does the PA deal change the prospect of merging TQ and Serenity once and for all?
Did you guys anticipate the absolute vitriol towards this move? Did you guys overestimate your playerbase loyalty?
This reminds me on when AT&T bought DirectTV thinking that everyone on DirectTV would stay a customer… and was wrong
It is illegal to bot in online video games in South Korea. As in, fines range up to 50 million won ($44,000). Does this mean you will get poor CCP Peligro & CCP Grimmi more help to keep the folks at PA happy?
Will we still be able to pay the monthly sub with PLEX and retain the current access we have to all the ships Omega status currently grants by that?
There’s no plans to change this.
Will more varied sales packages be added with ships and other boosters included in the cash shop?
No idea what we’ll offer in future, but we’re not about to go wrecking the economy we’ve spent 15 years building with you guys.
Will we receive passive perks at certain SP amount threshholds? Like overall dmg bonus at 100mil SP and so on?
Game design questions aren’t really my thing, if you’re looking for something like this as a feature, then you’d probably want to request it
This is what makes sense to me at least;
CCP are the experts on EVE, our community and our market. We’ve made mistakes, had success, and learned a lot along the way. That expertise, along with an amazing, loyal and smart EVE player base is what makes up the value of the company. There’s all kinds of things we can do to improve and grow…and yes…some of those things definitely have to do with monetization which is nothing new, we’ve been experimenting for years, with some solid successes.
Both companies realize that our games are different.
I actually really appreciate the concerns you guys have even if I don’t share them or agree with their premise, because it shows me that you guys deeply care about EVE like I do…but then again I kinda suspected that already
What factors drove this towards being a purchase, as opposed to a merger like what Activision-Blizzard did back in the day? I assume the largest was the original investors were ready to cash their check after nearly two decades, and that’s not particularly surprising.
I’m sure he does - whenever I speak to him he won’t shut up about it.
Can I get a refund ?
Yo, you should see my losses in there…
Because the prime driver is always one first of perception problems. When people become insecure, for example when they see such amazing discrepancies between what a company says and what it does, and suddenly that name pops up around something they like, it is only natural that their minds start jumping around a little.
Considering that GDPR has popped up recently in quite a wide range of subjects elsewhere, that reinforces the potential of that also popping up here.
Obviously that is easy to handle, it does not need a derogatory flavour. I’m sure that was not intended.
I’ve got two questions, one tongue-firmly-in-cheek, the other less so…
1)Does this mean we’ll be getting an anime-overhaul to the default apparel for Jin-Mei, Khanid, Vherokior, and Intaki?
2)Both PA and CCP emphasized the companies’ ability to learn from one another. @CCP_Falcon spoke of community management style and other things you guys are interested in getting to talk to the PA guys about, but what do you guys think they’re looking to learn from CCP?
One of the big things PA needs to overcome in Western markets is their reputation for grindy games and pay-to-win structure. Those work fine in Asian markets, possibly due to cultural differences, but don’t go over so well here. Obviously, the p2w stuff is a big issue, but it’s also a big part of their monetization strategy.
CCP, on the other hand, has pretty effectively crowdsourced monetization. PLEX purchases allow players who want in-game currency to effectively subsidize the cash-shop activities of other players who generate more ISK. This level of abstraction and insulation from direct monetization of the New Eden Store, along with the items in the store being purely cosmetic, looks from the outside to have quelled any concerns about monetization: those who want to, pay, and those who don’t can still gain all of the same benefits through in-game activities.
Is “How to make microtransaction monetization strategies work in Western markets” one of the things you think they’re interested in learning from CCP?
Tipa has a point though. The isk you spend on those ships is going to other players. It’s not an ‘isk sink’ quite so much as it’s a material one.
Firstly -
Secondly, there’s no planned changes to how we develop EVE Online. There’s no reason to fear that EVE is going to suddenly go pay to win. CCP still has control over how EVE is developed.
As for the third point, business as usual. These projects press on
How long will it be til we can buy golden bullets?
I knew this one would come up haha…
No idea to be honest - There’s lots of benefits that are going to be a thing from an acquisition like this, it’s just too early to see what they’ll be in too much detail yet.
On a personal note - I’m REALLY hoping one of these benefits will be knowledge sharing that improves stability.
So, when are you guys getting rid of the rampant bot problem? It’s getting pretty old entering my regular ice anom and seeing the same guy with 37 ships sucking down the entire field with names like Skiff_001, Skiff_002, Skiff_003, Skiff_004, Skiff_005, etc…
Really check what bioinformatician guys does … or ask to player who make bioinformatic to manage calcul on big data, maybe it could help
- Exactly how much autonomy will CCP retain over EVE’s development?
- Will Pearl Abyss have the ability to “take the wheel” if CCP fails to meet financial targets?
Not something that’s been discussed, but from my views of what I’ve seen so far - they seem more focused on us continuing to make EVE awesome over anything else.
- Pearl Abyss has a notoriously bad reputation for their monetization practices in Black Desert Online. Practices which are reminiscent of the “Summer of Rage” which nearly destroyed CCP in 2011. Was this considered when formulating this transaction?
I wasn’t sat in a seat around the negotiation table because I’m a minion, but it wouldn’t surprise me if this was discussed.
EVE is very profitable, it has an amazing community, and I think the last thing that Pearl Abyss would want to do is pay almost half a billion dollars to roll in and take over.
They’ve been very direct that they want us to continue to do our thing, so I have no real concerns around this personally.
- How will this acquisition affect official EVE events and player partnerships such as EVE NT and Streamfleet?
There’s no plans to change how we engage with our players, or the wider community.
All of the BOT / RMT cleansing that was recently done, was this in preparation for this takeover that just happend ?
So far the tenor of an answers seem to be “nothing will change”. Could you give an example of something that will change? What difference will it make to us that it’s another gaming company as opposed to investors that owns CCP?