An interesting idea of ending Minmatar-Amarr conflict

I actually am talking about more than just Aldrith.

Actually, I wonder what kind of influence those two do have. Lady Admiral Mitara Newelle is a freshly-ennobled Holder. I’m not (at least yet) familiar enough with the workings of Holder politics to know whether that means she’s got an outsized level of influence for a minor Holder (ennobled for cause, so to speak, so, maybe higher?) or whether it’s lesser because she’s sort of entry-level nobility (and Ni-Kunni to boot-- that also could kind of cut either way).

Either way she’s been singled out for high honors, so someone’s probably paying attention, for good or ill. More than would usually get paid to a tenth-generation small provincial Holder, I would guess.

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Why the hell are you people even dignifying Kim’s loaded and biased thread with any response?


We were… your people decided to break that peace.

Your people have made it so, and frankly, that suits me just fine.

And I will continue to see that they, and as many as I can afford to support, are Reclaimed as is demanded by the Word and my station. They are being assimilated into my culture, which is that of Amarr, the most righteous and greatest culture in the cluster.

This is the most laughable thing I have ever heard.
I am Lady en Para’nashu Sarum.
I am Champion of House Sarum.
I am Admiral of Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris.
No, Ms Arrendis, I am not abused, I am Blessed.

I won’t believe you do not even understand the basics of procreation.


No. You were not. You have never stopped your aggressions against us. You have never stopped the slave raids. You have never stopped the systematic social, cultural, and even physical rape and abuse of our people. Even your insulting, ridiculous claim of being able to own them, that they are yours is an act of violence and war against us.

And you see this as just fine because, as I said: you are a victim yourself. And you know it. But you don’t dare face it. You hide from it. You cower from it, refusing to even contemplate what was done to you, your parents, your cousins, your grandparents.

All because they made you feel special by patting you on the head and saying ‘good doggy’. They gave you a shiny diamond collar for wagging your tail and coming when they called. Look at you, clinging desperately to your honors and your titles, as if the treats thrown into your cage by the Amarr mean a damned thing. Go on: actually effect meaningful change. Your claims of authority and standing are as hollow as Kim’s.

FFS, use a turkey baster.

Just an edit to add this:

If that were true, Mitty, they wouldn’t need to be enslaved to spread it. The very reliance on slavery shows the Amarr culture to be weak, promulgated by scared, timid little rats who do not truly have enough faith in the rightness and righteousness of their world view to let it stand on its own without force, without abuse, without intentionally inflicting trauma.

And you know it. That’s what the cleansing pits are, after all, remember? Using pain and deprivation to traumatize the ‘sinner’, to effect behavioral change by using the trauma pathways of the mind to ingrain painful and unwelcome associations to behavior that’s perfectly within the bounds of their own society and culture. And if it kills them, well… guess they paid for their sins.

Torture. Brainwashing. These aren’t the hallmarks of a strong culture, of people who feel sure of their cultural supremacy. These are the tools of the weak, of vicious, spiteful children lashing out because they’re scared that they’ve been caught doing something bad and might get yelled at.


Before barking, read what others write. It was a reference to illegal slave raids by Imperial illegal slavers.

What we need to do, is to build a wall between the Minmatar and Amarr areas of space.


Amarr will pay ofcorse

Bored people I suspect


Just as attacking the Empire for their illegal slaver raids.

Better around Minmatar space.

This is exactly how we describe you rebellious Matari and the reason the institution is needed. You’re too far removed from God to have the remotest idea what is best for you, and like the good parents we are, we will still do what is best for you which starts with some discipline.

…And to those that oversee these communication channels…

I will reply as often and to whomever I wish.


You mean from what the Amarr’s book tells you. The one that says ‘obey the Amarr because they’re better than you will ever be, you filthy Fallen’.

Get your God to show up and say it to anyone’s face, and maybe we’ll consider it. Until then, Puppy, it’s just another chew-toy they’re tossing in to keep you in the cage.


I blame the OP for false advertising. This solution is not interesting. There are already Matari who have taken up slavery; they are called the Angel Cartel and they’re still violent and annoying.


I will point out that the Cartel is made up of all races.

Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar, all are welcome in Utopia.

So can you all stop acting like the Cartel is some Minmatar criminal wonderland please?


Majority Minmatar, but overall multicultural and inclusive, band of scum.


I do love my Multiculturalism :blush:


It’s safe to assume that outside of pirates operating in minmatar space, the Minmatar Republic has an extremely abhorrent view of slavery. There are a significant number of charity organizations dedicated to peacefully freeing slaves and groups like the Defiants or the Bloody Hand of Matar that are open freedom fighters.

Likewise in the Gallente Federation slavery is strictly outlawed. Human trafficking is a major problem in baguette space, but that’s a massive criminal operation and not at all an indication of how the Gallente Federation feels about slavery. The Caldari have absolutely no history of slavery, even in their premodern history.

Of the four biggest factions, the Amarr are the only ones who openly practice slavery. Unless you’re going to start creating new laws for criminal factions that don’t care, the Amarr Empire is the only entity that we can make a social push with.


You will fail. But if you must…

And this, Aria… this is why I pay for bullets, as it were.


Oh I have no doubt that slavery will remain a staple of the Amarr Empire for centuries to come. They’re great at holding on to traditions and slightly updating any tradition that needs changing. Maybe one day they’ll add sweetener to Vitoc in a dramatic shift in their societal view of their slaves.


Reading through this mess, I’ve come to the conclusion you lot have been talking far too much about me in the absence of my presence.

Hello, I’m right here!