Once upon a time, in this hallowed sub-forum, there was a simple rule.
Post with your main.
I propose we bring this cultural norm back. In the golden age of piracy, one’s word was one’s bond.
I have, and always shall, post with my main.
Love me or hate me, you will get the courtesy of always knowing that the person you’re dealing with is me
Now of course, there is no way to really enforce this, except by your own word.
After all, we’ve already have two instances of people admitting to hiding behind characters because they talk crap and don’t want blowback on their main.
Its meant to be a punishment. What could be worse, for someone invested in the cut-and-thrust of forum warrioring to have to endure the tedium of mining, without the possibility of some ‘elite’ PVP’er wanting to have a pop at you…
Well I post on my CEO alt because this is what I am active with in the community (guides, blog, giveaways and stuff so started being active on this) and because of that I prefer to stay logged in on the EVE authentication website with this character (different account too compared to my main) because whenever I check my EVEmails through a third-party website I have to use the EVE authentication website thus if I was switching to my main I would need to sign in and out of my accounts on the authentication site, and that is all too boring and troublesome and am too lazy to do that.
However I never hide who my main or even key alts I am actually active on are, I even have a public blog where most of them are mentioned (and on the forums too) thus there is full transparency. Not sure if that is enough for some but as it is complete honesty I don’t see why anyone could complain unless they are some capsuleer version of a karen which just makes their complaint invalid to begin with.