Alternative to ban pirate hulls from novice fw complex

I get what you’re saying. It’s the same argument Yamato has. While you are right in your assertion that newbs are generally given that advice, you still have a lot of vets in the warzone who enjoy using navy and pirate ships when plexing and leading these newbs. There are even some who vehemently refuse to fly anything meta or t1. Anyone plexing in cheap t1 frigates WILL eventually have to escalate to finalize the system push and take the hub. To me, retention comes with a good system that is worth the actual objective behind plexing. PVP with cheap frigates is not the reason we have FW. It is just one of the aspects. It’s a good one, but if you water it down and treat it like a stepping stone to other areas of Eve, you run the risk of estranging vets who do stick around and lead this content. You also limit the range of what is viable for a novice and still useful in the other plexes, for when others have to regroup and assist in fights in bigger complexes. But removing pirate and navy ships is hurtful to the variety of ships we see down here all the time. 16 ships. 40% of the normal novice capable ships. That’s a lot of ships suddenly left out in the cold.

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You’re treading on the “sandbox” philosophy rather a lot in this thread.

I would be saddened to see the most commonly fought over complex could restrict in this way. I’d have lost some of the most satisfying fights I’ve experienced.

The merlin that killed the Garmur
The Tristan that killed the R.F.F.
The Kestrel that killed the Slicer.
The Kestrel that killed an Astero.

It can happen in smalls too. The Comorant that killed Sentinels.

I’m not opposed to a plex in the WZ for vanilla Tech 1 Frigates but it should be part of a reshuffling of the group of complexes.

New Novice
Mini (old novice)
Open (Large)

Careful consideration needed but whilst the game encourages Noob’s into FW for their starter PvP I would accept something that gives option for cheap(er) PvP.

Plus: Industrials should be allowed into gated Mediums & Up

The entire concept of class-restricted PvP sites already does that. The only question here is if, under the assumption that class-restricted PvP sites do exist, the “T1 frigate only” sites should allow a class of ships that is vastly more powerful than T1 frigates. And the answer is an obvious “no”.

I’d have lost some of the most satisfying fights I’ve experienced.

But how many satisfying fights are lost because a pirate frigate annihilates its vastly inferior opposition?

Or how many see a pirate frig on d-scan and just think:


The ships aren’t all that much stronger most of the pilots that fly them tend to have been playing longer.

All ships have positive as negative match ups. Learn them and you’ll do fine. There aren’t any ships that can very into a plex faster than you can get out.

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