An Open and Honest Letter to CCP from an Alliance Leader

Null wants nothing but total control. These demands are simply a call for more everything for Null, and nothing for anyone else. As usual.

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CCP has said many, many times that the majority of players play in highsec. This isn’t some kind of hidden data thing.

I don’t hate you at all. My biggest issue with you is that you seem 100% certain of things that are not true. Despite the fact that I’ve shown you my killboard, I have barely mined a thing and haven’t ratted in years, you still label me “king krab.” I make 100% of my money selling plex.

I’ve advocated for a ton of stuff for areas beyond null, including the war dec changes, the FW update, and dozens and dozens of other things that ended up in the game.

No matter how many times I point this out, or others point this out, you are impervious to it.



If you actually went to null ever maybe you’d see that the nullsec economic balance is broken right now. There’s barely any reason to undock there beyond sov schlong swinging and it’s killing the game.

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And plenty of people here who live in Null have used in counters to what I and other non-Null players have stated that there is more acconts in Null than anywhere, which is why CCP should listen to them and give them what they want or they walk and take their accounts with them.

You are high up in an Null Alliance. Which one doesnt even matter anymore. But that means you are one of the people responsible for this situation, and a King of the krabs under you in the alliance. A person doesnt have to mine to benefit from intense krab fleets.

Ive never seen any of these things. The only things we ever encountered each other on were changes which negatively impacted high sec like Cores, which of course you were in favour of.

Because I was raised never to give ground to an enemy. We have no common ground to build on, at least nothing Ive seen, just two sides that are opposed in pretty much every way.

Any time Ive gone, Ive been vapourised and sent home. Kinda hard to see the nuances of krablife when youre KOS

Exactly that, only people with the right amount of the benign quality called cynicism can see through their bear cries.

The OP has that attitude of the same people who goes to an all-you-can-eat BBQ restaurant and he expects that the waitress always serve his family first over all other clients, he will sit on his table and glare all the meat comming from the kitchen knowing that he his family has to be served first.

Look at this ■■■■:



It’s really not, I’m KOS and it doesn’t stop me successfully waging a war of ideological slaughter of the nullsec krabmans.

Don’t project your own lack of understanding and competence on others.

They’re wrong.

Another example. I am just a line member. I have no actual roles in any organization in EVE, other than the CSM. I’m not even a director in my corp. I mean, this is a staple in my campaign materials. I talk about it all the time.

Here’s what I campaigned on - Brisc’s List – Brisc Rubal for CSM 17

Here’s what I’ve accomplished - Accomplishments – Brisc Rubal for CSM 17

There are plenty of things on here that have nothing to do with null.

I’m not your enemy. We both play this game.


Sure you are, krabfan.

It’s obvious from zkill that all I do is shoot people indiscriminately.

And yet there you are, pals with the big nobs, on the CSM, people listening to… A line member? Please, I know you think Im stupid, but that dog dont hunt. No one with your acumen is just a lineman.

Yup and all the actual important stuff listed is in Null or for Null’s benefit.

On opposite sides of a PvP game. EvE is a game where enemies are plenty and friends are few. I dont understand why this is suddenly a surprise to people in here, its always been this way.

And you have figures to support that? Or are those thpudsands of accpunts in those battles as I suspect just many many many alts?

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Then why would I believe you when you say that null isnt full of greedy krabs?

Well, it’s nice to finally know who’s responsible for the terrible war declaration mechanic changes, at least.

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No surprise who benefitted from them either

Because it should be obvious that someone who FCs pvp fleets in both lowsec and nullsec will have better understanding than a random person from highsec who literally hasn’t been there in years.

Most of the greedy krabs are running abyssals or ishtar fleets in pochven.

This removes key components of guerrilla warfare and conflict generation from nullsec, leading to stagnation and players leaving.

Put your spaceships where your mouth is and kill some rorquals if you feel so aggrieved.

Yeah Ill do that in my Orca sure why not.

Wierd how thats not even what the krabs here are crying about then, isnt it.

And who is it exploiting Pochven now?

Omg its the nullsec krabs what a surprise

We can’t, they literally have an invincibility toggle now.

(Coming soon to a high-sec Exhumer near you!)

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Innominate gets most of the credit - he’s the one who pushed it for the longest time. I’m happy I was there to help get it over the goal line. Great changes that helped make a big difference in the game for a lot of people.

Had zero impact on nullsec.

I have actively stayed away from any kind of in-game responsibility. I do not want to be in charge of anything. I have enough going on that I just want to be able to log in, join a fleet or hang with friends, and not be forced to do space work constantly. Yes, I’m one of the most famous regular players, but that’s all I am.

And yes, this is a PvP game, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you in game, let alone shot at you, so I don’t consider us ‘enemies’ - unless everything you do or say is some kind of RP thing. In the end, we’re both players of this game who want the game to survive. We may disagree on some things, but that’s not enough to make somebody an enemy.

As for the highsec thing, I’ve heard it so many times from CCPers publicly, I find it hard to believe anybody thinks differently. I’ll see if I can find something recent that talks about it.


Try harder. The last two I caught died fine. Even Brisc and friends couldn’t save them.

I don’t have 50 people; I have 10.