AMA-abyssal tactical information

No problem to get those numbers on Vagabond with XLASB but your tank will hurt your gank, heavely. You will die on timer just as many other overtanked ships.

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Just because you can achieve those numbers doesn’t mean ■■■■ in the abyss. The content demands balance. You are right about overtanked ships dying to timer.

In my experience from a month of testing these sites benefit HAC’s that are fit for the following: High-resist omni-tank, cap stable rep (low buffer), webbing, ab sig tank. *** Others use MWD so cannot speed/sig tank, and achieve success. Armour ships benefit from burst tank - dual rep diemos with MAR2 and MAAR due to long cycle time. Shield tanks favour local reps (NOT ancilliary reppers - due to prevalence of orange clouds which double charge consumption. The aim of these sites is to balance gank with tank evenly through fittings and use implants and drugs to push one way or the other depending on site and preference.

It’s an XL Pith-X Vagabond, but what everyone is saying about dps is true. I only get like 520 deeps cold. If you want my fit, I could post it when I get home.

Best thing for me to do is sit in station wait for the stuff to hit the market put my hand in my very deep pockets and buy this stuff as and when it hits. In the meantime I can carry on with my lucrative lvl 4 missions and ignore this new content.


Hey Dark, two questions:

  1. What’s the best loot drop you’ve found on your Abyssal runs on TQ?
  2. What’s your favorite filament type?

I’ve done no sites on TQ don’t even own one:).

Favourite filament is firestorm

Hehe. Well, when (if) you do - let me know!

One of my corpies tells me the rats were fighting each other today.In a tier 3

Isn’t that nice of them to finally stop picking on us!

problem is if or when your standings to both sides goes way down will they gang up on us?

Regardless until they are sorted properly always shoot the triglavians first;)

Good question. For now I’m not too terribly worried about it… (maybe I should be, but I’m more concerned with my OSX client locking up).

Is there a way to tell which tier someone died in based on killmail data?

@Dark_Engraver thanks for all the work you’ve put into this and all the information that you’ve shared.


I don’t think so. At least not yet or that I’ve seen, anyway.

Was suspecting the region number, as it goes from 1-5 …

I personally have come to like the double armor rep fits. 1 most cap efficient rep and 1 anciliary. rep 1 I keep on constantly, rep 2 I use for spike damage for example when I have to fly 60ish km to get on top of 5 battleships.

one thing I have been doing consistently here that is fairly sucessful is to overheat AB for about 3-4 cycles while manually burning towards them in a somewhat spiral pattern, thus retaining a reasonable transversal. this can be diffucult to get the hang of and requires practice for anyone trying it out. there is no room for error, you can overheat too much or not enough, you can mess up on your alignment and drop transversal, structure or cloud can be in your way causing more timeloss, etc.

The shield fits don’t seem to work out for me as well, especially the double rep ones and I end up using regular single rep fits.

once on top of them its not an issue as speed tank kicks in, however, I should point out that spawn RNG does kill me here, maybe 1 out of 5-6 times the BS group will spawn in a weird spot and be in a cloud or just on the edge of it, or a tower, this causes me to lose time due to having to outmanuver the effect. its a no win situation from the get go. likewise when I tried missle / drone boats, they do OK until I hit a spawn of 2 med supressors +, at that point the pocket becomes undoable in time due to me having to reposition and losing time to the repositioning.

DPS is not too much of an issue, I can fit for 500-550 DPS but actually do a good amount when I match weapon / ammo to the resist penalty, this is enough to kill the battleships.

overall the only problem I see with these instances is the BS group + structure / cloud positioning RNG. there are just unavoidable “auto death” spawn combinations no matter what you do. i do not have problems with the drones, frigs or cruisers, even neuts.

these instances would be great if not for the spawn RNG of the structures.

the 2nd spawn type that gives me trouble, but less then the BS groups, is the completely mixed one where I end up going up against 1 BS somewhere off to the side, 3 or so cruisers, a few frigates and a few drones half of which are using EW . the spawn ends up being split, the BS goes out too far and I can’t close in with it due to webs, have to kill the webbers 1st, then the other EW, especially TP, but that all causes time loss. If I use environment, it is likely to the wrong direction and then end up putting even more distance between me and the BS thus losing even more time getting back to it.

the 2nd issue I think everyone is havign with the BS groups, is that even when they do get correct support structure spawns in the right spots, it just doesnt really do any support, only be simply not harmful. Tracking bonus no one needs, they’re BSes, you can hit them with no tracking mods, automata supressors you don’t need except the drone BS, which most of us have no issues with, they dont do anything to support turret boats vs starving or striking leshaks, all they do is hinder players that use missle and drone boats. clouds are a bit of an RNG, can be a bit helpful or harmful, depending on which BS type and which fit you fly at the time.

So I just made it out of a level 3 with maybe 5 seconds to spare at the end. (Granted, I did say fuck if and burn for the loot at the end. Wasn’t even good loot.)
Safe to say that my vagabond doesn’t have enough dps for that.
I think she’ll stay as a PvP boat for now.

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Soo, do you have to kill all NPC’s in each pocket before advancing to the next pocket or can you just rush through the first 2 pockets and spend time clearing out the 3rd pocket?

You have to kill all the major NPCs before advancing to the next room (you can skip the drone swarms that the Triglavians activate).

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