If there was an organization which used only alphas, yes this would boost their dps a bit.
However, I don’t think there is such an organization in new eden. To gank with only one char is not a very interesting activity because of the 15min timer. Every ganker I know is multiboxing omegas.
Also, as I already mentioned, using a omega gank alt as an SP farm makes it almost free, so there is really no advantage in using an alpha over an omega for ganking or any alt which has a fixed amount of SP.
But I guess you are just trying to construct some controversy here.
It may have a theoretical impact for gank fleets using only alphas. But since there are no such fleets I know of there will be absolutely no impact in reality in my opinion.
It will however have a really big impact on every other part of the game. I’m a bit sad they can’t use barges still, or can they?
Why are you talking about only alphas? There may be combined effort of omegas and alphas, many alphas could take part in loot. Its profitable. There is no need to multibox by only one player.
Not sure what making something in the game more grindy and boring will solve, except that fewer people will do it because it sucks.
Maybe we should send the victim to a lowsec “education system” so he can learn situational awareness and how to fit a ship properly before he is allowed back into Highsec.
I still don’t see this happening. In my opinion it is highly unlikely that this will change anything at all related to Highsec ganking because of all the points I mentioned.
There’s going to be a little bit more mach/hulk/ret/cov kills since alphas could only realistically kill ventures before. It’s not really going to change much, alphas weren’t killing indies/freighters and they won’t be after the charge either.
You have no idea what this game is about Mr.bear.
No it really isn’t. Multiboxing omegas isn’t just more dps, you can’t do anything substantial without support characters.
Cost wise other than some additional Tornados from alpha accounts and a touch of extra DPS from having t2 smalls on dessie hulls I don’t see it changing too much. Might be more interesting for ganks on wardec targets, might not…
Far more interested in what the expansion to alpha abilities will mean for lowsec and FW to be honest. Since in smaller hulls the power gap between paid and freemium who trained past 5m SP will be smaller.
BCs will be a far more generally useful platform however considering they actually have access to T2 weapons which often cost maybe a third as much as a meta 4 in the same turret size class. And depending on whether or not heavy drones got included in the mix those drone BCs can pack some serious whallop.
That said, a BS with partial T2 tank and some meta guns certainly can take a beating, but unless you’ve gotten a ton of support skills at least mostly leveled they result in some shiny kill mails. Doubly so if somebody takes a pirate hull out without the proper skills and gets caught.
Cruisers though are about to get interesting. Gila will be an option among others.
Yup the racial restrictions were in place to prevent access to multi-racial requirement ships. With that going away… alphas have access to the pirate hulls.
I dont see how this changes anything for anyone with any common sense.
Prior to the Alpha clones people could be ganked by people with CONSIDERABLY more firepower. Now you have Alpha clones with some ability to hit you. But with the addition of t2 modules to the Alpha clone list, they will have a bit more sting. But still no where near what an Omega has, or had prior to the introduction of the Alpha clones.