Am i SOL?

We come from a long line of Sols that have mental problems, the sun is but one of many who suffer from this fate.

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im not a legal adviser but i think is better for all of us if you delete that post …


this is what happened. and i actually joined a good corp out in pochven so thats super cool


I am.

That’s why one shouldn’t pray to the Sun, we wouldn’t want to impose. One should pray to Joe Pesci instead, give that son of a ■■■■■ a baseball bat and there’s very little that can’t be accomplished.

pochven space filaments theyre like 7mil or something

there some for less than a mil to

I have an issue with this as well. My home base was in Ichoriya for years, and now it’s Trig space. I have billions of ISK worth of assets in there and it wouldn’t be possible to get everything out with only filaments.

Pretty much all my stuff is stuck in Trig space. It feels like I’m getting punished for nothing I did. It’s a bit difficult getting back into the game since I basically have to restart from scratch.

CCP, can we get something similar to asset safety in order to get our stuff out of Trig space?

I don’t know if they’re still active or if they can help, do a search in-game for:
Black Frog Logistics - Low-sec and null-sec jump freighter service.

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