An Open and Honest Letter to CCP from an Alliance Leader

I mean no disrespect but that’s a pretty ambiguous line.

We came, we saw, and we still did nothing about it.

The reaction time of CCP is yrs, not months. By the time they do figure it out, will the lights still be on. My guess at this rate is no.

Bitter old vets are not only loyal to the game because they had to learn it the hard way, but it was we also shared it with the Dev’s. Seems the Dev’s back that then had a thicker skin and could take criticism and admit they made a mistake. And for admitting that they were just as human as we were, we gave them our loyalty (much like a cigarette brand :wink: ) and kept paying them money.

I don’t expect CCP to be perfect. What was half the fun was sharing the failures with them instead of them not admitting they made a mistake. “A patch is coming” was a standard joke to set a long skill set!

What we all want is to regain our virginity. Anit gonna happen… :frowning_face:


Now since I rested a bit, i decided to read a few lines more of the OP’s bear lullaby, he wants all the minerals available at his undock. :rofl:

Because he hasn’t all the minerals he wants at his undock then he has no reason to undock… going to buy is not a reason, going to reach out people is not a reason, going to do some trading is not a reason, going to melt some rat loot is not a reason… etc… the ENTIRE GAME is not a reason!

The only reason to undock is if the system has the smell of all possible minerals.

Also he wants the ISK in the ESS to be magically syphoned to his alliance wallet.

No wonder I turned my back to null sec, they only talked about mining and the PVP fleets were almost all just like that This Is EVE video made by the players.


What you left out was high sec and the massive alt fleets mining the basic ore and ice needed to fuel the Null and low sec operations. The use of ganking to eliminate high sec competition for the low end ores from players that don’t want to drink the Null sec Cool Aid. As high sec becomes more dangerous, industrialist and miners who just want to do their thing decide that eve is not for them and move to other games where they do not have to deal with the Null drama etc… Dont argue because it is true. New players are looking at this game and know that they will have a massive hill to climb just to play the game. Lies from CCP and blatant ignorance of the player base as well as the Price increases have drilled the final nails into the coffin. Sorry. the game is going down and your investments along with it. Here are a few ideas that might retain players.
Make it possible for players to hire npc logistic fleet support to cover them in high sec while delivering goods to market, and mining ores. For every point above a two standing the players are allowed to hire npc logi support. Make it affordable or your game is doomed and you are just riding the pony down the cliff.
Make it to where you can not delete a toon that has a negative security standing. This will make the six day generation time toward a new gank alt more enjoyable as it will require running missions and being a gank target in return.
Ganking is PVP and should not be removed, the null sec farmers in their alt corps just may burst a blood vessel and quit the game.


In my opinion, I really liked the changes in material requirements for capital ships. As the biggest and most powerful ships in the game, they should require more than the basic minerals to build. It has created a demand for gas and other materials that use to be basically worthless. Alphas can even capitalize on this and I have talked to some which were inspired to try out low sec for this reason. That is trickle down economics right there. However, with what it costs to build capital ships, they should have great reward and utility which I feel has been stripped from them. I strongly agree with changing the base BRM back to 100% or whatever it takes for capital pilots to want to undock again. They should have the rewards like they use to since they have the increase in material costs.

I don’t know if they should have access to ores in low sec as standard ores but it would really cool to see scannable ore sites again that would be across all types of space that would have a diffirent variety of all types astroid and moon ores but smaller amounts.

However, it doesn’t seem like these same material changes fir capitals should be necessary for faction ships. I know plenty of others have posted about this so I won’t go onto details.

I feel that structures got nerfed a little too hard. It seems that only large groups (like 30+ actually active people) will be able to hold them but that is only my opinion. I feel like small POS’s were never really replaced. Raitarus and Athanors are too defenseless and can get knocked over by 6 Leshaks or even less than that. It would be nice if those two could be able to launch a couple fighter squadrons and have another launcher hard point.

I will say that the Faction Campaigns are fun and are sorely needed. If a side is losing bad enough though like GalMil, that faction should increase rewards during the campaign to drive up participation. The ability to participate in FW without leaving a corporation needs to happen sooner than later. I will say keep the FW changes coming.


I would say that the most valuable gas is between low sec and null. High Sec has some of it but not as frequent as null or low.

Honestly deserves a thread of it’s own in in player features and ideas.
Getting Vegas style algos into space rocks like Diablo loot chests is not a bad notion.

I’d like to see Cult Simulator type timing and co-incidence in active (more rewarding) PI.

But CCP can do little about the very-real life-threatening reasons people are being shunted off line currently except maybe choose its charity drives more carefully.

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What is it Shines has posted that you disagree with and feel would cause harm to high sec?

It still is, don’t believe the memes, null sec is still the most dangerous space in terms of destruction:

0_produced_vs_mining_vs_destroyed.png (1920×1080) (

That’s not to say there isn’t room for improvement, we all want the big wars to return.

Which brings me to this:

High sec has the best carrots currently:

  • Abyssals - 200m-500m/hour
  • Burners - 200m-600m/hour
  • Incursions - 150m/hour

What exactly did high sec trade-off for these? High sec is:

  • Significantly safer due to Concord. Destruction graph above shows null has less players yet way more destruction.
  • Best convenience - Want to run abyssals all day? You don’t need to import your filaments en masse, the market hub is right around the corner.
  • Unique content - Burners/L4s don’t exist in sov null.

If you genuinely want balance between risk vs reward, the above are significant outliers.

So to answer your question:

  • Null risk vs reward changes - Delayed local, reduction in shield time of PANIC, reduction in warp core stab bonus of supers.
  • High risk vs reward changes - Move Burners and Incursions to low sec. Make Abyssals above T3 trigger suspect timer and leave L4s as they are.

Increasing revenue for nullsec causes disadvantage to everyone else. CCP wants people to spread out, and stop concentrating into blobs. While that might not be in the interest of megablob leadership, it is in the best interest of the game.

If you are not happy with the bounty risk modifier in your home system, CCP is sending you a very clear message that it’s time to either move to another system or kill the competition at home. Adapt or die. Fight or flight.


Any discussion around this is now lost in a sea of “i agree” posts by the rest of your alliance members, who were obviousy told to get on the forums and agree with this in a Putin style partial mobilisation.

Anywho, all your ideas to fix EVE revolve around your own gripes and ideas with null sec. This is a very SELF CENTERED plan to fix EVE.

The typical new player to EVE STARTS in high sec, and FINISHES in null sec, and when I say finishes I mean grows bored with the game and stops playing.

And yet by your reckoning the salvation of EVE revolves around null sec? The graveyard of player interest curves in the game.


Who gets to ask some of the fifty questions in the exam?

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Dunno but I assume perhaps Arya? :thinking:


Quite agree with your content on reforming the mining industry, but I have different opinions on the revision of ess.
First of all, you will notice that the ISK output of Pochven in recent months is much higher than that of null sec. If we increase the ISK output of null sec, inflation will inevitably occur.

No, they want you to put in effort. So instead of making it EASY they made it more worthwhile.

Yeah a half decent reason to undock caps would b nice. If i run a crab site for crap isk the whole of new eden knows im out in a super crabing. Ship costs 30b just for the hull never mind fit amd suport ships.
If i grab an ishtar instead and run 1 obs in poch i pay my ship off and have change for a mining barge too.
It would take months of solid grinding to pay for a super and even longer to build the damn thing.
Its grind central.
Last war with goons was so boring i sold all my caps.
Every one too scared to take a fight with caps.
Last few 6 months null has been so crap i have pretty much left it, as its been a boring grind fest. With not 1 good fight that i can think of.

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In drone lands there is hardly a system over 100%
If it is it has no sites.
When the 4 null blobs own 95% of the null map its not exacly easy to just say move else where.
The brm is a terible idea absolutely terrible.
Dont reduce the payment put more isk in the bank to defend or something. Even with that null is still ■■■■

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Agree with everything on the letter
My 2 cents

You have the AI, bring it to high sec low sec and null sec missions and sites. Higher rewards with killing npc logi marauders carriers dreads. Make fleet focused missions and sites. Bring content even for capital fleets, supers and titans with time restrictions.
BS sized miner that sieges and has a panic, now that alongside with new heavily populated by npc’s rich null mining sites will surely bring more content
If you dont want to undo scarcity buff capitals. +2 high slot modules for carriers/dreads/faxes, x-large smartbombs, bring back drones to moros and buff other dreads. Undo nerf of fighters damage to small crafts, its really miniscule. Supercapital sized reppers and big buff to faction dreads/supers/titans EHP/Cap/cap recharge.

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Building is too damn complex.

If you can’t build a basic T1 Battleship from highsec ores alone, then nobody outside of the clique nullblocs will do it.

Forcing group play and materials from half a dozen play-styles is a terrible business model. Should it be a +1 for prospering? Sure… but to require materials that exist in 4 separate and distinct eco-systems (Null, Low, High, J-Space), all of which are inhabited by 4 entirely different play styles is absolutely idiotic.

T1 items, across the board, should be buildable 100% from highsec materials, T2 & T3 items and Super Capitals should be the only exception.

Less complexity.
Fewer materials.
Shorter build times.
Shorter research times.

The game revolves around ships and blowing them up. If that can’t be done at-will by anyone and everyone then who TF is gonna log in???

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I find it amazing, because this is a MMO, no one should be playing this as if it was a single player game.

People should interact and create business partnerships, this is what keeps people in EVE.

What CCP could do is make it even more clear that people have to come together for achieving goals… or have more alts.