Amateur radio sub-culture within EvE Online?

Just to ask. I would be more surprised if there is nothing, rather then an affirmative answer. But is there some sort of Amateur Radio Community, within the EvE Player base?

Used to be, check out the in game media tab on chat channels

Do you mean like Eve Radio?

To be honest, Eve has some radio culture but it tends to blur into the twitch talk shows. Check out Talking in Stations, Open Comms, and other talk shows that host eve-related items.

well…sort of…



Or is the OP referring to something like shortwave?

–Gadget, Over

of course, but eve is full of stupid sarcasm…I’m helping people acclimatize…it’s a noble community service, really…

Yeah, seems to me like OP is asking about HAM radio.

Not my cup of tea, tbh. I get enough frustration trying to raise Mumbai Radio on HF every other workday.

If there is an Amateur (Ham) radio community somewhere in Eve, I’d certainly like to know about it.

As would I.


To clarify a the point asked earlier, I do mean ham radio, not Eve-Radio like things.

So far, it seems to be even more of a niche thing then I expected.

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