Ancient Aliens

I think semantics are swedish, I as a nonnative english speaker also have other semantics in mind, dont be surprised I could talk like an alien sometimes. :sweat_smile:

BTW, about cows, aliens may have found a solution to it.

But on more serious note, that is slightly unnerving when you hear how it could really look.

From both things, I would rather choose aliens doing it to cattle and not humans. Disgusting stuff.

Meh its all the same either way round tbh.

Carnivore rodents aka mice eat the softer tissues of corpses. Since they’re dead they don’t bleed and mice eat out any parts softer than skin. This is what explained the alleged goatsucker attacks in Argentina.

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Like Cabybara sized rodents??

And for the record, my semantics are just fine. So there :stuck_out_tongue:

Murderous giant mice from outer space. Eeeeek! :scream:

Hmm I think there was some film with similar title. :thinking:

Well at one point rule 34 was “if you can think of it, it has come from outer space in some film or comic”.

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In earlier ages, people attributed similar stuff to witches and other magical crap. I guess it’s just the famous infinite human stupidity rearing its ugly head again.

Well, you sir have just earned your place here :slight_smile:

Apparently Russians where the first on the moon :slight_smile:

Russians had these toys. Its moon rover toy. Novelty of its time.

The real one still stay on the moon. If any future human civilization thousand years in future forgets it and ever visit moon, they will find it and say: “We found some alien artifacts”. \o/
That could effectively make it a future alien artifact, just not from our point of view, we still remembering it. :wink:

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I have not read the entire post but I plan too.

I could write a huge wall of text but for this audience it’s not needed.

I would be the first to dismiss all the wild conspiracy theories. Isn’t interesting though that humans have been on earth for 200,000 years give or take. How do you explain that we went from riding horses to sending probes outside the solar system in 120 years? Purely looking at technology, how did we come so far in just 120 years?

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That is a thought provoking thing. Outbursts in technology can be really shortlived and then when purpose for the technology, or when civilization that had needs for this technology collapses, its like reinventing everything again. But sometimes its not needed.

A lot of recent technology is sometimes forgotten because we have something that is replacing it. Where will it end? Maybe we will not need so much technology at all, and bioengineered things will replace everything. We could live in houses that are growed from seeds, or in mushrooms, like smurfs. :thinking:

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Yes, life writes the best jokes.

There is only one way to deal with flat earth believers in a scientifically proper manner. I say we should take them all and send them far away from our planet. That will show them its round. :sunglasses:

If you want a simple answer, one that is extremely satisfying but requires a deep understanding of the simplification behind it, the answer would be one name.

James Clerk Maxwell.

If we could trace the 20th centrury back to a single man, that would be Maxwell. He formulated electromagnetism, which is the physical science behind our world. The idea that electricity an magnetism could be two expressions of a same phenomenon created massive shockwaves in our world. Everything electric works because of Maxwell’s formulas. Realitivistic phsyics were born indirectly because of Maxwell, and from them quantum mechanics.

You’re watching a LED display. The light you see comes from a quantum phenomenon that was discovered accidentally while trying to improve transistors, which were discovered also accidentally while trying to determine the properties of semiconductors. Semiconductors were researched because of their posible application in electronics, a variety of elecricity which was born from the understanding on how a moving magnet crated a current in a conductor. That current also generated waves that moved through spce, which allowed to convey information between different points throguh the technology called radio. But, all known waves rippled some kidn of medium, what medium was rippled by electromagnetic waves? That created the theory of aether, which was disproven, and the final nail on its coffin was a dude called Einstein who figured that you don’t need aether when time, space, matter and energy are just different aspects of a same thing, the spaceime continuum. But also, the research in electricity and the funny ways it interacted with matter led to the dsicoverry of atoms and their properties… I could go on and on, but I think your’e starting to see a picture here.

A man took everything mankind knew of electricty, everythign mankind knew of magnets, and figured why things worked as thry worked, and created a few questions which lead su eventally to the stars and atomic energy, and computers, and widespread electricity, and radio technologies (radio, tv, cellphones) and a lot of our world.

Add in chemistry and biology and you’ll have 90% of our modern world. Why? Because of curiosity guided by method. Science.

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At the same time these computers are really not reliable build. And actually people dont care much because you can replace them. They break every day. But what would happen if one day you could not replace those computers? What will happen with future computers? :thinking:

Will remains of the current ones be shown thousands of years in future in some seedy UFO museum with a plaque - “unknown alien artifact”? :smile:

Good points. I’m a big fan of late 19th century and early 20th century Physicists and Mathematicians including Einstein and Maxwell. I read several books on Einstein, I’m a big fan.

If these men were responsible was it just a freak of nature they were all brought together at that time in history?

We cant change history, but we can forget about it and stumble upon it thousands of years in future.
But now its a lot harder to forget something since we have data storage. Question is for how long it will stay stored and if its feasible to store everything. :thinking: