Ancient Aliens

Not only that, but if we reach a solar system, we’d be aliens there too.
Not only here.
Anyways find someone else.
Admin already knew.

We’re not aliens here, we evolved on this planet.

Yes, the point is for how long and how, and what was evolved before, and regressed, and evolved again, and should evolve more.

yeah, I’m lucky my family has a personal relation with the Pentagon due to the US Military medical department.
You talking to me, about me having to pay trillions or other medical bills, when I don’t, isn’t going to make it less military.
They also specialize in psychological warfare.
Hates to make me have to say it , even if there was doctor with Apollo project, who, like you said, made no sense, or that it was stressed, if it increases vulnerability.

@CCP_Falcon CCP, give us back PM’s. :psyccp::psyccp::psyccp:

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Maybe it’s better to remove all messages?

First of all, there is no ‘regression’. That’s not a real thing. Evolution is change over time, adaptation to the environment. As for how long? Live has been evolving on earth for a couple billion of years. All life on earth has a common ancestor, as much can be seen in the shared common structure of DNA, RNA, vertebrate and invertebrate physiology in general, etc. Evolution isn’t a step-by-step process, we don’t ‘evolve again’ or ‘evolve more’ because we’re always evolving. Every species on earth is. Lactose tolerance is a recent evolutionary adaptation of barely 4,000 years that is still ongoing, for example.

Now, there is a theory that the first single-celled life on earth came from space, maybe from Mars, but the life that evolved here as a result is adapted to the conditions of the planet: gravity, air pressure, and environmental considerations such as food, available water, etc. That’s why some species of life only live in certain parts of the world, by the way, and can’t survive in others. In fact, there are plenty of places on earth that are uninhabitable by humans as well. What matters is the places that we adapted to are all on earth, and none of them are on Mars or any other planet. We can trace our evolutionary ancestry back a very long time with incredible accuracy.

The regression that’s mentioned is when methods used to lift thousand tons blocks are not possible now.
Not for everything, but some methods used were more advanced before.
Obviously , forgotten methods were used, which we are trying to find.
We can probably do better, and I don’t think that launching satellite is easier tbh.
Certainly not reaching past Pluto.
That takes a lot of calculation and accuracy level enough not to get lost.

Anyways, I’m busy with getting married, so, until then.
That also means that I not only have no use to be half or 10 percent as crazy as some would like me to be , but also after marriage.

It’s not some responsibility for sanity that goes away and that someone has less responsibility to raise a child in virtue.
(Not in vices, or non-sense, obviously.)
So lots of people here will have to be kept at bay for long enough.

Firstly, that’s not a regression. We forget ancient knowledge because we develop better methods over time, and the old ways become obsolete. That’s called ‘progress’.

Secondly, thousand ton blocks were very rare, and thirdly, the methods to move them are well known and easily replicated. There were quite a few, which included wetting the sand down in front of the block to harden it, so the block wouldn’t sink, making it easier to just drag. You can also see the divets in all the heavy blocks where metal or stone hooks were attached and removed when the block had been put in place.

I posted a video above that goes over all of this, and all the lies told in Ancient Aliens, and easily debunks them. It’s your choice if you watch it or not, and it’s your choice if you absorb the information it has.

Pretty please?


I’ve seen part of that video, but I’m too busy, and have to get work to move to Europe to get married so I have very little time for this at 50 years old.
The ones you mention are some of the problems solved.
There are some that are not solved yet.

They also found the regressions to be caused during cataclysm on earth.
The findings are meant to be used for improving defenses against those cataclysm, so to better protect our knowledge and understanding.

Give me one example.

Some are in the videos posted as for the blocks size and heights they were raised.
Ropes to lift a 1200 tons block may have required a crane or some method to get them up.
Maybe they used other raised blocks to move them around as cranes, or parts of cranes.
One video suggested ponds of water, raised, to float them up.
They’re finding more ways to cut the blocks and drill them with tools of the time and sand and water.

There should be more cataclysm in the future, those are similar to astronomical forces on earth which increases death rate and makes birth rate harder to maintain , as it diminishes.
Most of it is unearthed every years, and new methods find more hidden secrets buried and under water.

What about those 30 feet human like forms skeletons?
Those don’t look like gorilla.
Some are even more large and lived when mammoths were on earth.
This is the part that they don’t know yet, and they wonder about the aliens to verify if there was none.
I’m not so concerned about hoax or the truth for the matter.
I don’t believe in hoax as something viable for income.
I have never needed to use that and should not.
There are other forces doing it for some reasons.

If you give me some time I can link the video but it’s 3:06 AM here and I have to be up in around 4 hours to go apply for work.

I think this one. I am not sure.
It’s only 10 minutes.
They found skeletons buried of those.

Yes, one 50 foot long human skeleton in Mongolia.

This is one video of heavy stones.
Many of which could not be moved today (with today’s system, machines).

No, they didn’t. No such thing exists. People are making up nonsense, and you’re falling for it.

We also know exactly how they moved the heaviest ancient blocks known to man. Which means we also know how they moved all the others. These things are not mysteries, mate.

You mean, they made up a human skeleton?

Scientist would find the DNA problem if it was not true and the hoax would be uncovered and the liars discredited for it.

You’re the one saying I’m falling for it. I don’t,
I’d rather be against them if they tried.

How did they move the heaviest ancient blocks known to man?
If you know exactly how and didn’t tell me, why do they not know?

