Ancient Aliens

Yeah, a projection of an ammunition would be good.

I was misquoting you, kiddo. You are actually nuts. I don’t often say this about people because I know real crazy people are very rare, but it looks like one actually showed up.

Yes, you’re the one projecting me as making no sense, and then aggravating.

Yes, and you are trying to make me crazy, so, I can’t be friends with you.

Yeah, we’re enemy buddy.

This isn’t even a sentence. You claim to know english, but you are not using it very well at all. Everything you post is garbled gibberish that barely qualifies as broken english. The next time someone asks you if you’re not very good at english, the correct answer is, “yes,” because you actually suck at it. It could have been forgiven if you were willing to admit it, but you either suck at english, or you’re high, or both, and you can call that an attack all you want, I’m merely making observations and trying to point out why you might be completely incoherent.

All the crap you’ve posted, and you’ve said ultimately nothing except take personal offence at me not accepting stupid theories of alien visits. Get real, dude, you ain’t all that.

Go to hell .

Or what?

What do you mean by or what?

You’re saying that like if there was an option.
Not gonna happen.

I am going to use your own word against you.

Including the diversion and attempts to try to make me look bad , against you.
It’s more than obvious what those diversion are for.

Or what? I mean exactly that. What are you going to do about it if I don’t go to hell? Who even are you? Some random crazy person on the internet. One out of a few thousand that have told me to ‘get bent’ or ‘go to hell’ and I still haven’t done either. I don’t even believe in hell. I mean, part of me hopes there is one, cuz I’d love to meet Christopher Hitchens, but it’s highly unlikely.

What do you mean if you don’t go to hell?
You are the one doing it yourself.
Don’t believe in hell or not, it’s not going to change the fact.
You don’t want to be friendly, you’re hostile, think you can attack opinion and hope others do the same ,
“because you say so”, like if it was not a way to cause them to lose their rights to opinion by interfering against the opinion of others.

You know, there are very good reasons I do copyright people like you as news.
And it’s for protecting the rights of others to be warned of potential damage they may be subjected to.

You don’t just struggle with writing it, but also reading it apparently. I’ll try to keep this simple for you.

Hell is a myth. So are aliens visiting earth. They are stories told to make money off gullible fools like you who go off to buy the books and the documentaries and all that money goes into the pockets of charlatans taking you for a ride. You’re the one getting screwed by all this, and you’re a victim of misinformation. Not my problem, and if you’re going to treat factual corrections as personal attacks on you, that is also not my problem. It is, in fact, yours, and a personal one at that. So cry me a river.

Yeah I know, you keep trying to make me seem to be struggling and justify more warfare.

Have it yourself.
Mental health also is a myth, and everyone is crazy including you.

The books I buy are more for law, and for court cases , and for school in relation to those systems, so I can make hardware for military.
What about you?

No man, we’re enemy and I have to make military system to deal with you.
You’re trying to make it seem like if it is not.
Also not my problem.
I think I should invest in psychological warfare against you.
To make you taste of some of your own medecine.
No, I want to get money for work from that.
It would solve the problem and I would get enough money.
I also don’t see why we should leave the money to those guys you mention …
Like, are you working with them or associate with them?

You just seem more annoying than that.

Justify more warfare? What warfare? I’m not doing anything of the sort. I only came here to point out why the idea that aliens visited ancient earth is dumb, and what evidence is against it. How on earth did you connect that to war? What is going on in your head to make such a dumb correlation? Those a rhetorical questions, by the way. It’s a stupid correlation and you’re definitely on crack or something.

I don’t care which, that’s not my problem.

I’m not the kind of person to ask.
I prefect acting.
It’s less waste of time.

Yeah, you’re the one attacking and then trying to blame it on me.

Again, that was not a reply to anything I just said. There is some kind of delusion going on with you and it’s not healthy. A mod really needs to take you off these forums and you need to go see a doctor. A real one.

Please, make sure not to talk to me anymore to simplify others’ life instead of wasting their time.

It’s simply negative.

Yes, as you should know, they also have doctors in Australia as everywhere else on the planet.
Psychology also is a medical science in medical school.

Nah mate, I’ll talk to whoever I like, and I’ll criticise bad ideas when and where I see them. If you take that as a personal attack, that’s your problem. Your personal problems are not my problem. That’s what makes them personal.

Anyways, I’m not going to read you.
That’s your own negative problem.
I currently solve problem for work and business and that is the problem and the solution.
I also have to get a medical insurance for my family as you also have to see doctors.
However, since I did have to transport medical records of patients like you in a hospital, it’s also not only unethical to discuss, but it can also lead to other problems.

Maybe I’m wrong, maybe aliens did come to earth, and you’re one of their descendants :joy: