Alphas can only learn 37% of the skills in EVE, and most of those only partially

Aw did someone tickle your pay to win trigger bone? :stuck_out_tongue:

As a long time returning player I’m having a blast killing these omegas so I guess paying doesn’t mean you are going to win… :smiley:

I signed up for that, two weeks isn’t anywhere near long enough to decide that a game like Eve is worthwhile or not. For me (years later) it took months of being an alpha clone to decide, and once I did CCP started getting a lot of money. Alpha clones are not your enemy, and they aren’t hurting the game. They give people the time they need to learn what the hell is going on and decide (like I did) that they want more.
Player retention is bad enough as it is, try not to make it worse by persecuting people that don’t have any effect on you. Also try to remember that an omega clone complaining about alpha clones are doing nothing other than embarrassing themselves, if you can’t deal with an alpha clone you maybe ought to have a look at what you are failing to adapt to, not at what someone with a fraction of your potential is managing to accomplish.
I don’t blame the people who kill me for that fact they did so, and if an alpha clone comes along and kills me I will be even more impressed that not only did they succeed but had the audacity to make the attempt in the first place.
Yes having alpha accounts is an attempt by CCP to retain new players, and I’m proof that it works, one person now equals five paying accounts. Omega is the only thing I buy in Eve and that’s not going to change. I’m not getting skill injectors, expert systems or any of that other sandbox breaking crap, a thousand bucks a year is plenty in my opinion.


Pay to win is a useless accusation that helps no one. I’ve been in game development for a good while now and its definetly one of the buzz phrases that will see your feedback considered low quality or outright ignored. I’ve seen everything from cosmetics to name changes being considered pay to win.
Eve is a pay to play mmo. No one goes into it with any other expectation when they’ve made an informed decision to try it out.

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alphas can only learn about 19-20 million skill-points worth of skills. and the total skill pool requires more than 600 million skill-points. I am not good with maths, but I highly doubt that 20 is 37 % of 600.

Not all of the skills require equal amounts of skill points, and Alphas can’t learn all five levels on the majority of the skills they can learn. 37% is in terms of how many skills there are (not counting levels or skill points needed to learn them) and how many an Alpha clone can learn. There are 464 skills total, 172 are trainable to some degree by an Alpha clone. (172/464)*100 = 37%

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If you take such feedback from the customers of your game not serious you probably just shoot yourself into your own foot. Other potential customers will recognize P2W easily if they are not yet invested into the game and will probably not consider it.

I haven’t. But I have seen tons and tons of criticism about the complete out of control monetization and psychological manipulation this industry is implementing in their games that are completely justified. It’s a serious problem.

EVE is marketed now as a free 2 play game. People will come to the game with that information and quickly notice that all the good stuff is locked behind a paywall. It doesn’t matter what the history of the access model was, it’s literally just about how this looks to new players. That and the tons of other ads they now constantly throw into your face makes this game look like a store front instead of what the game originally was all about.

Justifying all this just because you like the game will not help CCP, it literally keeps them on the trajectory they are on right now to crash this game into the wall.


Learning 37% of all skills sounds fair for a free to play option in this game. While playing as Alpha is limited, you can do a lot with that.

For this you don’t need to be good with maths, but good with reading.

They said that

There are 464 skills total, with 172 (37%) that are trainable to some level by Alpha clones.

Skills. Not Skill Points.

Agreed. Either sub and play the game or don’t sub and don’t play. Get rid of ftp.


I’d say it’s pretty fair for ftp. It’s not exactly a lot to sub per month either.

Yeah, no. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that EVE is a free game with a premium option.

It is not.

EVE is a subscription-based game with an overly generous free trial. The expectation is that you pay for the full experience, one way or another.

CCP clearly advertise EVE online as free2play. They don’t say it’s a “generous trial”, they don’t say a subscription is required to play the actual game.

I know where you are coming from, I played EVE a long time before there where alpha clones and EVE was an exclusive subscription models. But CCP decided to change that and they also decided to advertise this game as free2play.

You can cry all day long how it’s according to your feelings still that subscription game it used to be, but this isn’t how CCP advertises it to new players and how they set the expectations when those players look at the game and compare what scraps they get and what’s hidden behind a paywall.

Trying to sweep this issues under a rug because you have the completely wrong expectations that if only no one mentions that EVE today looks exactly like what people mean when they say pay2win will help no one. New players will not care, as they see posts like yours that try to rationalize a pay2win model in every single pay2win game there is, they will not even give it a thought, just simply shrug you away as a deluded fanboy.

But you will most certainly signal to CCP that everything is ok, feed their confirmation bias that everyone is completely fine with their curse of action and that they can continue to add new monetization schemes from every angle possible.

What if they made all skills and ships available for ftp at a x1 rate and Subs get a buffed x3 rate?

Ftp enjoy the full game and that X3 rate will look pretty sweet if they’re serious and we all get a buff on our subs.

Rather than feelimg coerced into needing a sub, it’ll be one of those must haves. Probably comvince people to open their wallet for more things too.

Off the top of my head this should lower the cost of skill injectors too which for me personally woupd be pretty sweet XD

You mean I won’t ever have to pay for the game again unless I’m interested in more SP?

Sounds like a terrible business decision for CCP.

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Are you a new player? Or someone interested in the game?

If players can enjoy everything in this game for free, how will CCP afford to keep the servers running?

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Ok perhaps a X1 passove skill gain on available FTP ships and skills without the 5mil hardcap so they can FTP all that.

The way the sub works now is basically they hit a wall and it’s either pay up or spend your gametime grinding. That’s not attractive and turns people away.

Maiking the Sub a x3 on skill gain makes it a very attractive buy and by the time someone has ftp all the skills and ships they’ll probably be too invested to just stay ftp so will go for the sub.

‘Pay up’ is fairly normal for a subscription-based game.

Luckily new players can try out the game for free as Alpha pilot and people have the option to pay for the game with ingame currency, but I wouldn’t recommend that to any new players.

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It is fairly normal but coercive tactics usually put people off. The norm doesn’t mean it’s good.

Perhaps removing the 5mil limit would be good for FTP. They can max the skills available and then should naturally progress onto full sub as limited gameplay would probably get boring.

That is intentional, so they hopefully become paying customers when they like the game.

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In b4 Alpha skill nerf.

You still have it much easier than those that started years ago.

If you want real fun in null and W, go Omega when you have the time to spend using Omega. You don’t have to go Omega 12 months a year, just when you want to benefit from it the most.