Of course a King doesnt regard a peasant as his enemy, we are beneath your notice. But acting surprised that people hate what you stand for is just nonsense.
But yeah, feel free to file it away under “RP” if its what you want to do. None of us own actual soaceships, so its all just RP at the end of the day, but when your side goes to CCP and demands changes explictly for themselves, and screw everyone else, that goes a bit beyond “RP”.
Its clear that the rest of space may eat cake, in the fictional words of Marieanne.
But at the same time keep saying we arent enemies as you turn the resource tap off slowly to the rest of space, choke the supply lines and destroy anything you cannot own.
let me put it here to because i think is very important for EVE
because I’m seeing CCP yet again taking a sub optimal path wen it comes to low sec
please devs try to look videos and words of people that understand low
like this one
Bro let’s not front. You can’t add anything meaningful discussion either
Wut. There should be blackout in all sectors of space
No I just pay the 20 for the one. Why would I want to spend my free time in a second online space job?
In the end, we need more content and more player agency.
We need more ways to kill, scam and outsmart each other.
Stories are only made when you risk real loss.
No one has cool WoW stories, except for ones that involve PvP.
All of my cool SWG stories? From PvP. Yennoe what was insanely boring but had to be done? Hours of group grinding missions on Dant to PL my template so I could PvP.
Make being out in space needed again. Make content in asteroid belts. At moons. Make people take risks that can actually get them caught out.
If the BRM scales from some lower minimum up to 100%, keeping the same scaling but changing the labels on the values so the minimum is 100% and it scales up from there would give the impression of the minimum being a “baseline” value and anything higher being a “bonus” while not actually changing the effect of those numbers. I can see a valid argument for a change like this to make players not feel like they’re having bounty profits “stolen” from them by the BRM. It makes the larger values feel like a reward, instead of making the lower values feel like a punishment.
I don’t know which is worse - highsec crybabies making death threats for their fallen ventures, or nullsec megalomaniacs screaming for more isk and more power.
Why does one have to be worse than the other? They can both be equally bad by complementing each other perfectly, like Hitler and Mussolini, or licorice and diabetes.