The OP did come across as a watered-down whine, a reasoned rant. But I read it, all of it.
I live in Highsec; my impression was that almost all of the post was concerned with reinvigorating Nullsec in an attempt to retain/attract active players.
I may be wrong, but I think the writer believes that his suggestions will improve the game as a whole; a sort of trickle-down effect. I’m sceptical.
But one of his suggestions which I’m absolutely against is that of reverting the subscription increase.
It was a reasonable change, given current and past commercial pressures. The Company offered (and continues to offer) attractive discounted deals. I’ll probably have to retire one of my accounts and replace it with an Alpha; that’s fine.
No. This was always a garbage mechanic. Making HiSec, LowSec, and NullSec unique for materials is a good thing. LowSec has never seen as much activity, even with declining numbers.
I disagree. The price rise isn’t justified IMHO because the game quality has dropped as has the reason to log in. Why pay more for a reduced/inferior product than the one you were used to?
It’s not profitable to build because you people overbuilt everything. Giving you more minerals and more money isn’t going to solve this issue; it’s just going to make it worse. How daft do you need to be to not understand the basic supply/demand curve concept as an apparent “industrialist?”
Not when the only way to “keep them happy” is by gorging them like French geese a month before Christmas.
Bravo. I wholeheartedly agree. If we had good reasons to login rather than just be treated by CCP like a cash cow then maybe we’d all re-subscribe again… I unsubbed 7 accounts and I’m not missing Eve in it’s current form at all.
This is what we are trying to get across. Just because you hate a demographic of the game it doesn’t mean that their wishes aren’t valid and should at least be considered. Hate Krabs all you want - though the two guys lashing out at everyone else in the thread don’t seem to know what a Krab is - but drive people out of the game and you have no game.
Don’t know why you all bother responding to a troll.
Bottomline, OP has some constructive ways of pushing the game forward before it tanks. Don’t agree with everything, but do agree with having some positive steps to help players play … especially those of us who don’t necessarily want to be in larger alliances. But either way, nice to get some concrete and actionable type suggestions out.
Yep. It is rather remarkable how they continue to spew vitriol at others while claiming the others are the bad ones. Evading direct questions just to throw some further attacks.
What’s the phrase, “every accusation is a confession”?
I am a Null Sec player, my friends are Null Sec players. These changes are not the holy grail of Null Sec changes, they are the most basic bare minimum changes CCP could do to stop the bleed of players, including Null Sec players.
Its also fantastic you can afford the sub price. However not everyone can, and with the amount of nerfs in game, with the increased plex price, it becomes a two pronged problem. Snobbery will get you no where.
Whatever you say about me at least I’m not you. A person so twisted you would happily see the game end rather than see other people enjoy a gameplay style you don’t like.