An Open and Honest Letter to CCP from an Alliance Leader

well no one is winning at the moment, players count is down, the game is a chore and more expensive now. Perhaps some suggestions from you to improve the game would be usseful?


Why, what do I know about game design?

I would have thought letting the freeloaders and the botfarmers leave would be a good thing, but apparently their and Hilmar’s wallet’s well being is more important that a playable game. vOv

But we both know CCP will give in and let the richboys have all their toys again.

Shines isnt a game designer to my knowledge, but he made some suggestions to which you stated, “so null wins again”, therefore what would you like to see in game to improve it for everyone, or for high or low sec, nothign about being a designer, its about having an opinion.

No, my response was to CCP Swift’s post

But yeah, still stands that when you give Null back its ability to generate even more piles of cash to sit on, it will win again.

Im not seeing the disconnect here

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There was no quote so I figured it was to the OP

I already responded directly to the OP but my responses were erased as it seems CCP is only interested in Null’s side.

Therefore, Null wins again, as it always has and always will.

Signed, I hope they listen.

  • a 2005 vet who dropped from 3 accounts to 2.
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3 ways to get a response from anyone at CCP:

  • Go to Reddit
  • Go to Discord
  • Go to Twitter

The only way I know of here, is to invoke the (ex) CSM card. This thread matches that pattern. There’s the feedback threads that “are watched closely” but those are both rare and very hit or miss.

I think that card has been played. King if The Krabby Patties Brisk Ruble has been in a couple of times, hence CCP Swift appearing as if by majick.


I think Shines identified a lot of issues that players of many playstyles feel is important; some of his answers are null-sec focuses, but the problems are more universal. I’m oversimplifying, of course, but:

  • I want a reason to undock
  • I want some goals that are within reach, and some that are harder
  • I want more people in space to interact with
  • I want iterative changes to systems I’ve mastered

New, old, null, hs - I think those are some topics that a lot of players can get behind.


Or it could be that somebody pinged him.

Stop with the dumb conspiracy theories.


As a long time supporter of eve and player since day 1 on and off ive a similar story to the one you wrote and wholeheartedly agree with your statements.

I couldn’t have conveyed my thoughts in your manner so I am glad that you did this post I believe these changes could result in an increase in players again.

As a long time FC its good to see change suggestions that will actually improve content from an FC standpoint along with giving content for people to actually do and put there time, money and effort into.

I came back to the game after “winning” when CCP added the filaments into the game and ive dove deep back into eve again recently and the dwindling numbers and lack of content is a huge downer on what is in fact a great social spaceship game.


Sure, in general the things you listed anyone in any space wants.

In practice, the criticism holds (ignoring the silly conspiracy theories). Historically, CCP chose to cater to 5000 players in 5 null blocs instead of 5000 players in 100 fragmented pirate corps in low and it’s no wonder why lowsec is dead and large-volume high sec mining are null bloc alts and null is ossified into big blocs.


Stop saying everything you disagree with is dumb.

We all know you want maximum everything for Null.

How is your saying he was pinging and me saying you pinged him different other than who did it?

Next youll be telling me null doesnt have the highest number of accounts and so CCP shouldnt listen to them first and only.

All of his demands are to return Null back to where it was before the sensible changes made by CCP were put in.

Its them or us and I can see where CCP is going to go.

As usual.

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After 300 posts we will be taking a fifty questions exam about the thread, just to evaluate if people have read it and can even remember what has be written.

Anyone who claims this was a good thread from the OP and can’t answer correctly at least 30 questions will be banned from the forum and Reddit.

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Is that supposed to be a threat? Sounds more like a benefit to me. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


As a null bear crab I think several of the ideas are good but I would, they only improve my game style or my mates. The OP missed the mark, if the post was mainly focused about the health of the game, why only make null sec suggestions?

Is CCP concerned that the numbers are down to 2006-2008 numbers with a downward trend? If not then there is no issue and let’s see how this pans out in the mid/longer term. I’d be interested to hear from CCP and see if they believe there are any issues.


We still have honest people in null sec.

Because one is true and the other is not.

Everyone knows highsec has the most accounts, and nobody is suggesting that CCP only listen to null, nor have I ever advocated for null alone or at the expense of the rest of the game.

You have this odd tendency of saying things that are untrue and then get bent out of shape when confronted with reality.