abused for ganking from the very first thread on the forums where CCP introduced the alphas. CCP responded and said they will monitor the situation and if the case they will be able to disable the safety switch, just like they do now.

Completely possible some people abused it. But I don’t see why they wouldn’t communicate that clearly

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When has CCP ever communicated something like this clearly?


Well you got me. I have no answer for that.


Rookie griefer!

So it was indeed you who abused the alphas. Lucky you didn’t get banned for that.

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Possible? Of course.

Proven? That remains to be seen.

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Maybe the CSM has been shown some STARK numbers

You are in a plain hallucinatory delirium . Again, this is off topic, and twice at it.
Learn to behave and drop the nonsense.

Well if this makes no sense for you, then your opinion is worth as much.

Please drop the useless off topic posts. There is no proof of the future.

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Then drop it to the public.

Because right now, all it is a claim that isn’t proven that is being used to nerf a playstyle.

Oh. So you have no proof at all this is happening.

Got it :smiley:

I’m not asking proof of the future. You’re claiming people are multi-boxing alpha accounts and mass recycling alpha accounts to gank.

You made those claims :smiley:

All I’m asking for is proof. If you have none, well there you go.

Much like Drac claiming a dev sold the EVE client to “Russian hackers”.

You must “know a guy” too huh?

You did not get that reference eh?

No it’s not. There is no such a claim.

The fact that it’s possible is enough.
You don’t wait for the burglar to lock your door

I am not . Drop the useless posts.

My sole claim, answering your off topic post, is that it’s possible. Being done or not is not to be considered. Your post was wrong and off topic.