T1 Frigate PvP Space

FW Novice Plexes, nice try but if you’re a noob of any flavor you struggle to find decent fights. Anything involving a 300M isk blinged out Pirate Frigate or an Assault Frigate with a multi year skilled capsuleer is not a “Novice” fight.

Create spaces where you can’t get in with anything above a T1 Frigate. Doesn’t matter if there is any other reward or incentive like LP (not that it wouldn’t be nice), just make it easy for lower level players to find and face off against each other.

Assault frigates are T2 and aren’t allowed in Novice sites. Pirate faction ships are T1 and that is why they are allowed. You want a T1M0 only site? Or a T1M0 + Navy only site? There are numerous reasons why this would be a bad idea:

  • Underutilization - few people would go there
  • Enables territory flipping with ease since few people would show up and people could go to these sites for the sole purpose of gaining system control
  • Discourages cooperative PVP - if you’re a newbie, you shouldn’t look for easy duels, you should instead look for gangs to fight with
  • Discourages people from climbing up the PVP ladder (solo or in gangs)

Make up for with fleetmates what you lack as an individual. This is an MMO, after all.

It’s true that turds in pirate frigs allow very little room for proper t1 frig fights, but it’s not so bad that you cannot find them. It’s about finding the right systems.

A simpler solution would be to disallow pirate frigs from novice sites but i don’t think the database knows that there is a difference between t1 and pirate.

Yes, and that’s the problem. Pirate frigates are T1 in name only, they’re obviously a vastly more powerful class of ships that will win a 1v1 almost 100% of the time. The site rules should recognize this fact and limit the T1 frigate sites to only “real” T1 frigates.

This seems like you’ve identified the solution. People will want to flip territory and will have to use the sites to do it, people who want to prevent the flipping will use the sites to stop them.

And once again we see that ship creep, in this case Pirate ships, is bad for EVE.

Pirate and faction frigates aren’t unbeatable, even when blinged and you’re t2 in a t1 frigate. The trick here is to D-scan religiously and only accept the fights you might win


That’s the thing. There is a narrow spectrum of fights a tech 1 frig might win. Even narrower when it comes to a new player.

The majority of frigates in faction warfare space are navy faction, not tech 1. I have 150mil sp and i reluctantly take some fights with navy frigs knowing that I’m probably going to lose unless it’s fit as rock to my paper.

To other players that don’t have the resources that i do, it’s going to be an automatic ‘nope’ to the vast majority of fights.

New players are flying navy frigs themselves, i imagine, to compete with how everyone else is in navy frigs. This has two drawbacks for the new player. It’s more costly to get into pvp and the nature of navy frig damage bonuses means you are missing significant dps by not having frigate skilled to 5. And alphas can never have frigate to 5.

If a new player/alpha in faction warfare is supposed to use d-scan and only take fights they might win, and it’s safe to say they must assume all enemies have at least frigate 5, and the majority of novice capable ships are faction ships not tech 1, and they don’t have the experience you or i might have, then there isn’t much they can do but run away all the time.

I do think it would be great to have a non-faction frig site. Even if its a noob against a vet, the strength difference between a level 5 tormentor and a level 4 tormentor is much less than a level 5 slicer and level 4 slicer.


Underutilization - few people would go there

Enables territory flipping with ease since few people would show up and people could go to these sites for the sole purpose of gaining system control

Discourages cooperative PVP - if you’re a newbie, you shouldn’t look for easy duels, you should instead look for gangs to fight with

Discourages people from climbing up the PVP ladder (solo or in gangs)

I think people would go.

I don’t think you even need to allow territory flipping or any reward at all. Just create a place where T1 standard frigs can fight each other without being splatted by 100M+ isk ships. Call it a “training plex”. I mean, I would say call it a “novice plex”, but there’s already a thing called a novice plex that is not primarily about novices. More like “novice deer feeder”.

Solo PvP isn’t a bad thing. Some people like it. MMO or not. if the simple act of making solo PvP fights easy to find “discourages” group PvP, maybe that means solo PvP is really what people want. A battle in comparable equipment is not an “easy” duel. An easy duel is when you jump a Merlin in your Garmur.


I fully agree that a T1 only sites or systems is badly needed. My main can fly almost any subcap, but been playing an alpha with my son, who just want to start playing, and it’s been a horrible and boring experience. There is is almost nowhere we can go to find a fair fight (or a fight at all). And the only reason we can play is that I have the ISK to cover the ships costs. This creates a poor experience for new players, who essentially can’t win a fight and then quit the game.

I don’t buy the argument that others have been making that nobody would go there. A good fight in a T1 frig or destroyer is as challenging as in faction or T2 ships. You need the right fit, know your ship, and fly it properly.

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