An old article about ideas UO and Crowfall developer in PVP



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You add no intellectual value to the conversation by your off topic responses.

He got the right value for his post. It is very on topic.

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That Skiff gets soloed by a caracal. Hell, even a cormorant can squish that thing after killing the expensive drones from a safe distance.
It has no escapes of any kind, no ability to clear tackle (2.77 km/s drone top speed pffft), no meaningful tank and it doesn’t mine very much.

Do you think it is somehow news that you will find a cheaper counter to every setup? Also again, that was just a quick demonstration that shows that the mining ships aren’t as defenseless as some here try to make it look like. Also there is still room for two more fleets of light drones.

Karak you really need to stop making up pretend-arguments to debate with the imaginary carebears in your head so you can reap pretend-tears while you pretend you’re being relevant.

I observed that data, facts, and industry experts point out that non-consensual PvP, particularly in starter regions, is bad for the population growth and success of a game.

I pointed out that the population and activity levels of the PvP-wannabes, hiding in safe space so they won’t get hunted by the real Pvpers, is small enough that if they were removed, EVE would barely be affected.

Those points are quite different than recommending elimination of non-con PvP from EVE. They are also quite different from asking for 100% safety in high sec. 100% safety in high sec is only required by pretend-PvPers like you because you haven’t the guts to face real PvP.

What I actually recommended was:

and finally:

is the only recommendation or change I suggested. No Concord - give players the tools to handle it.

If from all that the only thing you got is “Kezrai wants 100% safety in high sec” then you’ve been fighting pretend-PvP battles against weak opponents for far too long.

(Note: in the following, ‘you’ refers to all the pretend-PvPers in high sec, not ‘you Karak’ specifically)

I realize the concept of actually fighting against real PvPers is quite scary for you, and so you panic when people recommend ‘more and better PvP’ and start flailing about with made-up arguments.

But don’t worry. When the game gets too rough for you, and the real PvPers keep blowing you up, with luck by then they’ll have some other game available where you can fight weak targets and pretend you’re tough.

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Every combat ship in the game better than a T1 destroyer can reliably kill that Skiff. If that is the best that can be done with the barges then they have no meaningful survivability regardless of what space you are in.
If they had the capabilities of a Dominix then things would be different. I have a crabfit Domi that cost about the same, makes more money and can take on most of the solo pwn-mobiles out there.

Oh look, another new group of 20+ gankers killing random passerbys.

They’re ganking freighters and such in Aufay. That’s on top of Hellhouse, who are doing similar ganks in Sivala.

And you can add that to the constantly ganked Niarja.

I highly doubt that.

Again, it was just a quick fit I trew together to show how the stats can go into similar ranges than a HAC. I’m sure we can do better for an actual fit.

The point was those ships are not defenseless and can actually shoot back.

The entire lineup of assault frigates can outpace or outtank the drones long enough to kill them and have enough dps to crack the tank. From experience with VNIs and domis i can tell that medium drones don’t apply well enough to assault frigates and light drones just won’t cut the mustard.
Cruiser brawlers have every advantage while kitey cruisers can kill the drones while being able to disengage at will.

There is very little that can be done about the Skiff fit aside from dispensing with the mining lasers, PG rigs and AB in favor of neuts/nos, resist rigs and a web. At best you end up with a ship that is inferior to an arbitrator and only good for baiting bads in T1 frig/dessie brawler fits.

Edit: You may be able to squeeze high numbers from a mining barge but it won’t be practical to use in lieu of a proper pvp ship nor will it be a good crab boat. It may have some defenses but its largely for show.

It’s good enough that a blob of those things gets pretty scary.

@Nevyn_Auscent and @Karak_Terrel, thank you for the explanation of hyper-dunking. It does sound weird that CCP would put a stop to that. I wonder if there was another reason for the change that just impacted gankers as a side-effect?

I think those are a relative minority of players that left the game. The majority probably decided that it just wasn’t for them, which is entirely reasonable.

I won’t argue against the apparent hypocrisy there, but I will contest the idea that their actions are parasitism. CCP designed EVE as a game where being a pirate and robbing other players is an entirely valid way to play. If you don’t like that, then maybe you shouldn’t be playing EvE?

I’ve looked at their character in-game. Been a member of the State War Academy since they joined on 2007.08.12. I’m also not taking everything she says as fact, just as I’m not taking everything anyone here says as fact, yourself included (no offense). I’m just trying to figure out what would be good for the game I’ve come to love so much, one day at a time.

This, I will readily agree with.

I think this might be the closest thing to an objectively true statement in the entire thread.

