Yup, exactly. The thing is that there is no point in having an honest discussion with people who aren’t willing to do the same, because they are frantically trying to hide these simple and basic facts and to do that will have to create lies, smoke and mirrors.
It would be different if the (current) SoCT hulls were limited to Omegas. As has been suggested, cap Alphas at T1 hulls - no Faction (of any kind), T2 or T3.
Look through the list of Praxis solo kills and it is literally page after page after page of frigates, destroyers, Ventures, pods, and other Praxis. Scary stuff ! Massively overpowered ship…killing pods and frigates !
I waded through 10 pages of Apocalypse losses and could not find a single one where there’s a solo kill by a Praxis.
It’s entirely possible they’re primarily utilized for PvE. Which doesn’t change the fact that for what they are - they’re OP. There are many hulls used mainly for PvE…
Look - I didn’t even realize the SoCT battleship had that many slots…
Yes I was there and confirm, but heck…this is EVE forums, where actually being there and having direct experience takes second place to our intellectual Lord And Masters in their ivory towers and their all seeing Eye Of Sauron that is powered by psionic BS and never needs to undock. Know your place !
You shall not pass! But the SoCT ships are still OP. If they could be manufactured, we’d probably see them utilized in quite a few more roles than they currently are.
If CCP stopped handing the SoCT ships out annually the price would slowly creep up until they were cost prohibitive for what they offer. At which point some enterprising individuals would probably buy up all the supply to speculate.
Ah…then Mr Epeen and Co would be welcoming them and r̶i̶p̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ o̶f̶f̶ charging people a completely fair cost like they do with other battlecruisers.
Sure, but then isn’t that the REAL issue here. Notice how its the traders whining most about SOCT ships here, not the PvP-ers. They dislike SOCT ships because they can’t screw people out of ISK as much as they can with other ships…all the ‘OP’ stuff is just a diversion as few of them ever undock and are never likely to even meet an SOCT ship…lol.
I’m not a trader, and I’m not “whining” about them. I’m just pointing out that they’re OP. Which any reasonable person would admit just looking at the stats.
But hey, CCP gives them out for free or earned as rewards - and players can turn around and sell them for ISK - so everyone’s happy.
Never mind that the last time CCP bundled “free” ships with packages there was a fire sale on pitchforks and torches, but what do I know…
Give away free ships to players = ok.
Give away free ships in cash bundles = not ok.