AMA - CCP Acquisiton by Pearl Abyss! Starts at 16:30 UTC!

@CCP_Falcon @CCP_Guard

Now that Eve Online has new Overlords, will you guys create new portraits for your characters?

By the way, can somebody please get a box for CCP Guard to stand on for his portrait.


Thanks for taking the time to host this AMA here on the Official Eve Online Forums.

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I figure CCP has to deliver substantial revenue for the next 6-24 months.

If it does not, it will not receive the conditional “bonus” payment, and no doubt PA will descend upon it and start restructuring it to squeeze more money out of both CCP itself and its remaining client base.

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I apologise in advance as I’m not a CCP employee but I believe I can offer you an answer anyway, although it may not provide much comfort.

We’re being told nothing will change because that’s presumably what PA told CCP.
However, note the direction of the dialogue. If CCP were truly in control of EvE then it would be CCP telling PA nothing will change. A subtle yet significant difference! So, CCP remains in complete control of EvE as long as PA wants them to but beyond that there are no guarantees. There can’t be.

As to your second point, EvE has been profitable the last few years so there is no immediate reason why PA would intervene now because “if it ain’t broke why fix it”. They may be content to allow the game to prosper for the time being and reap the profits. There are other reasons why they might have bought CCP which Hilmar mentions in his interview - it’s not just for EvE online. However, it’s also the case that EvE is no longer growing as it once did and regardless, (in any game) changes are inevitable over time. What part PA will play in those remains to be seen.


So CCP, you are saying there are “no plans” to do this or that.

Are we supposed to just believe that? You have a contract stating CCP have full creative control over what EVE becomes?

I find this hard to believe.

Or is this a classic “bait and switch” where you say, “Oh! No plans to do this now” and later… “Plans have changed, yeah we’re doing Pay2Win and lootboxes…”

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It would be unfortunate if they didn’t get into the Bonus Room after all the hard work, agreed.

@CCP_Falcon Can we please see the answers to these questions?

Dear CCP

Is this true?

GamesBeat: Why do you want to acquire CCP?

Jung:… I feel that we share common DNA as game developers who create top-quality MMOs, and together will be able to build upon our strengths to take us to the next level.

What does it even mean? Marketting rubbish…

Sure, but until now they’ve done every AMA on reddit and I’d like to hear their reasons to change that m.o. now. Pretty sure they usually appreciate the publicity that comes with reddit.

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So what i’m getting here is that CCP is trying to us this is more of a marriage than an outright sale.

So, while the marriage makes this a union, they’re still not quite equal partners. They’ll have a shared identity, shared assets (as far as the home), and any development from here on out will be shared–but that the things that each brought into the marriage are going to remain in the possession of the original partner.

Its just that, in a way, CCP has now hyphenated their name, so that in this marriage, the advances in the family (the IP developed) are going to be the property of Pearl–BUT, that CCP and EVE itself, the thing brought into the marriage (dowry), will still be the property of CCP–the lesser marriage partner.

Sounds like, should the need arise, Pearl has made CCP sign a pre-nup (or CCP made them sign it!?). As an investor, they’re in love with the same thing–but they want to keep things separate enough so that, IF the investment doesn’t work, CCP can be let go in a divorce.

Just my take form falcons comments.

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Maybe they finally realized r/eve is a cesspool.

You should grow some balls :wink:

You are mistaken.
PA owns CCP and everything it has, hook line and sinker.
This is not a marriage, its transfer of ownership 100%.

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Falcon was traumatized in Catholic school as a child.

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A company CEO can’t talk rubbish to journalists, because it will influence on shares percentage.

It’s the first Jung’s order to build visually luxurious F2P-P2W MMOs on both PC/Mobile platforms. I’m curious about ‘next level’ phrase - it’s referred to P2W or to visual luxuriously?

The Nun (2018)

This is the correct answer. CCP will be able to maintain it’s “independence” so long as the numbers are satisfactory. If that starts to flounder, the meddling from PA will begin. If nothing else, because PA shareholders will demand it.

  1. Did the departure of CCP Seagull have anything to do with these negotiations, or was it unrelated?
  2. There are frequent accusations that Eve is already P2W with injectors and to a lesser extent Plex. I disagree because neither offers an advantage over a regular pilot that cannot be regularly obtained at no cost. Where do you sit on this topic?

What makes you think CCP was independent before this buyout? They were owned by a financial group who probably mainly focussed on the bottom line. They are now owned by a GAMING ORIENTED investment group who may have some less desirable options built into other titles but who at the same time may be very much aware of the fact these things will not work in EVE like they do in BDO.


Yup - Hilmar met with us about an hour and a half after the news went public, so he caught much of the same concerns from us that the playerbase had. That speaks volumes to me about the weight of trust that CCP continues to put into the CSM, at every level.

We’ll continue to talk to CCP and help pick out the signal from the noise of community feedback to direct at the relevant teams. If you have specific concerns, the CSM isn’t going to be able to say “no that won’t happen”, but we’ll fight for the same line of not affecting gameplay/locking features behind paywalls/adding grind you can ‘bypass’ that the community is rightfully afraid of.

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