An Open and Honest Letter to CCP from an Alliance Leader

I don’t know that I agree with that perspective either. Yes the instant gratification stereotype exists for a reason, but I think those that would play the game can see that risk/reward ratio for investment of their time into the game at this point isn’t worth the squeeze; they would rather cure cancer/sow a new utopia/etc instead…

this null bear is so entitled that he wrote a full Bible about how to save EVE!

He thinks people should read that

People should read it if they want to talk about it.

Accepting differing viewpoints then forming your own perspective is how we learn and grow as people and a population.


Okay, I accept that many of his proposals would primarily encourage lapsed nullsec players to resub; but if you’re willing to suggest that his solutions would damage other areas of the game, I’m genuinely interested to know your own proposals for stemming the exodus, especially as a Corp leader whose business is largely conducted in hi-sec.


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No no!
Every week there’s a guy and it’s always the mineral butt hurt

I’m done with the weekly whine about the mineral changes, this people should be allowed to whine about it only once a year, let’s make it on 7th July and no more.

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I see it every single day in Rookie Help chat, and it has only gotten worse over the years.

“You mean I have to travel 15 jumps? How do I autopilot?”
“You mean I have to wait 3 days for this skill to train? That’s stupid.”

And many, many more…

I think CCP made the correct decision. Scarcity is reducing resource bloat in the mega alliances. The game needs less titans and keepstars. Meanwhile, by raising subscription prices, CCP can afford to hire programmers and do the difficult work of improving game mechanics. It will take years, but I think CCP has made the correct decision. The player count is not important. Quality is far more important than quantity.

The game is a lot of fun, particularly small group PvP. CCP has correctly refocused their attention on lowsec, and I think that is a good plan.


This. It will take years to undo the years of unmitigated ISK feasting that null sec enjoyed…


I do not disagree, and that’s where I think the Expert Systems were intended to fit in.

They were just very poorly thought out and implemented, in my perspective, especially as rentals instead of ‘discount new character boosts’

Ok, thanks for that; so many on these forums are quick to tear down suggestions without providing alternatives if their own. I’m not sure your solution will work but, given this appears to be the chosen course for CCP, I guess we’ll all find out.

Is July 7 special?

Each year on July 7th, pasta lovers across the nation dig into one of their favorite noodles on National Macaroni Day to celebrate.

From now on we will only be accepting whiny threads about mineral changes on the National Macaroni Day.

I honestly think CCP is doing a great job.

Reinvesting in the foundational code is an excellent long-term strategy, which will ensure that the game can continue to grow over the next decade. Breaking up the nullblobs, and prioritizing smallgroup activity, will make the game more enjoyable.


Small gang activity is where the fun is at. I see no enjoyment in 500 vs 500 fights with 50 Titans on-grid where the tidi is so bad that you press a button and five minutes later your weapon fires, or you’re in a pod…


The best part is that they think that showing up in a fleet of 500 using a generic fit ship that’s fully covered by SRP, and then leech-spamming kill mails by one-clicking broadcast targets, makes them “elite PvPers” unlike all the “ganker and wardec trash.”


People in nullsec complain about the lack of targets, but the real problem is they’ve got too many blues, and defensive intel channels are too efficient. Blackout was the right idea. After the nullblobs disintegrate, there will be plenty of targets.


CCP prioritized lowsec, and we should expect the player count to decrease, as nullblobs dissipate. However, in the future, there will be more lowsec players.


Wonderful story telling! Passionate, honest, truthful, and relatable. Hope to Heaven the Powers that Be actually see this and are moved. You certainly moved me.

o7 Respect and Admiration.

If they want a target so badly, they can always come and shoot me. But they won’t. They’ll just whinge about how my “ganking” (interesting how they lump everyone who engages in non-arena PvP as a “ganker”) is going to suffer if CCP drives them away from the game by not giving them a few more trillions of ISK. Also, null-sec residents give more salt in local when getting caught in high-sec during wars than literally anyone else. Even high-sec miners don’t cry as much as these people do.

By the way, notice how they’ve pretty much stopped posting? Their attention span ran out within a few hours, and now they don’t even remember this thread exists because they’ve gone back to grinding their PvE. It’s okay though, in a few months when another one of these threads is made, they’ll dust off their single-digit-post characters to ensure that their “voice is heard.”

I actually can’t believe that the ISD are allowing such blatant brigading and manipulation. If they wanted to create an impartial forum environment, this thread would’ve been closed after 30 posts.


It’s funny they start the thread with “An Open Letter” bla bla bla

As if they were some kind of space Mandela being oppressed by the mineral changes while suffering in their Keepstar as if it was a prison or something


The minimum should be -100%. Grindbears can then take solace in putting their honest days work in and reaching for that profit goal.

Also ESS should capture 100% of the rat bounties until defended. No free lunch in “scary PVP” nullsec.


“Give us more zero effort grind income for N+1 groups so we can keep taxing our players and get space rich for… reasons”

:Whole thread is full of N+1 replies from people who never post:
