An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

Ugh, are you saying I should keep a list of alts of players who I don’t particularly like?

It was annoying enough to keep up with Balos and his alts, or Ridley and his alts, Brewlar and alts, now you’re saying I should keep a list of Epeen alts as well?

I mean, fine.

We cant really roll back on any of that stuff.

It’s too late now.

Obviously not. Those are words you are attributing to me. Not anything I said.

For sure on the only one of importance. The one that went further at changing the core of the game than anything else before or since. A change that Brisc wholeheartedly supports.

Selling SP

Please describe how the individuals who have issued this declaration or have signalled their support of it are profiting from fraud. I challenge you to re-read the OP and find a single false statement within it.

The post was necessary to draw a line where open discussion had suggested none was required. It remains necessary because of the damming lack of response.

You are welcome to your smug backseat CSMing as you’ve crippled any chance of earning the respect required for appointment to the real deal.

Tell me how tritely marketed material acquisition tools sits on the grave scale of “Death is a serious matter!”. Hardcore enough for you?

But imagine if we did.

Think of a miner. He grinds a lot and sells his ore for isk. And then he trades that isk with a Plex seller who then buys a PvP ship to have fun with his friends.

What happens when Plex gets more expensive because of lower supply? The miner has to grind longer and get more ore. The Plex seller gets more isk for his Plex and can use a more expensive ship in PvP.

And vice versa if we increase the supply and lower the price of Plex.


I mean there is a glaring omission in this paragraph.

I believed I was playing an open world Sandbox with a player run economy, but it’s clear that this is not the case any longer. Abyssal private space and now these magic ships placed in a station of your choice mean I need to re-evaluate. I need to consider carefully if this is the kind of game I want to invest my time in where my efforts in game are devalued so casually.

CCP have worn away at some of the key design fundamentals over the years, however this is one of the most blatant examples, especially unpalatable given the lack of any direct input within the sandbox to make these assets come into existence; never mind the loss of any sense of place and time due to a lack of any logistics required. How long before you can pay real world money to move your assets around?

The lack of a heads up from CCP means they either don’t care about the views of players or didn’t think there would be any negative reaction. Either way this doesn’t look good on them.

I sign this open letter also.


Rollback on this would be nice, but not realistic, given CCP’s trackrecord, and seeing that well, it’s no longer CCP, it’s PA.

turns the lights off

My mistake.

Maybe you should not use words like “charlatan” if you don’t know what they mean.

Of course it’s not realistic. I was agreeing with what it was you said that I quoted.

CCP/PA probably make more from extractor sales than subs or PLEX. Billions of SP extracted at $50 per 10 extractors. And just to keep the party going, they hand out millions more SP every month from the daily log-in crap. They’ve made extraction the new core mechanic.

Ain’t no way that’ll ever stop.

But this has natural balancing factor in the economy: if plex becomes more expensive, fewer people will buy pex in the game, and more people will be inclined to buy a plex pack when it buys more goods.

Additionally speculators with large amounts of plex will start to sell it when the price rises and will buy it when the price is low.

Finally, if these balancing mechanisms aren’t enough, CCP can indirectly infuence the ingame price of plex with sales that either add more plex (plex sales) or extract plex (NES item sales for plex).

So yes, while plex value can vary, the impact of adding extra plex to the game has very little impact on the player-based economy as long as CCP also has enough plex sinks.

Ha, it may have been an improper use of the term but it doesn’t mean committing fraud either.

With regards to isk maybe. With regards to specific items I don’t think so.

If ALL miners plexed their accounts I would imagine it would self regulate. However, because increases in Plex prices would mean that some miners mined more and other miners would continue as before, the ratio of ore availability would not be a 1:1 exchange with the availability of Plex.

I would think the majority of plex trades are plex → ISK and the other way around. And the ISK gained that way will then be used to trade for specific items.

So I don’t really see how the ratio of plex to ISK may have balancing factors, but not the ratio of plex to items.

When you start mining career agent…


The self-righteous indignation on this thread is droll. If the roles were reversed, I would totally exploit the dumb newbs to achieve the game’s performance metrics and get my annual bonus. The new players don’t stick around anyway, so what difference does it make? The older, vocal players don’t buy much more than an occasional discounted annual subscription - they are unmilkable.

On-and-on with the ideas of how to get people to pay handsomely for structure skins. Does anybody know how much programming and art resources that would eat up? Those people are busy designing the ads for the newb deals and developing the next crossover promotion.

How long can this corpse of a game hang on? They are right to milk it dry.


Have you read some of the recent Steam reviews? They’re a real trip:


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That game sounds pretty cool tbh.


I am not a goon. But I support your argument brisc.


I fear that Hilmars’ trans-humanist sympathies have modified the dna of the game.
It once was a game about the punishing consequences of ineptitude and striving for excellence. Now it appears as a panderer to globalist ideals.

CCP owns it.
You will be happy.


I came to EvE specifically because I heard crybabies whining about how hard it was, and how it wasn’t noob friendly, and I thought, “Now that sounds like a challenging game…”

I hope CCP remembers that for every whiny carebear, there is someone else who plays EvE specifically because it offers a challenge.

Some of us don’t want another boring farmville.