Alpha vs Omega

That was the point I was making.

If there are only two states, Alpha state should be the apex.

The Alpha site is the primary site.

The Alpha Protocol us the top protocol.

The Omega slot is for headphones.

Whilst Alpha wolf theory is bunk, there has to be a reason Alpha was chosen as top and Omega as bottom.

People are more familiar with alpha, beta, gamma, uh
 whatever next.

Are they? Well whilst that might match popular opinion of alpha bros, they arent called it cos they think they are the worst.

They have Alpha, basic Omega and standard Omega. Plus some SP training booster skills bought for Aurum.

Yeah those were painful old days

That comparison only really works in a group scenario like the Alpha Wolf

Actually it was more Alpha and Beta that were used for top and bottom, the Alpha/Omega thing goes back a lot further, even to biblical quotes

So it predates most modern uses of the word and this is the context its used in

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Religion is so cool

No not actually
“Alpha (ethology) - Wikipedia” Dominance hierarchy - Wikipedia

Should have quantified that i meant in modern times, compared to the older use of A/O

Removed an incredibly off topic post and some related to it.


As I see it, the restrictions for Alphas are such that:

  1. Alphas can try out and enjoy nearly every type of gameplay
  2. Every type of gameplay can be significantly improved by going Omega as an incentive to pay
  3. The strategic or financial reason to make an Alpha alt is very limited

Explanations of those points:

  1. Alpha, or free accounts are intended to offer new or returning players a view of everything the game has to offer. You can do missions, mining, pvp, exploration, etc. I think even blops fleets are possible as Alpa with the Astero, although you cannot cloak up. Players can stay Alpha indefinitely, in the hopes that they like the game enough to start supporting the game as Omega.

  2. If there is any type of gameplay that cannot be significantly improved by going Omega, what point is there to go Omega if you enjoy that specific activity? For any activity, there should always be a good reason to go Omega, if not, CCP is doing something wrong.
    This is why a lot of higher skill levels and specialist skills are restricted to Omega, together with the modules and (T2/3) ships that are behind those skill requirements. And until you hit those restrictions, the Alpha is exactly as powerful as a new Omega pilot.

  3. It’s really easy and free to make Alpha alts. If there was any significant strategic or financial reason to do so, everyone would be using tens or hundreds of Alphas for everything. This is the main reason Alphas are restricted from using cloaks, PI, better mining ships than the Venture, multiboxing, higher trade skills, industry, tier 4 and 5 missions, etc. And this is also a main reason all the login rewards are untradable and automatically applied.

Alphas are in a good place right now as I see it.

If you think Alphas could use access to something new, please give suggestions. And check if it fits within the points I mentioned above.


mumbles something about medical clone grades formerly being identified with greek designations

Alphas are pretty okay as it is, plenty of freedom
 for free.
I mean it’s nice to let folks have access to loads of content for free, but you have to keep in mind that if they’re given too much then you’re taking away reasons to actually PAY for the game.
It’s supposed to tempt to subscribe, not replace subscription.


Alpha is the free sample


thats already possible 
 pay for EVE and you get everything
thats so easy

if someone asks me 
 alpha players should not have battleships, any T2 modules, any T2 weapons but thats only what i think

alpha status is a time unlimited trial 
 in the past you could have anything in the trail but you only had 3 weeks then you needed to pay 
 now its a different sytem



Alphas can really do a lot and i’m happy they can be valuable in fleets as t1 logi And Basic PVP ships. I wouldn’t change anything about alphas.

Well, not quite true, pay for eve, then pay more for eve but you don’t get everything

Remove Alpha
Remove Skill Injectors

Normies get out. EvE is the /pol/ of MMOs and I don’t want you in MY game

Alpha can buy and spend PLEX as much as Omega does, they’re still paying customers if they choose to, just not spending it on 30 day subs

They just choose to spend it differently

Where does the CCP revenue come from? Merchandising, branding, technology, ip and PLEX sales?

30 day sub just “consumes” 500 plex at a time

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 what? if you choose to pay a subscription you get everything eve has 
 like for anyone else 

if you buy plex with real money and spend it on skins or such stuff but you dont upgrade to omega its not that clever 
 at least in my view

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it may not be “clever” to you but it’s still being a paying customer and in the end that’s what matters to bean counters

yea maybe you are the better customer because you pay for stuff you dont need but ignores the real stuff 