The 2 one thousand tons statues , number 4, were done 12,000 years ago, before pyramids.

Where is it? Where is this 30ft tall HUMAN skeleton? What museum is it in? If not a museum, then where is it stored? Such a scientific discovery would not be easily hidden, and there’d be no reason to hide it in the first place.

Yes, they are making it up. It doesn’t exist.

And what DNA problem? There is no DNA problem. We’ve mapped the Genome quite efficiently and solve all kinds of problems all the time.

and I did tell you how they moved the heaviest blocks. They wet the sand, tied ropes to some metal hooks in the block, and dragged it over the course of days. They didn’t have to move it that far to begin with. This stuff is not a mystery to anyone except people who haven’t actually looked up the factual information because they’d prefer to believe that humans are incapable of figuring things out for ourselves therefore it must have been aliens.

See, this is what annoys me the most to be honest, is the idea that aliens helped us. We didn’t need the ■■■■■■■ help.

ah yes, archeologist have it, it’s in Mongolia and was found there.

My uncle was an archeologist in Algeria in the 1980s, late 1970s.

It’s not hidden,

Btw, it was not 30 but 50 feet.

To move the block is a lot easier than to raise it in the air, or upright, or above other blocks, or moved down hallways, and so on.

Part of it they don’t know.
They did move blocks over water on barges and literally filled the pyramids with water to raise the blocks up.
There are other structures besides the pyramids, older than that.

15 meters is longer than 30 feet.
4:33 mark

There is no proof of alien so far, they simply investigate to verify.
It should not be because of fear.
There is no scientific proof that is published about it, and the knowledge is mostly human which has been lost due to communication problems.
Cataclysm caused those losses, and research managed to find it.
They are literally trying to reverse engineer the parts that are missing.

It’s not hard to cut a 1,000 or 3,000 stone block, they used saw and sand with water.
The same method was use to drill.
It was slow, but efficient.

There is however, some drill holes which required more speed than the best earth drill at this time, and they don’t know how they build it or how it worked, but they did it then.
I can probably find that video tomorrow evening in around 16 hours from now after I come back from looking for work.
Of course that video has other thing in it, but the drill may be some of the most advanced systems of the time.

One of my last job was to work with heavy forklift able to lift 15,000 lbs.
That’s 15 tons. There were 2 larger tractors there on site, most likely able to move more weight.
2 of those can move over 15 tons together.

I moved 2 tons with my legs myself in the 1980s.
I am not the weakest person on the block or district.
Human can lift 7 times their weight, normally.

Water barges with blocks were pulled by ropes onto site, and lifted by ponds.

How were the pyramids of egypt really built - Part 1

Now, some of those blocks like the 1,000 tons statues were too large to move up the Nile.
So, they’d have had to build a dam on the side to put it on.
Or they had another method to do the trip once, or twice, in this case.
It seems they mention the blocks were cuts in pieces, which could half the weight to 500 tons, each, 4 times.

This is the one thing they could not verify yet.
They don’t know what cause those.
They are made like a hoax, yet, they can’t verify how yet.

This is the largest block on earth, however, it was not moved.
They mention of ways to move it, however, I didn’t and could not verify yet.
It was abandoned possibly due to cataclysm.
It would have been a good exercise to cut it, if abandoned, to be continued later.
It could have been the largest moved block / stone.

This one has a mention that they don’t know how it was cut.
I read and heard it was done with saw, round stones to hammer into a polish (they polished with sand and water).

Their writing states:
One of the lost technologies towards the end of the Bronze Age was stonecraft and ancient masonry technology. A technology that cannot even be replicated by our modern mechanical machines, from lathes to diamond-bit drills. All of the ancient stonecraft seen in Incan and Egyptian monuments and stoneware show smooth and slick surfaces, which means the rock was not processed in the manner that archaeologists claim.

I also did landscaping work, and worked at a stone cutting company.
Funny enough, the workers and owner are mostly all from Iran. One man was from India or Pakistan.

This is a drilling video, I don’t remember watching it yet.

Cataclysms, and passage of knowledge.

Civilisation didn’t start in Sumeria and Egypt around 3,500 BC; it began 10,000 years before in great cities which subsequently suffered a cataclysm. An entire episode in the human story was rubbed out, a chapter not of unsophisticated hunter gatherers but of advanced technology.

More underwater cities, 5 km away from the shore. Some in Cambodia.

The video I posted debunks everything you just wrote. Except the massive human skeleton. It doesn’t exist.

Do you mean in the beginning of that video?

They could have achieve greater force with more people and ropes.
One thing is, one of the hydraulic power of the time was water.
Additionally, the tractor are all manned by one person.
They are of course manufactured, and many engineers and architect work on them for design and so on.

The parts I mention they don’t know is the data they are verifying.
They do find more details, and the methods are more accurate as to how it was feasible then and with what.
It’s not we don’t have the power to do it.
As I mentioned before, nuclear power is more than 10 times more powerful than all of those together, including the weight of the whole pyramids.
That power is not applied directly towards making a pyramid or moving a megaton block, or 20 megaton block.

Yes, I only watched part of it yet, I heard parts about the Arc of the Covenant.
Maybe the methods offered were general ideas as how to solve some of the problems involved.
Some details would not fit.
I will watch it later when I have time after I get work, I need more money for my fiancée and I"m in court with the military police and won’t have time before.
I tried to explain and you called me as bad.
Sorry, but I’m too old for that.