Alpha vs Omega

the new boosters coming to the in game store that prevent PVP or hostile mods against you for 15 minutes will be a great thing. Dont leave home without them in your hold!


You must be the new face of Legit HyperN et, partyinmypants, SoldMyChar ForISK and Doctorā€™s Assistant.

um what? calling me racist names is uncalled for.

Um what? What racist names?

I dont know @SOLITUDE_SAMMY but perhapsā€¦

they won a legit hypernet which resulted in a party in their pants which unfortunately required them to see a doctors assistant and ultimately having to sell their character for isk to cover the bills?

A cautionary eve tale for sure but definately not racistā€¦

Personally, I donā€™t think alpha accounts should exist at all, and most of my accounts are alphas (only 4 are Omega accounts). My reasoning? a 2 week or 3 week, or even a 1 month trial, is long enough to decide if you like the game, and if you like the game, you should pay for it. I have a total of 31 accounts, and Iā€™d have zero issue if 27 alpha accounts got shut down and unable to log in without a subscription. Of course, Iā€™d like some warning so I could transfer my isk and assets off them, otherwise Iā€™ll have to rotate subs to do so, minor pita, but still worth the cost to me of losing their ability to log in w/o a sub. Thatā€™s my 2.3 isk opinion on the subject. Now, give me a cpl minutes to change into my flame resistant jammies please.


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Some people in Iceland are making a living off eve

Laugh? I nearly shat

so you multibox 4 or 31 accounts? sounds lonely, and counterintuitive(unless youre in wh space mining rare goodies getting targeted nonstop by higher difficulty ships).

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