I’ve heard PvP actions in EvE called that before, especially when the players are engaging in piracy. The original Reddit post also goes into more detail about what happened, and it sounds like a lot of the PvP players in UO were just looking for people they could kill without risk. Once they only had each other left to fight, it wasn’t fun for them anymore.

I have no idea if this would work or not, but at least it’s an idea. Have a like.

What about her post right above yours?

C’mon man, you said it was equivalent to a HAC, and it isn’t. It’s not defenseless and gets pretty close in EHP, but it looks to me like you were exaggerating for effect. That’s fine, you don’t need to double down on it.

Not weird at all CCP stopped it. It meant to gank a freighter you only needed 3ish characters and about 100 Mil isk in cost. It meant 200 Mil cargo was worth ganking and your per character isk per hour was insane.
CCP want ganking yes, but they don’t want it uncontrolled.

Apart from the characters you need a lot more ships to hyper-dunk a target because it takes quite some time and shield recharge is a thing. maybe you should stop constantly talking about things you don’t understand anything about.

My dude, It wasn’t just EHP. The ship is in the range of a HAC when correctly fitted.

The pretend-PvPers have to keep assuming I’m a miner, an industrialist, a hater, a poor-ass player who got ganked and never got over it etc. etc. This is because they understand that clear and logical analysis of the PvP-parasite playstyle leads inevitably to the conclusion that ‘this playstyle is bad for the overall health of the game’, so they desperately try to deflect all such analysis.

I’ve mentioned it before but will re-iterate here: I don’t dislike CCP or anyone who works at it. I’m not angry at EVE or anyone who plays it. My ‘playstyle’ has never been nerfed or overly affected by any changes CCP has done.

I also do not ‘love’ EVE, and have never played it as my ‘main’ game. I play many other MMOs/combat/PvP/strategy type games. My primary issue with EVE has always been that it has hovered on the verge of being a really great game (for me, ymmv) but has never actually pulled off the design changes that would make it both interesting for me and, IMO, a more successful and satisfying game for a much larger percentage of its’ current and potential players. I would rather see a growing, successful, developing EVE than a declining EVE that has too few resources to make significant change.

Parasitism is a perfectly valid action. That doesn’t make it a healthy one. CCP designed a game where you could kill and steal from other players - that doesn’t mean it was a good design decision. However, that design decision does not impact me at all, since I don’t feel any need to get my jollies from making someone else’s play experience unpleasant, nor do I operate in a fashion that allows such players to victimize me. They are irrelevant.

It does not seem to occur to you, or to many others, that a person can analyze the pros and cons of a design decision without being emotionally involved either way. Non-consensual, unbalanced PvP in high sec does not affect me, I couldn’t care less about it personally. I believe it has a negative long-term impact on the player population of EVE, as evidenced by the OP and my own article links, as well as by the simple math “1 happy ganker = dozens/hundreds/thousands of unhappy victims”.

If EVE was growing, if it was attracting new players and keeping them, you could ignore that effect. It doesn’t appear to be an overwhelming bleed factor - just a persistent and significant one. EVE isn’t growing, and is bleeding players rapidly, and so the issue becomes slightly more important to consider in “what should we do next to improve EVE?”.

I don’t think ‘chaos era’ and ‘pulling the rug out from under players’ (the current CCP plan) is a good response to a game in decline.

I do think that making PvP more desirable and accessible in various ways, that making PvE less rewarding (compared to PvP, or PvP more rewarding, or both) and less repetitive/bottable/farmable, and adding more engaging/interesting content, is what EVE needs to continue to be viable.

(Note: among other changes, of course, NPE/monetization/encouraging social cooperation etc. Not going into those because off-topic.)

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This post contradicts popular belief that online behaviour does not have any relations to RL…:thinking:

I don’t know if it’s a popular belief, but it’s a wrong one nonetheless.
Most people suck at knowing themselves behind the surface, so it’s to be expected, though.

There simply is no way of seperating the real persona from what he’s doing,
which includes everything he does in real life, as in video games.

It’s just not always directly mappable. Not every personality trait directly corresponds with his ingame behaviour. For the same reason you see tons of White Knights who are, absolutely not, White Knights in real life. They just want to be White Knights, maybe because they’ve been watching too many Disney Movies.

And that’s not because they want to be good people. It’s because they want to be perceived as good people and, most importantly, looked up upon.


There are real white knights irl. They just haven’t had their asses handed to them by life yet. I used to be one. The transformation is pretty weird. Still trying to find my way back. Hope people don’t go through that.

I know. I didn’t mean to imply they don’t also exist in the real world. They’d just unlikely get stuck in a video game with that, because they can express and act on that desire in the real world already.

Oh, btw, totally unrelated:

Why are you here? :slight_smile:

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